Women with 50-100+ lbs to lose?!



  • cinnag4225
    cinnag4225 Posts: 126 Member
    edited June 2016
    I didn't set out (immediately) to lose weight. I was about 302 when my appetite changed (combination of stress and weather changing). From about April 25 to May 31 I lost a little over 16 lbs without trying. June 1st hit and I thought "I've done this well. I don't want to gain it back!" This morning my weigh-in was 282.

    My ideal/dream weight would be about 170-180. I know that I could technically be fine as low as 150, but tbh the thought of anything under 170 sounds and feels too low. Maybe I'll change my mind if/when I reach that point. My first goal however is to get back to 235, which was my weight when hubby and I started dating. 47 out of 67 to go!
  • lisacarey729
    lisacarey729 Posts: 1 Member
    Add me pls
    Current 257 want to hit 150 ultimately
    Working with personal trainer 3 X week too
  • Deannjay
    Deannjay Posts: 19 Member
    Add me.
    Current weight: 217
    Goal weight: 160
  • Bryantv20
    Bryantv20 Posts: 4 Member
    That's awesome my goal is 180
  • anbodey90
    anbodey90 Posts: 1 Member
    Right here! I had my son 9 months ago. In those 9 months I almost died, was in and out of hospitals with my son, lost 3 very close family members and have dealt with a lot of depression surrounding my weight. I've begun walking 4-5 miles a day, lifting weights and have continued eating a healthy diet. I'm determined to lose 50 pounds!

    Top weight: 206 (the day I delivered my son)
    Current weight: 197
    Goal weight: 145
  • brandyrogers1981
    brandyrogers1981 Posts: 2 Member
    You can add me.. SW:220 CW: 197 GW: 125.. I have been on adipex for almost a week and so far I feel amazing. I havent weighed bc I am scared I will get discouraged and want to give up
  • kateena01
    kateena01 Posts: 2 Member
    edited June 2016
    44 year old nonprofit executive, wife, and mother to 3 teenage daughters.
    SW 255
    CW 230
    Goal: Short term, I would just love to be under 200 again. That's not happened since college. I'm trying to be very active, doing Zumba 3x's/week and riding bikes or hiking 2-3x's/week. I love food tho....especially carbs. But I'm logging every bite and trying hard to eat better.
  • SunnyDayzMomma
    SunnyDayzMomma Posts: 114 Member
    Hi there! I've lost 62 pounds so far, and have 30 more to go!
  • megafoxfae
    megafoxfae Posts: 2 Member
    Yes! Lets do this! My highest was 213 in january but now im 17 down and onky have 44 to go! Its hard by yourself but easier with support!
  • ogmomma2012
    ogmomma2012 Posts: 1,520 Member
    Add Me!
    SW: 262lbs
    CW: 190 (gained from emotional events in the past month, lowest was 183)
    GW: 130
  • llmisskittenll
    llmisskittenll Posts: 1 Member
    Graciefab wrote: »
    Don't know if it counts, but I had over a hundred to lose when I started.

    SW: 251
    CW: 161
    GW: 140

    Yes! Can I ask what you did to lose the weight and how long? Did you use the calories mfp gave you also? Thank you! We have similar start weights and goal weights so just curious

    Me too!
  • Hey, anyone feel free to add me, I need some friends with similar goals.

    SW 294
    CW 283
    GW 220

    Height 6foot
  • daniip_la
    daniip_la Posts: 678 Member
    Add me if you like! I'm a meticulous logger and pretty active.

    SW 368
    CW 323
    GW 168
  • megbugs
    megbugs Posts: 107 Member
    SW: October 2015: 256
    CW: 202
    GW: 160 and reassess
  • Akgramma
    Akgramma Posts: 66 Member
    Please feel free to add me.
    CW: 186.8
    GW: 135

    @AmyLouPelt - I definitely hear you! I'm not fond of cooking either, especially since it is only me and my husband. It's very hard to scale down my cooking when I've always had a large family of good eaters to cook for in the past. Support and possibly sharing ideas for meal planning/recipes would be awesome!
  • nagdha
    nagdha Posts: 30 Member
    HW 198
    CW 185
    GW 140
    Add me. Can motivate each other
  • lissadecker
    lissadecker Posts: 220 Member
    Please add me. :) I'm 47 and 5'3".

