June bicycle bike cycle cycling challenge



  • SingingSingleTracker
    SingingSingleTracker Posts: 1,866 Member
    June 2nd 8.56 Miles -- Duration 1:12:37
    June 3rd 7.2 Miles -- Duration 0:56:13
    June 5th 17.9 Miles -- Duration 1:44:19
    June 7th 33.3 Miles -- Duration 2:24:30
    June 9th 22.1 Miles -- Duration 1:49:08
    June 10th 6.23 Miles -- Duration 0:57:51
    June 11th 9.73 Miles -- Duration 1:11:21 (MTB Race)
    June 12th 43 Miles -- Duration 3:03:55

    June Total Miles: 148.02
    June Total Duration: 13:19:24
  • RRRobison71
    RRRobison71 Posts: 56 Member
    6/1 11.44
    6/2 13.92
    6/4 11.74
    6/5 14.42
    6/7 15.21
    6/8 15.49
    6/9 9.72
    6/11 10.58
    6/12 21.36-Very hot and humid when I took off. Ten minutes into the ride a rainstorm popped up. Crossed another soaked rider, both of us had big grins like kids. Glad I got a ride in because now it is even more humid after the sun came out. Good for the corn...

    MTD: 123.88

    Jan: 49.93
    Feb: 177.8
    Mar: 279.94
    Apr: 198.79
    May: 110.02

    YTD: 816.48
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    sijomial wrote: »
    Well that's my main challenge for June completed!

    Ditchling Devil Audax - 129 miles @ 14mph, 6,975 feet of elevation gain. SW London to the coast and back via seemingly every possible big hill.

    That was really tough, very warm day and think I got dehydrated as really struggled on the third quarter and had to take a long cake/water break (the cakes were epic!). Nothing left in my legs for the climbs so had to crawl up the later hills and make up time on the flat'ish sections.

    Was supposed to be 127 miles but thanks to Garmin taking me on a couple of detours it turned it into a new PB for me. Happy to get any new PBs at my advanced age. :smile:

    Here's a link if anyone is interested, brilliantly organised event and the route takes you through beautiful countryside.

    Had a quiet start to the week recovering from my big ride, very sore bum and exercise induced asthma. :(

    Tail end of the week got in a couple of 20+ rides and a nice 50+ mile circuit in perfect weather taking in a couple of local climbs (in the Surrey Hills A.O.N.B.).
    Combe Lane https://www.strava.com/segments/8161359
    Staple Lane https://www.strava.com/segments/628859

    99.8 miles for the week (If I had known I would have taken a little detour to make it a round 100 !!)

    229 miles for the month so far.

  • Ohhim
    Ohhim Posts: 1,142 Member
    Got in 13 miles of commuting around town today, but my legs are feeling a bit dead from too many consecutive days of running (60 miles this week), riding, and a stomach bug that has been crushing me me all week. Likely going to rest from the bike for 2 days then do some longer rides once I'm back in Florida later this week.

    6/1 - 33 miles
    6/3 - 17 miles
    6/5 - 31 miles
    6/6 - 11 miles
    6/7 - 11 miles
    6/8 - 7 miles
    6/10 - 11 miles
    6/11 - 13 miles
    6/12 - 13 miles

    Total: 147 miles
    Goal: 500 miles
    Remaining: 353 miles

    2016 Races:
    Gran Fondo Florida Century - March - 23.1 mph avg on TT segments (draft legal)
    Ironman 70.3 Florida - April - 2:39 / 21.0 mph (no drafting)

    Ironman 70.3 Augusta - September
    Ironman Florida - November
  • SteveCro
    SteveCro Posts: 788 Member
    Such a busy weekend didn't get a single ride in!!

    looking good squeaky- such a great accomplishment!!!

    @Tweaking_Time- will do, they are thinking about doing it again next year. They had so much fun. Somewhere one of the towns they had a beer run after getting to the camp. It had a great big hill and a Walmart at the bottom. One guy had his brakes smoking to get turned... They laugh and laugh about that.

