The dreaded vegetables.

Ok so I don't like vegetables, at all. None of it taste good to me and I don't find them satisfying. Obviously we all know vegetables are a huge factor to losing fat and toning up. I think the only time I eat vegetables is in Chinese food...and I don't even think that counts lol. What have you all done to start eating veggies and learn to "like" them?


  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    You don't have to eat vegetables to lose fat. Just eat less calories than you burn.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    IDK....I love vegetables...mostly I saute them or roast them. I'm not a big fan of raw or steamed.
  • allyphoe
    allyphoe Posts: 618 Member
    You don't need to eat vegetables to lose weight. Calorie deficit is sufficient.

    If you're concerned about overall health / nutrient deficiency, a multivitamin is better than nothing (and isn't any less of a concern even when you aren't trying to lose weight).

    For my picky kid, roasting veggies with stronger flavored spice blends and coating veggies with a heavily seasoned creamy cheesy sauce are both good bets. For me, the more I eat them, the better I like them. If you like them with Chinese style sauces, go for it.
  • lucys1225
    lucys1225 Posts: 597 Member
    Roast them.
  • T0M_K
    T0M_K Posts: 7,526 Member
    juice them?
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    Ok so I don't like vegetables, at all. None of it taste good to me and I don't find them satisfying. Obviously we all know vegetables are a huge factor to losing fat and toning up. I think the only time I eat vegetables is in Chinese food...and I don't even think that counts lol. What have you all done to start eating veggies and learn to "like" them?

    While lots of people enjoy including vegetables in their diets due to their usual high volume/calorie ratio and their macro- and micro-nutrients (not to mention a flavor that many enjoy), they aren't required to lose fat or "tone up."

    That said, if they only way you like vegetables is in Chinese food, why not find some recipes for Chinese-style vegetables and begin experimenting with those? Why wouldn't those count?
  • extra_medium
    extra_medium Posts: 1,525 Member
    There's no need to eat vegetables to lose fat - eat fewer calories than you burn.

    If you want to eat more vegetables, the only thing to do is experiment with recipes until you find something you personally like.
  • Tweaking_Time
    Tweaking_Time Posts: 733 Member
    edited June 2016
    Do you like salads? I too hate many cooked veggies - like broccoli, cauliflower, spinach, cabbage...but I have them all raw in a salad

    I am also extremely prejudiced against peas and lima-beans. I illegally profile them, target them for arrest and jail, and hate them on site - on principal. If I do have to eat them (to be polite) I close my eyes and pinch my nose and swallow them one at a time - like a pill B)
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    I had the same problem. But the thing is, tastebuds adapt to what you expose them to, and changing habits and environment can influence preferences. I used to like raw carrots, when I felt "healthy", and that was about it :D

    Don't try to eat just vegetables. That's boring and not at all filling or nutritious. Always combine them with some fat, and serve/prepare them in different ways. Experiment until you find something you like. Don't fret if there's some you just can't get yourself to like. I won't touch tomato unless it's beaten to pulp, I dislike eggplant, avocado and olives, and I find canned peas and corn disgusting. But there are so many others that are delicious. And as mentioned, taste can change, or you can stumble over some insane recipe that turns your childhoods nightmare foods into gold - this happened to brussel sprouts when I found out they could be oven roasted! Some of my other, recently discovered, favorites are parsnips, also oven roasted, and boiled artichoke and grilled corn on the cob.

    I do this: Have some vegetables for every meal - usually cooked/heated for dinner, and raw for the rest. Have a variety, and rotate between them. I go through about 4 pounds of vegetables per week, not counting the starchy ones like potato, sweet potato and corn.
    Get in as much as possible when making things like spaghetti sauce or chili or stir-fry; always onions, garlic, and chili, and a selection of mushrooms, squash, peppers, celery, carrot, often canned tomato (passata).
    Make vegetable soups every other week - onion, garlic, maybe a root vegetable, and the main flavor of the day (peas, spinach, mushrooms, carrot, tomato/pepper etc), slightly softened in oil, add spices, stock, cook until tender, purée with immersion blender.

    A month of my meals is shown is this thread.
  • acbraswell
    acbraswell Posts: 238 Member
    Do you like salads? I too hate many cooked veggies - like broccoli, cauliflower, spinach, cabbage...but I have them all raw in a salad

    I am also extremely prejudiced against peas and lima-beans. I illegally profile them, target them for arrest and jail, and hate them on site - on principal. If I do have to eat them (to be polite) I close my eyes and pinch my nose and swallow them one at a time - like a pill B)

    Haha, this made me laugh. One of my favorite foods is lima beans, please don't discriminate :wink:

    In all seriousness, veggies are stock full of nutrients and fiber for relatively low calories, so they help bulk up meals to keep you feeling full. I like to add a cup of raw spinach or kale to a smoothie, and add grated zucchini and carrots to spaghetti sauce. Also, beef vegetable stew is a good way to get in a lot of veggies but they're masked by the broth and beef.
  • BeYouTiful94
    BeYouTiful94 Posts: 289 Member
    Vegetables aren't a huge factor to losing fat and toning up ...

    People like them because you can eat heaps and heaps of them for the amount of calories they are. However, I also hate veggies, and I lost 20 pounds with maybe the occasional vegetable tossed here or there. Won't see me snacking on carrots or anything lol. I've learned that I do actually like some veggies when sautéed and tossed in a dish that I already like, though, as well as some salads made a particular way. Try some different ways of cooking them, different seasonings, or different ingredients (if you're doing a salad) until you find a way that's good to you :)
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    Put cheese on them. Veggies and cheese are a match made in heaven.