Am I the only runner in the world that doesn't hate the treadmill?



  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    I'm trying to learn to like it more. Intervals make it less boring for me, and it does have it's use in getting me used to faster speeds, as well as for bad weather or for a hill workout (few hills where I live). That said, I'd take almost any rain or winter weather over the treadmill for a longer run. (Heat is harder, but luckily where I am it's not as likely to be a problem as in some areas of the country.)

    Planning the route is one of the things I enjoy about running -- sometimes just exploring different neighborhoods. Time flies on a long run for me much more than on the treadmill.
  • Meganthedogmom
    Meganthedogmom Posts: 1,639 Member
    edited June 2016
    I live in the southern Louisiana heat, so I've been running indoors on the treadmill since April.
    ROBOTFOOD Posts: 5,527 Member
    Its 110f here. So if I want to run, TM is my choice.
  • BruinsGal_91
    BruinsGal_91 Posts: 1,400 Member
    Love my treadmill. I'm in MA, so there's no way I'm running outside in the winter, and in the summer my allergies are pretty bad. I set my pace and incline, turn the TV on to a hockey or baseball game depending on the season, and off I go. I should say I do enjoy running outside too (got a 10k road race on Sunday which I'm really looking forward to), but sometimes it's just so much easier to wander down to the basement and knock off a quick 5k.
  • glevinso
    glevinso Posts: 1,895 Member
    glevinso wrote: »
    Nothing wrong with a good quality treadmill. I have a NordicTrack C1550 and while I would prefer to run outside as much as possible, I never grumble about running on the treadmill.

    Was only about 2 months ago we had a freak snowstorm on a Sunday I was scheduled to do a 17 mile long run. So it happened on my treadmill. Big deal, it just got done, no complaints.

    Wow, never tried one than long on the TM. Do you watch TV/movies while you're on there? Your pic looks like you do do triathlons. You training for anything right now?

    I usually cue up a bunch of the Sufferfest videos and just watch them for the music and humor value while running. I find I have a hard time concentrating on a story line in a movie when I am running or riding indoors, so something like the Sufferfest works really well for me.

    I am currently just coming out of my rest period post Ironman Texas (3 weeks ago). I will be racing Rev3 Quassy (Oly) this Saturday. Then headed to the other Rev3 races later this summer: Williamsburg (Oly), Pocono (Half) and Old Orchard Beach (Oly).

    After that I will be pushing one last build period into Ironman Maryland in October.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    edited June 2016
    There are a lot of high performance athletes that use TMs for most of their winter training. While I am not a high performance athlete I actually enjoy running outside in the winter and the only time I'll resort to running on my TM is if there's freezing rain (but then again I'm a crazy Canuck who embraces winter activities. There is no "nasty" weather....just inappropriate clothing.)

  • codename_steve
    codename_steve Posts: 255 Member
    I enjoy running on the treadmill! I don't have to carry water, or my phone, and I can watch the numbers for motivation (I switch from "only 20 more seconds" to "only .10 of a mile", back and forth between the two gets me through a workout.)
  • RollTideTri
    RollTideTri Posts: 116 Member
    There are a lot of high performance athletes that use TMs for most of their winter training. While I am not a high performance athlete I actually enjoy running outside in the winter and the only time I'll resort to running on my TM is if there's freezing rain (but then again I'm a crazy Canuck who embraces winter activities. There is no "nasty" weather....just inappropriate clothing.)


    Dang dude that is hard core right there. No nasty weather you say? Ice crystals in my eyebrows = TM time :D I love me some cold weather for snowmobiling or skiing though.
  • RollTideTri
    RollTideTri Posts: 116 Member
    glevinso wrote: »
    glevinso wrote: »
    Nothing wrong with a good quality treadmill. I have a NordicTrack C1550 and while I would prefer to run outside as much as possible, I never grumble about running on the treadmill.

    Was only about 2 months ago we had a freak snowstorm on a Sunday I was scheduled to do a 17 mile long run. So it happened on my treadmill. Big deal, it just got done, no complaints.

    Wow, never tried one than long on the TM. Do you watch TV/movies while you're on there? Your pic looks like you do do triathlons. You training for anything right now?

    I usually cue up a bunch of the Sufferfest videos and just watch them for the music and humor value while running. I find I have a hard time concentrating on a story line in a movie when I am running or riding indoors, so something like the Sufferfest works really well for me.

    I am currently just coming out of my rest period post Ironman Texas (3 weeks ago). I will be racing Rev3 Quassy (Oly) this Saturday. Then headed to the other Rev3 races later this summer: Williamsburg (Oly), Pocono (Half) and Old Orchard Beach (Oly).

    After that I will be pushing one last build period into Ironman Maryland in October.

    Wow. I'm just getting started in the sport but loving it. How do you like the Rev3 races vs IM? Yes I'm hijacking my own thread lol
  • GiddyupTim
    GiddyupTim Posts: 2,819 Member
    Well, I am obviously too late, since others have admitted they jump on the treadmill often.
    But, I would have answered: YES. You are crazy.
    The joy of running is that it gets you outside and you see things. The treadmill is tedious. You aren't seeing things, or working to get up the hill or to the next corner; you are a slave to the clock.
    I've lived in Minnesota and run year round. Not hard. You dress for it and your body heats up. The worst weather produced some of my most memorable runs, precisely because of the challenge.
    I live in Sacramento, where summer days get over 100 degrees F regularly. I don't advise running in the afternoon in July but I can do it........and I think it is so much better than huffing and puffing and staring at a wall (or the television) for a solid hour.
  • glevinso
    glevinso Posts: 1,895 Member
    glevinso wrote: »
    glevinso wrote: »
    Nothing wrong with a good quality treadmill. I have a NordicTrack C1550 and while I would prefer to run outside as much as possible, I never grumble about running on the treadmill.

