What to eat??

kymberkaye Posts: 41 Member
I'm a yoyo loser. Ive done soooooo many diets, tried all the diet pills...always successful, yet always gaining it all back. I dont have time to cook "healthy" meals, so i would rather snack, but on healthy foods. I dont eat much bread and I carry a 40 oz bottle of water with me everywhere i go. Im afraid my body has gotten to the point where weight loss is no more for me. I need/want healthy snack ideas and SIMPLE healthy recipes that taste good. Lol what is your favorite healthy snack??


  • BekahC1980
    BekahC1980 Posts: 474 Member
    Depends sometimes its, almonds, or carrot sticks, or yogurt. Sometimes pudding or ice cream or graham crackers
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    apples, bananas.... all kinds of fruit.
  • kymberkaye
    kymberkaye Posts: 41 Member
    I did the 100 calorie yogurts...overdid it, now it makes me gag!! Lol i just need more ideas of different things i can eat so i dont burn out like i did with the whipped yogurts. Chocolate cherry was the best with a 1/4 cup granola.
  • kymberkaye
    kymberkaye Posts: 41 Member
    Lots have told me to eat an apple and it will keep me feeling "full". I haven't experienced a full feeling ever eating just an apple, but, im up for trying that again. =)
  • she_lived_wholly_forevermore
    Apples or bananas with some nut butter is fab and filling
  • kymberkaye
    kymberkaye Posts: 41 Member
    Nut butter?? Where do i get it?? Sounds amazing!!
  • she_lived_wholly_forevermore
    Nut butters: peanut butter, almond butter etc etc. Justin's is by far my favorite. I have to order mine on Amazon because I live in a small crappy town.
  • she_lived_wholly_forevermore
    And I know you're not on yogurt but if you get back on it I like to add honey and flaxseed to mine and then put it in the fridge to chill and thicken. One of my favorite treats.
  • kymberkaye
    kymberkaye Posts: 41 Member
    Ahhh peanut butter!! Lol i was thinking it was some special new stuff. Haha. I eat a lot of peanut butter....probably too much. I only like the honey peanut butter, but im sure i will need to find some less fattening.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    Some of my go-to snacks are: string cheese, nuts, wasabi peas, fudge pops, cottage cheese, hard boiled eggs, hummus & veggies, protein bars, Greek yogurt, beef or turkey jerky, popcorn, apples & peanut butter, fruit
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    My new favorite is jicama. As a snack, 100 grams has less than 50 calories and 5 mg fiber. It is sweet. It is crunchy. One root can last more than a week if used at the rate of 100 g per day. That serving provides bulk and eliminates hunger for 4 hours. It's awesome. As for " I don't have time to cook "healthy" meals", this is not true. You have time to post messages on the internet, you have time to cook. Learn to use a crock pot/slow cooker. Toss your healthy stuff in and go to work. It's done when you get home.

    My workplace offers free snacks to employees. I've been using mfp to count calories for 5 months. One month in, the girl who buys the snacks decided to rededicate herself to mfp and try once more to get rid of 12 lb. She did, and in the process she started providing snacks which I am happy to add to my plan. They are: Mozzarella cheese sticks, Nonni Thinaddictives, Kind bars, Sun Maid Raisins in small boxes, Jazz apples, Mandarin oranges. There are also several different oatmeal-based breakfast bars that are low in the sodium and calories, which I care about.

    You can get control of the food you eat, and the tools mfp offers as well as the blunt truth you'll find here are valuable in your journey. Stick with it.
  • Kamikazeflutterby
    Kamikazeflutterby Posts: 775 Member
    "Healthy" doesn't necessarily mean "good for weight loss," so keep that in mind when asking these questions. Nuts, granola, etc are actually fairly high calorie and healthy, and very, very easy to overeat.

    Please consider looking up the calories of the foods you already eat, and see if you could eat them in a smaller portion with some new lower calorie snacks or sides. It will probably be an easier long term way to lose weight. Even if it isn't, it's a good starting point.

    These threads are also a good starting point. Welcome to MFP!
  • kymberkaye
    kymberkaye Posts: 41 Member
    I do cook in a crock, but i know they're not healthy meals....i love butter too much!! Lol

    These are great ideas!! Some of what im already choosing to eat!! Thanks, Y'all!!!
  • Domilg23
    Domilg23 Posts: 44 Member
    Apples or almonds - that helps me a lot
  • bummel75
    bummel75 Posts: 2 Member
    I love red bell peppers. I crave crunchy things. So i will snack on those.
    I like almonds. I'll snack on a mix of blueberries and blackberries for the antioxidants.
    You can make a homemade energy peanut butter ball. It takes 5 min.
    I also will make a guacamole salad if you like that; avocados, tomatoes, red onion, cilantro, cayenne pepper (if desired).
    I make so many healthy recipes via crockpot. Pinterest has become a valuable asset.
  • kymberkaye
    kymberkaye Posts: 41 Member
    edited May 2016
    Love the red peppers, orange and yellow, too. With hummus and avocados. So a lot of what yall have shared with me are things im already doing. Yay!

    What all do you use to make the energy peanut butter ball?? Would love to see some of your recipes.
  • michaeltermini
    michaeltermini Posts: 17 Member
    It has been important for me to eat often with healthy snacks i.e. fruit, mixed nuts etc but mainly I recognized there are three fuels for the body... Protein, carbs and fat. I do everything possible to avoid processed carbs and still attempt complex carbs in moderation. With that the fat I mainly consume is through meats and eggs which I feel I need because of their high value in protein. It became a balance for me, if I'm low in one (carbs) and moderate in the other (fat), I balance them with being high in protein.

    I hope this makes sense to more than my brain. Happy eating!
  • kymberkaye
    kymberkaye Posts: 41 Member
    It will make more sense to me tmrw. Ambien is shutting down my brain at the moment. Lol
  • Neanbean13
    Neanbean13 Posts: 211 Member
    If you don't care about weight loss why bother trying to find 'healthy snacks'. Just eat whatever if u can't be arsed cooking or even being accountable of what you're consuming. Stuff it. Eat more.move less. No point munching on a bell Fricken pepper when your main meals are unhealthy . Why deprive yourself I say.
  • kate141987
    kate141987 Posts: 513 Member
    I started swapping all my unhealthy snacks with better alternatives so instead of eating sandwiches or guzzling down a pack of biscuits I started eating rivita, there is unlimited toppings but I decided not to eat anymore than 2 in one sitting. They are great if you miss crisps I found as they have that "Crunch" lol or else il just have a bowl of multigrain Cheerios. My healthy snacks arnt going to set the world alight but I find they help me through those times when I just really want to snack