SBF2: Reboot boogaloo...wk ofJune 28



  • wanderinglight
    wanderinglight Posts: 1,519 Member
    Hi Everyone! Just a quickie post and then back to the grind. I'm racing to get my business taken care of so I can enjoy the long weekend.

    I need to get back on my workout plan. I took two days off and did manage a swim last night (which I'm feeling today) but I overslept and didn't run the stairs like I meant to this morning and it's had a snowball effect. I know myself by now. If I don't work out in the morning I tend to eat worse and make bad choices throughout the day.

    So, I'm going to work then work out and my main challenge for tonight is CONTROL as we meeting friends for drinks and a party AND the Grilled Cheese Truck is coming to my neighborhood.

    Hope you all have a great day!

    Breathing Boogalooooo!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Wandering, did you just say "grilled cheese truck?":noway: That is simultaneously my dream and my nightmare.

    Today, I'm aiming for yoga at the gym (in just a few minutes) and other than that, I'm not too sure. I'm going to push for a bike rental along the lakeshore, but it may be more walking. We walked for about 4K yesterday in my thong-style birkenstocks and my leg muscles and toe muscles (I know, right?) are killing me.

    That whole control thing is hard. I made dinner at home yesterday, and I wanted wine with it so badly. My husband said "last night you said to me when this happened, to tell you that you had your wine for the week yesterday." (at least I know myself.) Darn that restaurant job for its food/wine pairing training! I made the world's best salad: artichoke hearts, spinach, a beautiful tomato, gorgonzola and a homemade dijon vinaigrette. The steak paled in comparison. Plan for today may include more of that salad.

    Light workout/play day, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    Happy Saturday!
    Moving slow this morning. Feeling very sleepy and groggy. I am still headachy and my neck hurts today. Sorry, not complaining. Just giving excuses as to why I am not working out. :tongue: I need the rain to go away, as much as I am glad it's here. It's doing a number on me for some reason.
    We have no plans today. Not a good thing. I'm kind of wiped out from the last three days of excitement anyway. More excitement tomorrow as we spend the day at church and then with friends!
    I really don't have anything to say, believe it or not. I don't think my brain is firing on all cylinders anyway.
    Getting off my rear boogaloo!
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member
    I thought the same thing "grilled cheese truck"? Austin is becoming famous for our trailer food. In fact, for husband's 40th birthday next week, we are going on a trailer extravaganza. There are the following trailers I know about:
    doughnut (I'm thinking about 1,000 calories each, these aren't your regular dunkin variety - think coconut chocolate banana)
    chicken and waffles (not kidding, apparently it's a southern thing)
    sushi (again, not kidding)
    Korean/Tex Mex - one of husband's favorites
    cupcake (all with cute names)
    Man Bites Dog (hotdogs)
    cake ball (not my thing)
    cuban (while we have plenty of Mexican places, not too many Cubans in Texas)
    one where they use the entire animal from local farms -
    pies - sorry V, there's a place that just sells freshly made pies

    But today - we are going to a French Bakery that just opened then to see "Micmacs" (French film). The Bakery has a crepe that has "French chocolate pastry cream" inside. Boy, is today going to suck :laugh: Please save some salad for me, V. I like anything with the words artichoke and cheese.

    Enough food porn. Also - yoga this morning (husband suggestion) - hopefully a walk tonight. I need to get to the gym - I haven't gone in awhile.

    Bring on the French cooking, boogaloo!
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member
    Hard yoga teacher is having a 3 hour class today, so that with teaching this morning - 4 hours of yoga - good enough for anybody. Fireworks tonight - always nice - if a little on the humid side.

    I need to go to the gym again though. This week, I promise.

    Sure to be sore tomorrow, boogaloo.
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    Happy fourth!
    Lots of Fun stuff planned today! How about you?

    I need to see if you all can explain something to me. I haven't worked out in four days and I've been having too many desserts and salty things. I have lost 2.5 pounds. Apparently I don't understand how weight loss works.

    On the way to church boogaloo!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Happy fourth, pebbs...

    Today is Zumba, a quick trip to the grocery store, followed by a massage (very optimistic that my shoulders will finally get some serious relief) and then rest. Ended up going for a 90 minute walk yesterday after a pretty hardcore yoga class (there was only one other student in class, and she was a teacher, so the instructor didn't go easy on us. Lots of arm work, and I was dripping sweat by the end).

    MM, maybe you're retaining water because of the workouts? Or, it could be a case of wonderful body randomness.

    Restful Sunday, boogaloo.:flowerforyou: