Recalibrating the body's set point and losing in steps



  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    @mommarnurse oh I don't know how you dealt with such heat/humidity! We just don't get much heat/sun in general, summer temps never average more than 18c (approx 75f?)...if we're lucky.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    I'm not sure what I believe when it comes to set points but I find that maintenance breaks are important for me. Even if it's just one day out of the week at maintenance. Generally I have found that one to two weeks tends to do the trick. When I was larger I could stay in a deficit for quite awhile. Now that I'm a lower weight things tend to get...for a lack of a better or more scientific word...wonky. The diet break helps me readjust a bit and feel better physically and mentally.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    @mommarnurse oh I don't know how you dealt with such heat/humidity! We just don't get much heat/sun in general, summer temps never average more than 18c (approx 75f?)...if we're lucky.

    Wow, that's our daily average in winter
  • miz_ppyn
    miz_ppyn Posts: 118 Member
    It feels kinda like a balancing game in the holding my maintenance weight steady at the moment mainly by weighing daily and adding foods slowly to see what makes me gain and what i can get away with eating. Im eating around 1500cals a day any less than that dont do any good for me. I guess everyone is different but this is how im maintaining. Usually weight fluctuates for the 1st couple of weeks or so...good luck with maintenance
  • NorthCascades
    NorthCascades Posts: 10,968 Member
    since "energy cannot be created nor destroyed"

    This turns out not to be true. It's off-topic for weight loss except in that it came up about weight loss, but it's interesting and counter-intuitive. Energy is actually created and then destroyed constantly, everywhere. The entire universe is brimming with particles and anti-particles that appear out of nothing, collide, and annihilate. They're always a couple (one positive, one negative), which means the total energy balance of the universe never changes. It's called Hawking's Radiation and it's how black holes die.
  • vingogly
    vingogly Posts: 1,785 Member
    I think most of us can lose the weight, but maintenance is the challenge. IA couple of years ago I went into maintenance after losing about 40 pounds -- mostly, I needed a break. Last November, I started reducing calories and losing again; now I'm 10-15 pounds from my end point.

    I don't believe in set points, haven't seen any scientific evidence that they're real. However, what being in maintenance taught me is two things:

    1. yes, I can manage to lose a large amount of weight and keep it off long term
    2. I need to approach maintenance in a structured way and continue logging foods

    Going into maintenance for a while is therefore a useful learning tool for learning not only about your body, but about what you need to do to stay in maintenance successfully.
  • BikeTourer
    BikeTourer Posts: 191 Member
    BikeTourer wrote: »
    BikeTourer wrote: »
    Set Point is a theory; one I don't believe.

    People regain weight becaus be!"e they aren't keeping lifestyle change and slip into old habits.

    I think you missed a key point when dismissing what was in this thread. At least 2 in this thread, 3 if you count me said that the were well into maintenance then started losing weight again with no change in calories or exercise and had to up their calories to stop losing. I don't care if you don't believe it or not I'm thrilled with extra calories I can eat now in respect to what I was able to a year ago today when I was also in maintenance. I can tell you when it happened weight fell off with zero effort.

    Something is different; something changed. It's physiologically impossible to lose weight without a calorie deficit - there's something missing here. When people truly do not change a thing and start to lose weight, it's concerning and this like hyperthyroidism and cancer must be looked into.

    Did that done that. The verdict was not only were thing good the were stellar across the board.

    that's good news. still, somehow there was a deficit to lose weight. The question is really if a higher metobolic rate exists somehow. since "energy cannot be created nor destroyed", if you were losing wt with said higher metobolic rate , you were not consuming enough calories to maintain in that state. That is not the same theory as "set point" which I just cannot believe to be true.

    There may be a partial truth to it, one deep-rooted in our DNA from long ago when we needed to store fat for survival during periods of famine, in which is the REASON it is so easy to go back to old ways and regain weight. it is why french fries seem so delicious and chocolate chip cookies are a weakness of many (sex feels good so our species has drive to keep up reproduction & breast milk is sweet so babies really want that stuff so they won't die); readily available , in-your-face calorie-dense foods haven't been around long at all compared to the millions of years that the human race has walked this planet. What once would have benefited man kind's survival now is destroying it. It's simply way too much of a good thing.

    Set-Point: The new-and improved way to justify my obesity. "I may be fat, but it's just biologically how I'm made to be!"

    I lost additional weight since I didn't have a eating disorder before based on your assertion what I'm experiencing is not possible and I should be slipping back into my bad habits and getting fatter. Instead I happily eating the extra calories to keep from slipping into the 120s... I'll take that any day of the week.