    Was only about 2 months ago we had a freak snowstorm on a Sunday I was scheduled to do a 17 mile long run. So it happened on my treadmill. Big deal, it just got done, no complaints.

    Wow, never tried one than long on the TM. Do you watch TV/movies while you're on there? Your pic looks like you do do triathlons. You training for anything right now?

    I usually cue up a bunch of the Sufferfest videos and just watch them for the music and humor value while running. I find I have a hard time concentrating on a story line in a movie when I am running or riding indoors, so something like the Sufferfest works really well for me.

    I am currently just coming out of my rest period post Ironman Texas (3 weeks ago). I will be racing Rev3 Quassy (Oly) this Saturday. Then headed to the other Rev3 races later this summer: Williamsburg (Oly), Pocono (Half) and Old Orchard Beach (Oly).

    After that I will be pushing one last build period into Ironman Maryland in October.

    Wow. I'm just getting started in the sport but loving it. How do you like the Rev3 races vs IM? Yes I'm hijacking my own thread lol

    Fair disclosure: My wife is a brand ambassador for Rev3. I love their races, and have since I started racing. When my wife became a brand ambassador I started liking them even more because I got to know the people behind the scenes and such. They put on a great show, and have some really excellent races. I will pretty much always choose to race with them over Ironman (for the half distance) because I just like their races and their vibe. Rev3 races are much more chill, very beginner friendly, and the people that come race are not nearly as "uptight" as you might find at an M-dot brand race. Don't get me wrong, they are very competitive and attract some very fast athletes (including having a pro race series again this year!). However the fast people that show up are just as friendly as everyone else. At an Ironman race it is not uncommon to encounter some rather unfriendly characters who are just there to race and that's IT. Uptight type-A people.

    When Ironman puts its brand on a half distance race they are labelling what amounts to a franchise. The 70.3 race is always run by a local race director and while that isn't an issue most of the time, you don't always know what you are going to get unless you happen to participate in other races by that race director. The quality of the experience can be variable. With Rev3 it's always the same people, same directors, etc that put the show on. They go from place to place and make it all happen and you know exactly what you are going to get.

    Now when Ironman puts on its full distance races they do it similarly to Rev3 and put the show on themselves. So for the full distance I have no issue at all going to Ironman. That said, they are a bit like the "evil empire" of racing and can be very expensive. Unfortunately they hold the keys to Kona and I want to race there someday (crossing fingers I qualify at IM Maryland).

  • 20yearsyounger
    20yearsyounger Posts: 1,643 Member
    Now that I am starting to work on speed intervals, I have grown to like them. Hard to be a slacker when the other scenario is falling flat on your face :)
  • Wicked_Seraph
    Wicked_Seraph Posts: 388 Member
    I used to hate treadmills, and I still don't love them. However, it's hotter than Satan's ball sack in Florida right now; a planned three-mile run ended up as a 1.5 mile run and 1.5 mile walk because I chose the wrong clothes and felt f--king awful. I'm starting to think that either I'll run at the park or begin loving the treadmill, because for some reason the circuit around the block is horrid, even at 5:30 in the evening.
  • 20yearsyounger
    20yearsyounger Posts: 1,643 Member
    I used to hate treadmills, and I still don't love them. However, it's hotter than Satan's ball sack in Florida right now; a planned three-mile run ended up as a 1.5 mile run and 1.5 mile walk because I chose the wrong clothes and felt f--king awful. I'm starting to think that either I'll run at the park or begin loving the treadmill, because for some reason the circuit around the block is horrid, even at 5:30 in the evening.

    Suck it up buttercup :) That's Florida training :)
  • ziggy2006
    ziggy2006 Posts: 255 Member
    I prefer running outside, but twitchy bronchial tubes (hyperreactive airways) make that challenging. Cold air and smoke/fumes are triggers for me. So I make do on the treadmill for the most part.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    We own a treadmill I'm perfectly happy with either.
  • MaddyT122
    MaddyT122 Posts: 152 Member
    I like the treadmill as I can watch Netlfix and zone out with my shows. I also like to run outside but only if the weather is right. If it's icy or too cold out, forget it.
  • esweigart237
    esweigart237 Posts: 4 Member
    I live in Atlanta and in the summer I run 6-7 days a week, always outdoors. The thing is, I run at 7am, in the woods or by the river if possible. If it's too too hot, I'll only run about 3 miles and then go to the gym later, but I'm usually fine.
    The only only only time I use the treadmill is for speed work in the winter - it's just so frustrating otherwise. If I have to work out inside (which is rarely because ^^Atlanta) I'll usually do circuits or take a class... hot yoga is really nice on a cold winter night.
  • Char231023
    Char231023 Posts: 700 Member
    Not alone I love the treadmill. I can just zone out on a run rather than have to worry about traffic, predators, or people distracting me.
  • soldiergrl_101
    soldiergrl_101 Posts: 2,205 Member
    I love my treadmill. When I was 230lbs I refused to set foot in the gym, I didn't want to look stupid. I had a treadmill in my house for over a year that just sat there and did nothing no one used it. When I decided to make a change I put the tv on and walked on it for 5minutes. The next day 7...a few months later I was running for 10minutes. Now I am 65lbs lighter and run on it for 45 minutes anything from sprints to long distance. I just bought my first gym membership two weeks ago to start helping me with body recomposition. But if it wasn't for my treadmill I probably would still be fat and unhappy on the couch