    A lot of good miles posted by all
  • jlklem
    jlklem Posts: 259 Member
    Goal for June: 1400

    1st: 72.8 miles
    2nd: 74.8
    3rd: 22.2...needed an easy day
    4th: 72 miles...mailed my bike from Wisconsin to Georgia (I own 5 bikes so it's pretty easy)...got to ride even when on vacation!
    4th: 18.8 miles...second ride of the day
    5th: 2 rides again: 43.3 miles and 21.5
    6th: Easy day...tired from the past three weeks...1 hour on the spin bike...so 15 miles I would guess...150 watt average
    7th: 61 miles...only one ride today
    8th: 18.8 miles...easy day, back home
    9th: Two rides...one hour in the morning on the trainer so around 20 miles, afternoon ride outside, 51.1 miles
    10th: 22.1 miles easy
    11th: 24.1 miles, very hard, 1600 feet of climbing in the 24, 21.1 average speed as I hit every hill hard
    11th: Second ride of the day...22.3 miles
    12th: Two rides...13 miles in the morning (got wet). Second ride to get to 300 miles for the week...51.5 miles

    So around 610 for the month so far
  • tcaley4
    tcaley4 Posts: 416 Member
    06/01 - 14.51
    06/02 - 14.77
    06/04 - 36.51
    06/06 - 15.19
    06/07 - 18.20
    06/08 - 21.75
    06/11 - 58.37

    June total: 179.30
    Goal for month: 300
    Year to date: 1716.57

    Jan - 175.9
    Feb - 343.3
    Mar - 353.8
    Apr - 363.4
    May - 319.1
  • 35dollars
    35dollars Posts: 832 Member
    Wed 01 - 20.00
    Thu 02 - 20.00
    Fri 03 - 20.00
    Mon 06 - 20.00
    Tue 07 - 20.00
    Wed 08 - 20.00
    Thu 09 - 20.00
    Fri 10 - 20.00
    Sun 12 - 15.40
    Mon 13 - 20.00 Another miserable autumnal ride in this morning - cold & wet with strong headwind, really dispiriting. Conversely, the ride home was dry, much warmer (had to stop to divest some clothing, having dressed for this morning's weather) and replete with PRs and near-misses on Strava.

    Total for MTD - 195.4 miles, target 360. YTD: 455.4
  • chrislee1628
    chrislee1628 Posts: 305 Member
    no real goal for me, although from FitBit, I try to aim for 30k steps, I just get on it and cycle away whilst watching stuff on the ipad, playing on the iphone
  • saphin
    saphin Posts: 246 Member
    I'm in again. It's the rainy season here and I don't ride in monsoon rains so I'll reduce my goal to 500 km, though I hope to get significantly more if the weather allows.

    1st Jun: 41.72 km
    3rd Jun: 55.50 km
    4th/5th Jun: 10 km
    6th Jun: 41.21 km
    7th Jun: 41.94 km
    8th Jun: 46.19 km
    9th Jun: 41.24 km
    11th Jun: 46.61 km
    12-13 Jun: 10 km
    14th Jun: 45.10 km

    Month to date: 379.51 km

    Year to end May: 2,652.34 km

    (Jan: 393.82 km; Feb: 538.62 km; Mar: 315.82 km; Apr: 531.22 km; May: 872.86 km)
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,800 Member
    I'm in for 250 miles this month.

    06/02 - 13.50
    06/04 - 12.00
    06/05 - 16.00
    06/11 - 13.00
    06/12 - 12.00...66.50 miles so far
    06/13 - 14.00

  • puglife456
    puglife456 Posts: 127 Member

    6/6- 15 miles
    6/7- 20 miles
    6/8- 15 miles
    6/10- 20 miles
    6/11- 15 miles
    6/13- 25 miles

    June total: 110 miles
    June goal: 400 miles
    Remaining: 290 miles

  • notjustmarie
    notjustmarie Posts: 4 Member
    Will start with timing.
    Goal is 60 minutes a week
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,526 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote:
    Review ...
    Distances include cycling + walking
    March: 489.8 km (304.3 miles) = 38 hours 4 min
    April: 491.94 km (305.6 miles) = 43 hours 6 min
    May: 361.81 km (224.8 miles) = 35 hours 50 min
    June: 569.53 km (353.9 miles) = 41 hours 53 min
    July: 230.7 km (143.35 miles) = 32 hours 45 min
    Aug: 211.3 km (131.3 miles) = 28 hours 8 min
    Sep: 306.7 km (190.6 miles) = 35 hour 2 min
    Oct: 441.82 km (274.5 miles) = 47 hours 43 min
    Nov: 660.21 km (410.23 miles) = 60 hours 41 min
    Dec: 499.91 km (282.8 miles) = 54 hours 56 min
    Jan: 864.79 km (537.35 miles) = 65 hours 36 min
    Feb: 470.53 km (292.4 miles) = 40 hours 39 min
    March: 917.73 km (570.2 miles) = 66 hours 13 min
    April: 417.83 km (259.6 miles) = 40 hours 23 min
    May: 267.09 km (165.9 miles) = 36 hours 10 min

    Last June is going to be hard to beat. Last June, we spent 3 weeks in summertime in Canada cycling and hiking etc. etc. This June, we'll be in the depths of winter here in Tasmania.

    However, I will make an attempt to get somewhere close to last June in terms of time or distance ... or both if I can manage it. :)

    June 2 - 45 min cycling indoors on my trainer

    June Cycling Outside: 0 km (0 min)
    June Cycling Inside: 45 min
    June Walking: 6.1 km (70 min)
    June Stairs: 60 flights (48 min)
    June Time Total: 163 min = 2 hours 43 min
    June Distance Total: 6.1 km = 3.8 miles

    June 4 - 77.7 km (260 min)

    There's a major storm coming. They've been advertising it for days now ... supposed to roll in this evening. So we set off relatively early (11 am) in order to get this ride in before the storm arrived, and yet late enough so that the frost would have melted off the roads.

    It was about 10C where we live when we set off, and climbed up the Southern Outlet. That's about a 12 km climb and by the time we got to the top, we were both overheating because we had dressed for cold. I figured I'd be shedding clothes as soon as we got to the bottom of the descent.

    But when we got to the bottom of the descent, it was indeed cold ... it had dropped to 8C and then down to 7C while we were riding. That was combined with a little breeze and heavy mist all the way out making it feel quite chilly. I was wishing for winter cycling boots! My toe covers weren't quite up to the job.

    We turned around and fortunately the mist/drizzle stopped, and what little wind there was dropped off to practically nothing.

    We had thought about stopping for lunch, but opted to just keep riding back home instead. A hot shower and coffee were calling! So we kept cycling back to Hobart and then up and over Bonnet Hill.

    Our elevation profile shows one big climb at the beginning, then almost flat, and then another big climb at the end. Variety!

    Happily, we did the ride within randonneuring time. Mission accomplished!

    There were a number of cyclists out there today ... all bundled up and looking rather cold. So we weren't the only ones.

    Weekend adventures ...

    June 4 - 77.7 km cycling (260 min)

    June 5 - 2.8 km (20 min) running on treadmill!! Go me!! I usually reserve running for chasing buses and things like that!! :grin:
    3.6 km (40 min) walking on treadmill.
    1.5 km (10 min) rowing

    June Cycling Outside: 77.7 km (260 min)
    June Cycling Inside: 45 min
    June Walking: 15.7 km (170 min)
    June Stairs: 90 flights (72 min)
    June Rowing: 1.5 km (10 min)
    June Time Total: 557 min = 9 hours 17 min
    June Distance Total: 94.9 km = 58.9 miles

    I'm back!! I was madly studying for a final exam worth 50% of my mark. Thankfully, that is done now! There will be a long wait to find out how I did, but at least the course is finished and I've got a month till the next one starts. With only full-time work to do (instead of full-time work + a grad course), I am hoping to get more cycling in. :)