    My highest weight ever: 299
    Starting Weight in Jan 2016: 286
    Current Weight: 234

    I don't have a specific target goal. I'd like to end up somewhere in the 130s, but overall health is my main focus and I will be pleased to be somewhere under 150. In the end, weight is just a number and I think that as I get fitter and smaller the specific number will be less relevant to me. My real goals are to be off all medications (diabetes & blood pressure), out of plus sizes, healthier and more active.
  • YouBetterWorkIt
    YouBetterWorkIt Posts: 1 Member
    edited June 2016
    I too, hate to cook!! I have recently changed my diet and cut out all sugar, eat mostly organic and gluten free...no processed foods. It has only been 1-1/2 weeks, and my 5 lb weight loss is probably mostly water, but I feel this is a change in diet I can sustain permanently. The problem is that I just HATE to cook, the foods I am currently eating will get boring after a while, and the pre made meal delivery plans that adhere to these dietary restrictions are just TOO expensive for me. Additionally, as a single mom, I just don't have the time on the weekends to do meal prep for the week. This is a major struggle for me!! Anyone have any possible solutions?
  • tjsterch
    tjsterch Posts: 18 Member
    I'll join you, I have over 100 to lose :)
  • Maria_Fatima
    Maria_Fatima Posts: 238 Member
    Highest weight: 190
    Current weight: 185
    Goal weight: 137
  • romiangels
    romiangels Posts: 8 Member
    I started on 3/11/16 at my highest weight ever 222 lbs I am 5'1 so as you may imagine 222 lbs looked even heavier, I am currently at 189 lbs and my goal is 140 lbs so I have about another 50 ish lbs to go!
  • kymberlin
    kymberlin Posts: 113 Member
    Hi. Please add me. I need supportive friends. Highest weight 260. I made it to 193 three years ago. Back up to 225. Goal weight is 160ish.
  • KimberlyDyer1
    KimberlyDyer1 Posts: 1 Member
    I started at 263 and now at 255 ... it is hard for me to do any exercise at this time due to some health issues but I am getting them taken care of as well as adding some lighter exercise to my better days and slowly but surely losing the weight I need to lose to keep stress and fat off my liver! Feel free to add me if any would like. Remember, no matter what we are all beautiful in our own special way. <3
  • ShrinkinMel
    ShrinkinMel Posts: 982 Member
    edited June 2016
    My highest was 333. I'm currently at 302 so close to breaking out of the 300's. Next month I should be working my way down in 290s. I used to fluctuate between 200-250 most of my adult life. After some med changes in 2010 or so I started gaining weight. Then was on anxiety meds that put more on. My goal is 150-160. I'll adjust when closer because I enjoy lifting weights and I may not care if I'm even more than that if my clothing size and inches are in my ideal range.

    Joined a gym in April and just keeping it going. Don't want to stop the fitness building part because I know it will be a key part of keeping it off. I've been prediabetic for a few years and trying to reverse that. So far in the last two months I've been able to cut my medication for that in half and my fasting is nearing normal so a little ways to go before I can stop those meds. My bp pill will be different because I have to wean off that with medical supervision because of it being a beta blocker. And on my home meter is sometimes is still in low hypertension or prehypertension ranges WITH my full dosages. I know from the past though when my weight gets lower it drops. So it's just a matter of time and losing more and more. I suspect I've been PCOS since puberty. I have a majority of the symptoms but I don't only gain weight in my tummy area. I carry all over so no Dr would ever take me seriously. I do limit and cut out as much carbs as I can. I'd love to do a paleo/whole 30 plan for a couple months and see if it helps reduce but so far I keep my carb macro percentage at 40% and I'm losing. Some with PCSO have to go a lot LOWER. I have become quite active with my workouts though.
  • LeslieHuggins
    LeslieHuggins Posts: 41 Member
    Anyone feel free to add me. I've got a long way to go, and the more on the journey, the merrier!!
    HW: 310 (lost 7# before MFP)
    CW: 284
    GW: 145'ish

  • louisepaul16
    louisepaul16 Posts: 261 Member
    Hello!!! Me too. Feel free to add me people!

    SW: 223.4lbs
    CW: 191.2 lbs
    GW: 133 lbs.

    Just under 60lbs left to go! :)
  • Akgramma
    Akgramma Posts: 66 Member
    @ShrinkinMel - what is PCSO?
  • dmariet116
    dmariet116 Posts: 530 Member
    Feel free to add me! Just started back May 1st.
    SW: 226
    CW: 209
    GW: 165
  • bigrich080972
    bigrich080972 Posts: 10 Member
    Me too let's do it 30 lbs need to be gone already
  • tryett
    tryett Posts: 530 Member
    Akgramma wrote: »
    @ShrinkinMel - what is PCSO?

    Poly cystic ovary syndrome ( it was formally called Stein Levanthal).

    I have it also, along with Insulin resistance and low vitamin d.

    I am 57 and looking to lose between 80-100pounds. Fell free to add me.