What was your worst binge?



  • orangebuttercat
    orangebuttercat Posts: 143 Member
    48 white castle hamurgers, in 25 min.

    Didn't have to pay for them.
  • Paws4Luv
    Paws4Luv Posts: 86 Member
    About a year ago I ate about 35$ worth of tacobell to myself. Not proud.
  • PauliePCC
    PauliePCC Posts: 32 Member
    earlier this year, I ate around 6500 calories in one day. I can't remember what I had earlier in the day, but the day got out of hand when I topped it off by ordering a special from Papa John's which was 2 medium 2 topping pizzas and eating both pies solo. I continued to log my calories that day just to see how out of control I got. Luckily these days have been few and far between and I generally speaking stay within a few hundred calories of my goal give or take.
  • HollisGrant
    HollisGrant Posts: 2,022 Member
    One of my favorite memories:

    Several years ago, my late husband and I were watching an NBA game at 11:00 p.m. I started craving a McDonald's cinnamon bun, but I didn't know if they sold them at night or just for breakfast. So I called McD's, found out they sold them around the clock... and because this is a small town, the McD's manager asked when we were coming by and said they would heat them up...... I drove by in 5 minutes, picked up all 8 hot buns, and split them with my husband.

    I think they're about 500 calories apiece. I call them Blubber Buns now.
  • Lillistun
    Lillistun Posts: 1
    In comparison mine doesn't sound terrible as it's just one thing but it was pretty common for me "back in the day" to order a large dominos pizza for myself for lunch. I would eat it in bed watching Buffy the Vampire

    That was me last year, Domino's everyday and Buffy and Angel marathons. The delivery staff all knew me and when I stopped buying Domino's, they kept sending me promotional stuff.

    I also used to walk (waddle) down to McDonalds and order 6 sausage and egg McMuffins and 12 hash browns. I used to bring in a little piece of paper and act like I'd been sent down to get them for a bunch of people.

    When I went to pubs, I'd order wine/champagne by the bottle and ask for two glasses so the bar staff didn't know how much I was drinking.

    Biggest binges these days occur after I drink (so I try to avoid alcohol) or around my time of month.
    Mostly chocolate or greasy foods and thankfully no where near the quantity of food of times past.
  • nyrina4life
    nyrina4life Posts: 196 Member
    Worst binge I ever had was back in October 2006. I lost two people in the same month, and I just couldn't handle it anymore. I had the Halloween Candy near me and I just started stuffing. Then I went out and got ice-cream. I got so sick from that, and while I do have some days where I slip, nothing has compared to that day. Sucks that I am an emotional eater . . . but yeah. This is why I am a whale struggling to become something beautiful.
  • ninjakitty419
    ninjakitty419 Posts: 349 Member
    I used to get breakfast burritos two at a time. I'm talking the huge burritos the size of a small baby. I eat one in my car on my way to work and one when i got to work, in my mind i was just eating one, since it wasn't in front of anyone.

    I'd do that a lot, eat in my car thinking it "didn't count"...gah...

    Id also order a whole large pizza plus breadsticks just for me. And eat the whole thing in one sitting, plus a 2 liter of soda!!! I did this several times a month, rotating through different pizza places so they wouldn't know how much I really ate their pizza.

    Eat pints of Ben and jerrys at a time, sometimes 2 pints in one night. It just gets worse so I'll stop here...


    The eating in your car because if no one can see you it doesnt count....YUP!

    Rotating between places so they wouldnt know how often you went out...YUP!!!

    Awful, I know. But Ive been there!!
  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    I remember once when hubby and I went to Vegas, I had 6 Krispy Kreme donuts while I was watching TV in bed. I could have probably had all 12! lol
  • NYCNika
    NYCNika Posts: 611 Member
    That first post described one processed carb(which is just simple sugar) after another, after another.

    There is no difference between how your body sees those objects. They are all just simple sugars that will never make you feel full and will just result in a sugar crash and a subsequent craving for more sugar.