    June 12 - 40.2 km cycling (125 min)

    June 13 - 47 km cycling (148 min)

    June Cycling Outside: 164.9 km (533 min)
    June Cycling Inside: 45 min
    June Walking: 31.7 km (354 min)
    June Stairs: 215 flights (172 min)
    June Rowing: 2 km (13 min)
    June Time Total: 1117 min = 18 hours 37 min
    June Distance Total: 198.6 km = 123.4 miles
  • narak_lol
    narak_lol Posts: 855 Member
    Target 1300km
    1: 83.5km
    2: 0
    3. 57.9km
    4. 45.9km
    5. 116.1km
    6. 0
    7. 98.4km
    8. 37.6km
    9. 98.3km
    10. 0 (bad weather - gym work)
    11. 0 (bad weather - yikes!)
    12. 0 (bad weather - gym work - got to find something to do...)
    13. 43km
    14. about 60km - forgot to upload before I left the bike with my friend for maintenance
    15. 0 (bikeless)
    16. 0 (bikeless)

    Running total: about 639km
  • SteveCro
    SteveCro Posts: 788 Member
    I'm in.... Goal 350 miles

    6/1 - 22.19 miles
    6/2 - 23.26 miles
    6/3 - 19.37 miles
    6/5 - 23.49 miles
    6/7 - 3.67 miles
    6/8 - 27.38 miles
    6/9 - 9.17 miles
    6/13 - 17.53 miles

    MTD - 146.06 miles

    Jan - 170.47
    Feb - 245.31
    Mar - 409.88
    Apr - 227.22
    May - 332.92

    YTD - 1531.85
  • SavannahS2016
    SavannahS2016 Posts: 350 Member
    June 1st: 7.7 Miles
    June 2nd: 8.3 Miles
    June 3rd: 0 Miles
    June 4th: 16.3 Miles
    June 5th: 5.8 Miles
    June 6th: 11.5 Miles
    June 7th: 0 Miles
    June 8th: 4.2 Miles
    June 9/10/11/12: 0 Miles
    June 13th: 8 Miles

    Total: 61.8 Miles
    Goal: 200 Miles

    May: 45.5 Miles
    YTD: 145.7 Miles
  • SteveCro
    SteveCro Posts: 788 Member
    @ tcaley4 - great feeling!! Well done my friend..

    I am too. Last year because of life happenings my first ride was May 20th. ended up with 1443 for the year, today I at 1531.
  • RRRobison71
    RRRobison71 Posts: 56 Member
    Will start with timing.
    Goal is 60 minutes a week

    Go for it!
  • 35dollars
    35dollars Posts: 832 Member
    Wed 01 - 20.00
    Thu 02 - 20.00
    Fri 03 - 20.00
    Mon 06 - 20.00
    Tue 07 - 20.00
    Wed 08 - 20.00
    Thu 09 - 20.00
    Fri 10 - 20.00
    Sun 12 - 15.40
    Mon 13 - 20.00
    Tue 14 - 20.00. Feeling very smug as I dodged torrential rain in both trips - particularly getting home less than 5 minutes before it really hammered down. :)

    Total for MTD - 215.4 miles, target 360. YTD: 475.4
  • HopHead28
    HopHead28 Posts: 180 Member
    Got in a couple of really nice rides over the past few days.
    I was able to get out to one of the best mountain biking trials in the state and boy was it wild. I cant wait to get back there... hopefully in a couple weeks I can make my way back.

