My friends keep telling me that cutting calories won't help me lose weight



  • Asher_Ethan
    Asher_Ethan Posts: 2,430 Member
    People tend to get jealous when other people make weight loss look so effortless. You're doing good. Don't let them get you down.
  • BeYouTiful94
    BeYouTiful94 Posts: 289 Member
    Don't worry about the naysayers. You're seeing results you're happy with and that's all that matters :) Next time they say something about your diet soda or about you eating a sensible portion of food, just kindly smile and let them know that you're doing just fine on your journey, and you didn't have to eat a veggie burger or spend all day at the gym to see the results you've already seen. Then continue to sip on your diet soda and give them the #sorrynotsorry look
  • MudderGrad
    MudderGrad Posts: 14 Member
    I'm not too hung up on what they have been telling me. Sticking to CICO and I lost another 1.4lbs this week. :)

    You're doing a great job! Your friends just want to force their ideas on you. In reality, you can easily lose weight by simply changing what you eat, like you're doing. Later you can add exercise to tone up your body or to help you lose weight faster. However, weight loss is mainly based on what you place into your mouth and it sounds like you're doing a great job. Keep it up!
  • CaffeinatedConfectionist
    CaffeinatedConfectionist Posts: 1,045 Member
    MissusMoon wrote: »
    Sounds like you need kinder and smarter friends. I'm sorry they can't just be happy for you...I understand why you're so frustrated with them.

    And how! (though I'm personally in favor of doing both cardio and weights for physical and mental health reasons, it's not required to lose weight)
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Your friends are clueless!

    Cutting calories isn't always enough to lose weight though - you need to maintain an actual deficit to lose weight.
  • JustMissTracy
    JustMissTracy Posts: 6,339 Member
    737jac737 wrote: »
    Isn't it true that a pound of muscle weighs the same as 6 pounds of fat? So you can weigh 150 and be fat, or weigh 150 and be lean and sexy. Everyone needs to calm down about their weight. Want to know if you're making progress? Look at how your clothes fit you and if you see a change in the mirror. So what if the scale says you weigh the same after a month. KEEP ON WORKING OUT AND EATING HEALTHY. Last time I checked, you decided to CHANGE YOUR LIFE. Keep it up. Don't stop. In fact EXERCISE HARDER. EXERCISE MORE. PUSH YOURSELF TO SEE RESULTS. RESULTS DON'T COME IN A MONTH.

    Someone lied to you, my friend. One pound is one pound. What that pound looks like, and how it fills a space, is a different story. One pound of fat is much less appealing than one pound of muscle.
  • snowflake930
    snowflake930 Posts: 2,188 Member
    No matter what you call it, you have to eat less calories than you burn to lose weight. That is a fact.
    It is logical and common sense if you just think about it.
    Your friends are not using much logic and common sense.
  • Heartisalonelyhunter
    Heartisalonelyhunter Posts: 786 Member
    Do they mean that statistically calorie-counting doesn't work because most people gain back the weight they have lost? That is true, although the same goes for cutting carbs etc too.
  • rsclause
    rsclause Posts: 3,103 Member
    Its not the cutting of calories its the deficit that counts, and it works. Not required but I like the exercise because I need it and it gives me more calories to play with.
  • leanrippedrustin
    leanrippedrustin Posts: 1 Member
    Jof, look at you, look at them. Case closed!
  • missteena88
    missteena88 Posts: 153 Member
    Get new friends. Or ditch humans all together and get a dog. Problem solved.

    I don't say much about my journey to people around me. Mostly because people are cruel and don't want to see other people doing better than what they're currently doing. I also have family members who will "congratulate" my weight loss on social media but won't say anything about it any other time. You're not doing this for anyone else. You're doing this for you. So do it, kill it, and make others beg you to tell your secrets.
  • Rebecca0224
    Rebecca0224 Posts: 810 Member
    You chose to lose weight in a simple way by having a calorie deficit. Your friends are making it more complicated. Some people think "dieting" has to be complicated or it won't work, don't be fooled.
  • Stella3838
    Stella3838 Posts: 439 Member
    jofjltncb6 wrote: »
    What weighs more: 100 pounds of bricks or 100 pounds of feathers?
    The feathers...
    ...because 100 pounds of bricks is just 100 pounds...but with the feathers, you also have to carry the weight of what you did to those poor birds.

    Seriously, I can't stop laughing. I'm logging that as my core workout today.
  • lady_ghost
    lady_ghost Posts: 175 Member
    When I opt for a diet soda when we go out to eat, or I'll eat something I want just not as much of it, they tell me that's pointless and that they lost weight by, "going vegetarian" or "just by doing cardio" or "lifting weights" and I'm just really stinkin tired of it. They're trying to say my weight loss so far isn't legitimate. And pushing their ideas of healthy on to me. I apparently can't link protein and carbs to help with insulin spikes because that "defeats the big picture" and that i should work out for 3hrs per day to lose weight. It has really been pissing me off. I guess I'm just not going to talk about it to anyone, anymore. :(

    Ur friends are lying to you. Get new ones.
  • lady_ghost
    lady_ghost Posts: 175 Member
    I would flat-out say "I don't want to talk about this subject with you anymore. Please refrain from commenting on what I eat; it's rude." And leave it at that.

    I had a friend who was obsessed with fad diets for a while. She went vegan, then gluten free, then Paleo, etc etc and when none of it worked (because she wasn't applying any of those lifestyles to CICO so duh) and still decided to be preachy and know-it-all, I decided I didnt need that kind of friend anymore.

    I cannot stand those kinds of friends. I had to cut one loose too. So obsessed with food and lecturing me on what I should or shouldn't eat. Was annoying!