lamlamsmakeover Posts: 6,574 Member
Tired of self-sabotaging by munching after dinner? Upset that you double your in-calories at night? Then it's not just me . To get some help (or inspire us by your good example), please join us in this challenge.

You set what you feel is late night snacking. For example, if you have extra calories left for the day, you can have a snack if it's small. Others decide not to eat at a past a certain time. It's up to you.

We go by the formula:
Me: "number indicating how many evenings you stuck to it"
LNS: "number of times late night snacks won"

Example: Me: 2 - LNS: 0 indicates I won the first two nights.

Some people also add a * to the latest number. In the example, that would be
Me: 2 - LNS: 1*
if LNS won the 3rd night.

It's as simple as that. Or as complicated, as you will discover. Nevertheless, the persistence and good results of some of our "old" members (and some people keep coming back) show that the battle is worthwhile .

You will notice some people post streaks of how many days they are free of late night snacking. This is definitely not a requirement, but if you want to do it for motivation, it works well.



  • aspire2lift
    aspire2lift Posts: 249 Member
    Hi lamlam2013... thanks for having me!
  • zerlinna87
    zerlinna87 Posts: 120 Member
    Excited for the June challenge! I started the last challenge in the middle of May, so I'm looking forward to doing a whole month from beginning to end.
  • FromFattie2Fittie
    FromFattie2Fittie Posts: 139 Member
    I'm in!
  • CarrieA180
    CarrieA180 Posts: 903 Member
    Bookmarked! ❤
  • Boofuls
    Boofuls Posts: 47 Member
    What a great idea! I am in :)
  • desigirl50
    desigirl50 Posts: 1 Member
    I need this. What an awesome idea! Thank you for starting this group. I think this is where my problem lies. I take sleep medication and don't hit the bed right away. I rummage the refrigerator and eat a LOT!! Please count me in.
  • SashEdwards
    SashEdwards Posts: 78 Member
    WalkerPop wrote: »
    Well they say (whoever "they" is lol) that one is more likely to hold themselves accountable if they make themselves accountable to someone else too. With that being said - one of my main issues is late night as I gasp and hit send - I'm in! Thanks :)

    Welcome, @SashEdwards and other new friends.

    I want to "Amen!" your "they-ism" about accountability. Having spent a lifetime thinking it was "normal" to graze my way through the kitchen, disciplining myself not to eat after a certain time was completely foreign to me. My bride had long since given up trying to encourage (often pronounced "uh-noi") me into healthier habits.

    The accountability and encouragement from this group of friends has helped me begin to overwrite 50+ years of bad habits. I wish I had more maturity (character?), but... Many evenings, the thought of having to "come clean" to my accountability partners here heads me off before I make it to the snacks. This group is one of the most encouraging, sympathetic, and caring communities you could find! We're glad you joined us.

    Thank you @WalkerPop, I'm thrilled to be here.
    Lol, well I can certainly relate to the accountability and years of terrible habits needing to change. For the first time ever I started tracking everything that went into my mouth yesterday - and what an eye opening experience it was. How misinformed and uneducated I was - thinking I was doing so good, and yet not losing weight. It all sort of came together for that magical "Aha" moment.
    Strength is in numbers, and we can all do it - so good luck to us all.
    I practiced for June 1 last night lol and I'm pretty shocked how all of a sudden it was not as difficult to say no to the late night snacks. I'll ride that wave as long as I can....I know it's not going to be easy.
    Go team! :)

  • amy_kee
    amy_kee Posts: 694 Member
    I need to do this. Here's to June!