    June: 82 mi // 6 hours
    YTD Totals -- 828 mi // 62:48 hours
  • jlklem
    jlklem Posts: 259 Member
    Goal for June: 1400

    1st: 72.8 miles
    2nd: 74.8
    3rd: 22.2...needed an easy day
    4th: 72 miles...mailed my bike from Wisconsin to Georgia (I own 5 bikes so it's pretty easy)...got to ride even when on vacation: Second ride: 18.8 miles
    5th: 2 rides again: 43.3 miles and 21.5
    6th: Easy day...tired from the past three weeks...1 hour on the spin bike...so 15 miles I would guess...150 watt average
    7th: 61 miles...only one ride today
    8th: 18.8 miles...easy day, back home
    9th: Two rides...one hour in the morning on the trainer so around 20 miles, afternoon ride outside, 51.1 miles
    10th: 22.1 miles easy
    11th: Two rides: 24.1 miles, very hard, 1600 feet of climbing in the 24, 21.1 average speed as I hit every hill hard: Second ride of the day...22.3 miles
    12th: Two rides...13 miles in the morning (got wet). Second ride to get to 300 miles for the week...51.5 miles
    13th: Two short rides (I was tired)...both 35 minutes...so around 20 miles (both were on the trainer)
    14th: Better today, slept and ate well, 71 miles outside (20.6 average which is good for me)

    So around 700 miles for the month so far
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,800 Member
    I'm in for 250 miles this month.

    06/02 - 13.50
    06/04 - 12.00
    06/05 - 16.00
    06/11 - 13.00
    06/12 - 12.00...66.50 miles so far
    06/13 - 14.00
    06/14 - 17.00

  • UmmSqueaky
    UmmSqueaky Posts: 715 Member
    6/1 - 23 miles
    6/2 - 23 miles
    6/3 - 7 miles
    6/6 - 23 miles
    6/7 - 23 miles
    6/8 - 23 miles
    6/9 - 16 miles
    6/10 - 23 miles
    6/11 - 17 miles
    6/14 - 9 miles - nice light, warm rain for the afternoon ride which was alas ruined by lightening. Put the bike on the train just to be safe

    Month to date: 188 miles
    Year to date: 1750 miles

  • RRRobison71
    RRRobison71 Posts: 56 Member
    6/1 11.44
    6/2 13.92
    6/4 11.74
    6/5 14.42
    6/7 15.21
    6/8 15.49
    6/9 9.72
    6/11 10.58
    6/12 21.36
    6/14 10.95 Little ride around the local lake. Humid.

    MTD: 134.83

    Jan: 49.93
    Feb: 177.8
    Mar: 279.94
    Apr: 198.79
    May: 110.02

    YTD: 816.48
  • puglife456
    puglife456 Posts: 127 Member
    A nice ride then dinner with friends yesterday
    6/6- 15 miles
    6/7- 20 miles
    6/8- 15 miles
    6/10- 20 miles
    6/11- 15 miles
    6/13- 25 miles
    6/14- 15 miles

    June total: 125 miles
    June goal: 400 miles
    Remaining: 275 miles

  • tcaley4
    tcaley4 Posts: 416 Member
    06/01 - 14.51
    06/02 - 14.77
    06/04 - 36.51
    06/06 - 15.19
    06/07 - 18.20
    06/08 - 21.75
    06/11 - 58.37
    06/13 - 18.20
    06/14 - 15.17

    June total: 212.67
    Goal for month: 300
    Year to date: 1749.94

    Jan - 175.9
    Feb - 343.3
    Mar - 353.8
    Apr - 363.4
    May - 319.1
  • Tweaking_Time
    Tweaking_Time Posts: 733 Member
    edited June 2016
    01 - 13.15 Miles
    04 - 18.37
    05 - 14.80
    07 - 20.09
    09 - 17.63
    14 - 15.94
    99.98 Miles Total

    All miles on the KATY Trail in Central Missouri.
  • SavannahS2016
    SavannahS2016 Posts: 350 Member
    June 1st: 7.7 Miles
    June 2nd: 8.3 Miles
    June 3rd: 0 Miles
    June 4th: 16.3 Miles
    June 5th: 5.8 Miles
    June 6th: 11.5 Miles
    June 7th: 0 Miles
    June 8th: 4.2 Miles
    June 9/10/11/12: 0 Miles
    June 13th: 8 Miles
    June 14th: 0 Miles
    June 15th: 8 Miles

    Total: 69.8 Miles
    Goal: 200 Miles

    May: 45.5 Miles
    YTD: 153.7 Miles