    I'm not one of those people who advocate (or even can) give up sugar and simple carbs all together. I, of course, love the taste and do want and have those treats. The only difference is I know better than to classify them as "food". They are dessert/treats. Pasta, bread, chips, cookies, cereal... etc -- it is all desert. So would it be reasonable to spend 1,000 calories of 1,500 of my daily intake on desert? No. I would be hungry the rest of the day and my body would not get enough nutrition. But I can allocate 200 for an indulgence. More if I work out.
  • LadyZephyr
    LadyZephyr Posts: 286 Member
    I'm a recovering bulimic, 1.5 years purge free, yay! But the binge habit remains, followed by immense guilt and self-loathing. I don't do it often and it's not as bad as it used to be. Back when I binged-purged, I could eat thousands of calories in less than an hour, easily. Like, a big shepherds pie, a whole cake with icecream, a bag of cookies, crisps, anything. All in one sitting.
  • knityoupants
    knityoupants Posts: 76 Member
    A few days after I started MFP, I had a big dinner with friends... probably went over cals just with dinner, but that's not so bad... later that night, I ended up feeling emotionally down and ate THREE QUARTERS OF A PIE. Chocolate-banana. Never again!!

    This doesn't feel like a binge, but I just about hit 3000 cals on Saturday (my goal is 1500) just from what would have been "normal" for me a few months ago... light breakfast, huge wet burrito for lunch, and picking at fried bar food while drinking beer all night with friends. Crazy.
  • susanlangleyjarman
    my hubby and i try to watch what we eat during the week but sunday is our date/cheat day where we can eat what we want. unfortunately our sunday usually lasts through tuesday! lol ice cream is a total weakness for both of us. i am also a huge carb fan.
  • JustJessLynn
    I have been a binger my whole life. I remember once as a preteen I ate 11 king sized 3 muskateers (the thought of one of those now makes me want to barf).

    Once I ate an entire LARGE shrimp ring in one sitting (can barely eat shrimp now)

    Even just in every day life I would catch myself just eating more and more. Then I wouldn't feel well and I would throw up. I know that's how bulemia works, but I never really thought I had a problem. Now, being at the highest weight I have ever been at (minus 2 lbs --- woooh for small victories!). I am so cautious as to what i eat because i don't want to "relapse" per say.
  • laurarodmell
    i binge once a week...saturday for instance was over 7000 calories!
    altho my aim isnt to lose weight it is mainly to lose fat and gain muscle. I dnt find that binging affects my results - i dont doubt it slows my progress but "binging" as opposed to small treats each day i find works much better for me as once i start i have no willpower, so im quite religious with my eating over 6 days then one i eat anything and everything.

    when i start to focus on serious fat loss, i will the cut this right down
  • CookNLift
    CookNLift Posts: 3,660 Member

    the day before i started eating healthy....went out with a bang. Got myself a big mac and 10 piece nugget in the bag lol
  • DatsDonna
    DatsDonna Posts: 14 Member
    Family Size bag of Doritos. The surging estrogen levels made me do it!!!!
  • corgicake
    corgicake Posts: 846 Member
    As far as food piles go, a small order of buffalo wings, two cheese sticks, and two slices of stuffed crust meat lovers. I've lost count of the 'dude got the munchies' jokes made about my eating at work (ironically, I'm the only non-smoker there to my knowledge). Not a true binge as it was neither unusual or driven by anything other than wanting to chow.

    The closest I've come to a binge was when I had a pop (unavoidable - boss was offering to buy and snapping at everyone else in the store) and realized what that did to my calorie budget... I grabbed a slice of the most calorie-laden thing in sight on my way out the door and chowed it as I rode back to the apartment.
  • IAmA_Beast
    Oh man, my worse binge was back when I was about 26. My girlfriend and her bf came over, he bought weed and we all enjoyed a good toke.

    I went on to eat:

    Home cooked food (huge plate of rice, beans and 7+ pieces of fried chicken)
    Ice cream with brownies
    Cheese Doodles
    Hint of Lime Tostitos
    3 bars of Cadbury chocolate
    And a sleeve of Lorna Doone shortbread cookies.

    I felt soooo sick.
  • susanlangleyjarman
    a pan of spaghetti, and a whole box of ice cream drumsticks.
  • kherrons
    kherrons Posts: 99 Member
    Most recent was the day after the Fourth. I did really well avoiding all the ribs and potato salads and heavy sweets on the 4th. I woke up the next morning, ate my egg white scramble but still felt hungry. First mistake, I opened the food pantry and just starred.. You know you're headed for trouble when you absent mindedly stare in the fridge or cabinet. I grabbed a pack of poptarts which turned into the whole box. Then I made a cheese quesadilla and ate 2 magnum ice cream bars. Later in the day I had a qdoba burrito and frozen yogurt with all the bad for you toppings. I've had worse days in the past, especially my college days (whole bags of hostess donuts and big bag of jalapeño cheese Cheetos, followed by breaded mushrooms and BBQ sub from a local staple, then a pint of half baked)