10 weeks - 1500 calories - no change :(

Hi! I would love some advice and shared experiences. I've been eating 1500 calories per day for 10 weeks now. This is a 20% calorie deficit and I should be shifting 0.5kg per week. I doubt I could eat less than this without being angry and tired!
I exercise most days: cycling to and from work, rowing competitively, weight training and rowing machine. I have a polar heart rate monitor with chest strap which is pretty accurate in calculating calories burned so was logging exercise each day but rounding down the calories burned to the nearest 100 in case there was any overestimation. After 8 weeks of no progress I started to only log 80% of calories burned so that I was not eating back 100% of burned calories.
But, there is no progress. My weight, measurements and % body fat are all the same!!!

Please help!

I don't want to start a debate on eating back calories or get people's backs up, but please don't advise me to stop eating exercise calories back. I am a competitive (but chunky) athlete so need to make sure my body is adequately fuelled. I can easily burn 900 calories each day in exercise so, if I was to only eat 1500 calories, my net calories would only be 600 to fuel my body for the remainder of the day.



  • Asher_Ethan
    Asher_Ethan Posts: 2,430 Member
    Are you weighing everything?
    Your hrm isn't accurate for calories burned from weight lifting.
  • trixiex
    trixiex Posts: 22 Member
    Ah quick replies! Thanks guys!

    1. My BMR is calculated with having a sedentary job. I'm not following the TDEE method as my exercise can fluctuate week to week. Or I'm just controlling and want to be able to log each session separately!!!

    2. I never knew that about heart rate monitors - perhaps I should stop logging my weight training and reduce the calories it says I've burned during cardio by some more (to 60%?).

    3. I weigh most of my food except for veggies. I use a measuring jug for liquids and even wine!

    The only food I don't weigh is pre-portioned stuff with the portion size already caloried up for me, or available on myfitnesspal.
    E.g. tonight I'm having trout fillet pan fried (1/2 tbsp coconut oil), broccoli and (a big) baby leaf salad with balsamic vinegar. 150g 0% fat greek yoghurt with 100g strawberries and 1tsp honey for dessert. The trout fillet has the nutritional info on the label already so no need to weigh.

    I was guessing it's because I'm getting older (36) and weight is less easy to shift but this is ridiculous now!!! My other half is away for a couple of months now and I'd really love for him to notice a difference when we see each other again!
  • beautifulwarrior18
    beautifulwarrior18 Posts: 914 Member
    malibu927 wrote: »
    A few things stand out...

    1. If you're following TDEE method, you do not eat back your exercise calories. They are already included in the count.

    This. This isn't a debate about whether to eat back your calories or not. TDEE already calculates your calories burned and has you eating them back so you're probably eating back twice as much as you should be. Plain and simple if you're not losing we ight your not in a deficit.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    trixiex wrote: »
    Ah quick replies! Thanks guys!

    1. My BMR is calculated with having a sedentary job. I'm not following the TDEE method as my exercise can fluctuate week to week. Or I'm just controlling and want to be able to log each session separately!!!

    2. I never knew that about heart rate monitors - perhaps I should stop logging my weight training and reduce the calories it says I've burned during cardio by some more (to 60%?).

    3. I weigh most of my food except for veggies. I use a measuring jug for liquids and even wine!

    The only food I don't weigh is pre-portioned stuff with the portion size already caloried up for me, or available on myfitnesspal.
    E.g. tonight I'm having trout fillet pan fried (1/2 tbsp coconut oil), broccoli and (a big) baby leaf salad with balsamic vinegar. 150g 0% fat greek yoghurt with 100g strawberries and 1tsp honey for dessert. The trout fillet has the nutritional info on the label already so no need to weigh.

    I was guessing it's because I'm getting older (36) and weight is less easy to shift but this is ridiculous now!!! My other half is away for a couple of months now and I'd really love for him to notice a difference when we see each other again!

    are you choosing correct entries?

    I've seen entries in MFP that are so off it's not even funny....ie Chicken at half the calories it should be.

    And are you taking measurements?
  • daniip_la
    daniip_la Posts: 678 Member
    trixiex wrote: »
    3. I weigh most of my food except for veggies. I use a measuring jug for liquids and even wine!

    The only food I don't weigh is pre-portioned stuff with the portion size already caloried up for me, or available on myfitnesspal.
    E.g. tonight I'm having trout fillet pan fried (1/2 tbsp coconut oil), broccoli and (a big) baby leaf salad with balsamic vinegar. 150g 0% fat greek yoghurt with 100g strawberries and 1tsp honey for dessert. The trout fillet has the nutritional info on the label already so no need to weigh.

    You should weigh everything solid, even prepackaged things. It's very common, for me at least, to find that everything doesn't quite match the weight it's supposed to be. Those calories can add up, if you eat a lot of prepackaged foods.
  • trixiex
    trixiex Posts: 22 Member
    edited June 2016
    Well, it's easy when its branded stuff as you can double check against the label to make sure it's right, so I'm fairly certain the food logging isn't too far off.
    I'm taking waist, thigh and hip measurements and there has been NO CHANGE so so so annoying. I have toned up, definitely. But none of the chunk has gone.

    With regards to TDEE - I did look at this method before I started really committing to losing weight - the trouble is that the different calculators give such different results. I've tried a few and have intakes varying from 1800 - 2300. I'm also a bit scared of setting my activity level at the wrong level and eating too many calories by accident!

    The calculator recommended here: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/fivethreeone/view/how-did-i-eat-the-basics-tdee-calories-macros-570878

    gave me a total of 1881 calories per day which is about 100 more than what I'm eating just now.

    Maybe I should just give that a go!
  • trixiex
    trixiex Posts: 22 Member
    Ok - good tips for weighing everything! Even veggies :(
  • Cortneyrenee04
    Cortneyrenee04 Posts: 1,117 Member
    Yes, weigh everything. Especially stuff like your oils and honey. It adds up! Eating exercise calories is fine IF you know your exact intake AND energy expenditure precisely, which is so rarely the case. Maybe not looking at a certain percentage of them and just eating to your hunger could help.
  • trixiex
    trixiex Posts: 22 Member
    I'm a pretty greedy person with no food "off" switch so really don't trust my hunger - still learning to separate neck down and neck up hunger!!!
    I've looked at a few TDEE calculations and they vary from 1750 to 2000 calories per day, so will go with 1850, stop logging the exercise calories and see what happens over the next couple of weeks.
  • StacyLynnBennett
    StacyLynnBennett Posts: 28 Member
    I was thinking as active as you are you may need to increase your calorie intake.
  • behnybaby
    behnybaby Posts: 106 Member
    What is your water intake and liquids are you drinking.
  • trixiex
    trixiex Posts: 22 Member
    My current weight is 171lb, target weight is 156lb, height is 5' 8" (173cm). I don't really know where that puts me in the grand scheme of things.

    Water - probably not enough!!! A few cups of mint tea during the day and maybe a litre of water.

    Increase my calories - really? sounds awesome!
  • WallBilly
    WallBilly Posts: 11 Member
    I would not count the weightlifting calories burned at all. Cardio, sure, but unless you are doing circuit training with a continuous high heart rate, you're probably only burning 150 calories per hour weight lifting at best.

    Another sneaky calorie source, someone already mentioned it, is oils. If you like to grill your veggies like I do in olive oil, you have to measure it, and it adds up fast. 2 tablespoons of olive oil is 250 calories!