I need help. I need confidence. I need change.



  • vivmom2014
    vivmom2014 Posts: 1,647 Member
    There was an old sales maxim in a seminar my husband attended at New York Life a hundred years ago, but it's stayed with me: The mind attracts what it dwells on.

    I agree with the suggestions to change your self talk. And I will add: start speaking positive things out loud. Who cares how it looks or feels? This entire adventure of weight loss starts with your mental outlook. Change your mind, change your life.
  • billglitch
    billglitch Posts: 538 Member
    edited June 2016
    BlyRidge wrote: »
    March 1st- 391.4
    March 31st- 397.6

    April 1st-398.4
    April 30th-402.2

    May 1st- 400.4
    May 31st- 406.4

    This is how my last 3 months have gone. The sad thing, is somewhere in March, I was at 388. I can't get away from fast food. I can't get off of my butt and get up to work out. Not even take a walk. It is disappointing and frustrating. I know the way people look at me. Hell, I look at myself that way. Question is, what have you used as a rally cry? I have hot rock bottom, but that doesn't seem to by lighting my fire. What did you do? How did you spark the powder keg and make it happen? I know I CAN do it, because I HAVE done it, and been as low as 330 a few years back.

    I was 355 and in 19 weeks I am down to 290. My goal is 220 by Christmas this year. This is what I did. I went to low carb eating. Look into it. I dont think there is any magic but proteins and fats are more satisfying. They stick with you longer than carbs. I also started eating a bit less in calories than MFP suggested. I am rarely hungry. I have stopped at McDs, BK and Wendys from time to time. I get a sandwich and throw away the bread/roll. Check out lowcarb island and do a google for low carb diets or low carb recipes.
  • dj_struggles
    dj_struggles Posts: 5 Member
    Ok my thoughts may vary from others, but I'll throw it into the mix....

    1. Don't worry about getting off of your butt, just yet, if that's not something your motivated to do. When you drop some pounds, it will inspire you to take the next step.

    2. Fill a gallon jug with water and put it in your fridge. Make sure you drink at least a gallon of water every day. The water will help your metabolism, fill your stomach leaving less room for food, and force you to walk (to the bathroom) regularly!

    3. With eating, you can still have FF for now, just make healthier choices. Remove the bread from the burger, add a salad, skip the fries (or at least commit to limiting your intake of them).

    4. Stop drinking soda, even diet soda, at least for the time being.

    5. Remind yourself you didn't put the weight on overnight and it won't come off overnight.

    6. If possible, surround yourself with people who are already fit (who have won the battle). Their support can make a huge difference. (you have a whole forum of support here :) )

    7. Be kind to yourself. Put motivational signs around the house and read them, OUTLOUD, every time you pass one. It retrains your brain and builds self confidence, self confidence leads to results. (I had them on my front door, my fridge, the mirror in the bathroom, etc.)

    Do that for a couple of weeks. Then, set smart, attainable goals (baby steps) for the next 2-3 weeks (like cut sugar, cut flour, cut bread and pasta)... add new goals each 2-3 weeks until you see the results you want.

    I hope that helps. Every person is different, and you'll likely need to find what works best for you.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    OP, by chance have you been to the Doctor for a yearly check up or blood work done? I think sitting down and talking with your doctor would definitely help you with a call to action..

    You could have perfect blood work , but hearing about your need to get out of the 400's from your doctor would definitely be a call to action for me. And then while your in the doctor's office it is a perfect time to ask him/her for a referral to a dietician or someone in the professional field to help you with your food issues such as the needless and mindless trips to eat fast food, and you simply no longer want to go for a simple walk, etc.. these are not just foods issues there is something preventing you from getting to the better version of your self.. Need to find what that is.

    This may be bigger than you and you may just need an extra edge . nothing wrong with saying a problem is much bigger than you can handle..

    MRBDDB Posts: 14 Member
    edited June 2016
    I've enjoyed reading all these positive inspiring comments. Really spoke to me, OP I hope it does you too. A lot of great advice here I think we can all stand to use.