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If you could meet anyone from mfp ...



  • Liftheavylovehard
    Liftheavylovehard Posts: 5,393 Member
    helenwodka wrote: »
    This site is nothing more than a venue for flirting-- just found out my husband has been on here for 4 months 'oogling' the young babes. Pretty sick considering he's old enough to be the lovelies father. So much for tracking weight loss and calories. Any of you that want to come forward to help with my divorce-- his screen name was Jammer1963. Please in box me. Oh-- Jerseyex-- you were his favorite, darlin.

    To be fair, I think @Jerseyex is everyone's favorite :wink:

    She is one of mine..
  • JUiCY_KiSS
    JUiCY_KiSS Posts: 8,512 Member
    edited August 2016
  • bolgi72
    bolgi72 Posts: 106 Member
    einy meanie miney moe...
  • Jerseyex
    Jerseyex Posts: 3,820 Member
    helenwodka wrote: »
    This site is nothing more than a venue for flirting-- just found out my husband has been on here for 4 months 'oogling' the young babes. Pretty sick considering he's old enough to be the lovelies father. So much for tracking weight loss and calories. Any of you that want to come forward to help with my divorce-- his screen name was Jammer1963. Please in box me. Oh-- Jerseyex-- you were his favorite, darlin.

    To be fair, I think @Jerseyex is everyone's favorite :wink:

    Thanks for the huge compliment @playdohpants
  • Jerseyex
    Jerseyex Posts: 3,820 Member
    helenwodka wrote: »
    This site is nothing more than a venue for flirting-- just found out my husband has been on here for 4 months 'oogling' the young babes. Pretty sick considering he's old enough to be the lovelies father. So much for tracking weight loss and calories. Any of you that want to come forward to help with my divorce-- his screen name was Jammer1963. Please in box me. Oh-- Jerseyex-- you were his favorite, darlin.

    To be fair, I think @Jerseyex is everyone's favorite :wink:

    She is one of mine..

    @Liftheavylovehard Love you
  • Jerseyex
    Jerseyex Posts: 3,820 Member
    helenwodka wrote: »
    This site is nothing more than a venue for flirting-- just found out my husband has been on here for 4 months 'oogling' the young babes. Pretty sick considering he's old enough to be the lovelies father. So much for tracking weight loss and calories. Any of you that want to come forward to help with my divorce-- his screen name was Jammer1963. Please in box me. Oh-- Jerseyex-- you were his favorite, darlin.

    To be fair, I think @Jerseyex is everyone's favorite :wink:

    I'd risk my marriage for her

    @GnothiSeauton23 lol
  • Jerseyex
    Jerseyex Posts: 3,820 Member
    edited August 2016
    helenwodka wrote: »
    This site is nothing more than a venue for flirting-- just found out my husband has been on here for 4 months 'oogling' the young babes. Pretty sick considering he's old enough to be the lovelies father. So much for tracking weight loss and calories. Any of you that want to come forward to help with my divorce-- his screen name was Jammer1963. Please in box me. Oh-- Jerseyex-- you were his favorite, darlin.

    I don't even know who he is???? No clue what you are talking about. Is that why you are constantly sending me friend requests????
  • jenjencin78
    jenjencin78 Posts: 4,415 Member
    edited August 2016
    @synchkat that's my girl! :)
  • synchkat
    synchkat Posts: 37,368 Member
    @synchkat that's my girl! :)

    awww ya...meet up in NYC!!!!
  • jenjencin78
    jenjencin78 Posts: 4,415 Member
    Contact her for what exactly though? Seems really strange to come online and ask virtual strangers to testify in your divorce. But then again these forums are a freak show sometimes :D
  • synchkat
    synchkat Posts: 37,368 Member
    the ice skater above me.

    hmm you're kinda new to know I like to skate on ice

    and re the "situation" I would think there was more to the story than just some online indiscretions or ogling. I received a friend request from her because he tagged me in a thread...I hope he was doing more than that sort of thing to elicit that sort of response