To Leave (MFP) or Not To Leave.......that is my question!



    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    love this site,been on for years, but lately cannot post on anyones pages, slow and I have to keep typing it in,, but I love my friends I have had for years, never had a prob till recently, I am so frustrated, everyone keeps asking where I went, I am here just cannot comment. odd,
  • Zella_11
    Zella_11 Posts: 161 Member
    It works if you don't have premium.

  • DM01234
    DM01234 Posts: 317 Member
    It works if you don't have premium.

    I don't have premium - doesn't work for me.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,181 Member
    Have you tried any of the others?

    I have.

    MFP is an absolute joy to use.
  • tryett
    tryett Posts: 530 Member
    Not only can't I like or post, it doesn't registered my weight loss even though I put it in properly. Noticed this on others pages as well.
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    One thing I shall also lament is that when I want to go back in time on my comments on my home page, it goes no further than 2 days. Just last week I was able to go back months to find a link I'd placed in a comment just so that I could find it later.
  • Mitramonday
    Mitramonday Posts: 48 Member
    Options day I was pulling my hair out because of the inability to fix the 'like/comment' issue and, two days later....fixed :p . Well, it is for me anyway...everyone else ok with it now? I haven't dared put the recipe builder to the test yet, but I have two days off now, so maybe I'll risk it again?
  • pebble4321
    pebble4321 Posts: 1,132 Member
    I wouldn't hold your breath fur the recipe builder!
    I've used MFPon and off since 2011 and the recipe builder is now worse than it used to be.

    My only tip for that is to enter recipes from the phone app (add each ingredient manually), that's works most times whereas the web based version is very flakey. Support helpfully told me that it worked ok for them...
  • melissa6771
    melissa6771 Posts: 894 Member
    The like comment thing was fixed as of today. It was annoying but not the end of the world.

    I have absolutely no problems finding correct entries or making one if I have to, which usually I don't. I use the recipe builder a lot and haven't had any issues there either. I log everything, save it, then log it in diary when needed.
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    Ugh..the spammers are so annoying, especially that sky one.