Desperately Seeking UK friends....



  • FionaPlum
    FionaPlum Posts: 37 Member
    Not sure if the OP is still here. I can't seem to load their profile anymore.
  • lainy1979
    lainy1979 Posts: 173 Member
    FionaPlum wrote: »
    Not sure if the OP is still here. I can't seem to load their profile anymore.

    Me neither?
  • aamb
    aamb Posts: 377 Member
    i'm from Scotland, I was here 3-4 years ago and did well, so stopped logging.. bad move, I've been back for almost a year and have about a stone to go... its slow, but i'm not in a race. always looking for new supportive friends who log every day.
  • Slarix
    Slarix Posts: 5 Member
    I'm from London, UK feel free to add me. I'm 300lbs and classed as clinically obese, it's effecting my life. So losing weight via MFP + Fitbit is my last resort as my Dr really wants me to go for weight loss surgery as I'm only 22.
  • orochiwarrior
    orochiwarrior Posts: 97 Member
    Hi everyone, I also live in the UK. Feel free to add me
  • KarenUK56
    KarenUK56 Posts: 143 Member
    Hi, you can add me too, if you'd like to? I'm from South Wales. I've been using MFP for 2 years and have managed to lose 31lbs. I've been stuck for a good while but, to be honest, I haven't been really strict lately. I've decided to have one more attempt at losing the final 8 lbs. I'm going to stay within my calorie allowance and see how it goes. I'm on daily to offer encouragement. Good luck!
  • loobe1066
    loobe1066 Posts: 206 Member
    I live in Kent feel free to add me
  • lauraemily84
    lauraemily84 Posts: 140 Member
    Hi - I live in Kent too
  • lauraemily84
    lauraemily84 Posts: 140 Member
    Hi - I live in Kent too. I'm currently doing Slimfast diet and excersing, I've lost 4lb in past 3 weeks hoping to loose another 3-4 lb and then maintain weight! Feel free to add me too, love being nosey and getting meal and snack ideas x
  • iofred
    iofred Posts: 488 Member
    Might me be, but looks like OP has gone awol :)
  • Jmkw86
    Jmkw86 Posts: 9 Member
    edited June 2016
    Hiya, London here but originally from Manchester - would be good to do recipe swaps / share motivation with some other UK users!

    Have put on weight after getting a sedentary job and letting things slide - trying to get back to the size 10/12 I was 3 years ago. I'm going back to cutting out processed foods, grains, dairy and refined sugar - paleo/primal influence but trying to eat plenty of veggies rather than so much meat. Also exercising is a big factor for me - trying to build my fitness back up!

    Be especially good to link in with anyone doing similar to above - also any fellow PCOSers?

    Feel free to add me anyway!! :)
  • redbee157
    redbee157 Posts: 3 Member
    Yep UK here too. 3Rd attempt this year to get back on it, life just gets in the way huh? No excuses for the next few months. Great if anyone wants to chat or has a fitbit and challenge and keep on the right track!
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I'm from Leeds! Always after new UK pals, particularly any runners out there?
  • sassymc86
    sassymc86 Posts: 91 Member
    I'm from Manchester, I'd def like to team up :#
  • josywosy
    josywosy Posts: 49 Member
    I'm in Cardiff. Feel free to add :)
  • rjn_
    rjn_ Posts: 6 Member
    Hi im Rosie and I'm from the U.K.- East Midlands! I'd love to be friends and we can help each other out with motivation!
  • Danny0950
    Danny0950 Posts: 26 Member
    Feel free to add me. I'm from Manchester and currently on week 3 of insanity, looking to lose a further 31Ibs by Christmas.
  • Stripeymitten
    Stripeymitten Posts: 74 Member
    UK here, add me too! I am 1st 10lb down with another 5 or so stones to go.
  • Palaeobecbec
    Palaeobecbec Posts: 6 Member
    Hi I'm in Sussex. Just starting today so feel free to add me. I've got around another 3 stone to lose having already lost 3 stone.
  • FionaPlum
    FionaPlum Posts: 37 Member
    I hope no one minds me adding them too, it's nice to see others from the UK and easier to pinch food ideas!