Does he love me!?

So I have been dating my boyfriend for almost 5 months. It will be 5 months on the 18 of July. I told him that I wanted to take things slow in the beginning and he was ok with that. He waited for me until I was ready to have sex. He told me he hadn't spoken to another girl since we've been talking, and I was dating another guy at the start before I knew he wanted to be exclusive. When I asked him if we were exclusive because he had brought it up he was almost at loss for words because he thought I wasn't thinking along the same lines, but I wanted to be exclusive with him and was from then on. I am 25 and so is he. In the beginning he always initiated everything and we slowly built a relationship. He fell on hard times and has been staying with me the past two months saving money and next month we are moving in together into an apartment and splitting the rent. It was his idea to ask me to move in with him. It works out well for both of us and I'm looking forward to it. Of course a little nervous because it's pretty crazy to move in with someone so fast. Lately he seems to be looking at me differently, and I can't explain it. I don't know if it's just because I know I am in love with him now that I am looking at him different but he seems to gaze at me longer and somehow deeper than before during normal conversation while cooking dinner or something. He is good to me and always wants to be with me and spend time with me and my family. Whatever I am doing he always wants to be with me if he's not busy working etc. This week were not going to see each other for 7 days because of his work so I got him a good luck bracelet and left him a note. He told me while we were laying down that he wasn't going to tell me but since I got him that bracelet he told me that he took my shirt with him so he would have something of mine while we were apart. I thought it was really sweet. Whenever we argue at the end of it all we talk it out work it out and he is always the first to sincerely apologize. We can go a week without anything sexual and still feel close. He always wants me to cuddle with him before we sleep. I've seen him cry, and he always talks through with me during arguments until I'm happy no matter how frustrated he gets he eventually gets over it and says it's ok everything's fine. We have spent most of our days together since we've met. He has told me that I mean the world to him and I know he really truly cares for me because if I am upset he gets upset until things are better. He has told me not to worry that he will always put up with my crap and I will always put up with his. (lol hopefully I will) He tells me when i'm looking beautiful and how I am so good to him and he doesn't understand how one person can be so loving and accepting. One night when we were drunk he told me that I remind him of the girls from his hometown and that he tells his best friend all of the time and that there may be couples out there that are very showy of their relationships but what we have is stronger and in ten years will see who's still going strong. ( I have yet to ask him about this to see if he remembers because I am scared to push it or bring it up to soon.) Though he tells me he always remembers everything he says when he's drunk. There hasn't been a day that's gone by since we met that he hasn't talked to me through calling or texting except maybe two in the beginning bec he was keeping his cool not being to clingy. But now of course he calls every day when were apart and when I tell him i'm going to sleep he calls me to hear my voice and say goodnight instead of just texting back .I know this is a lot and really analytical I just was hoping somebody would be able to recognize if he loves me.
