I got Naked today



  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    A drink like Naked can definitely be part of a healthy weight loss plan, provided it fits into your calorie allotment to keep you in a deficit.

    The issue for me with this type of product (including juice I made myself) is that a liquid caloric load of this nature does very little to help me feel sated and eats away (pun intended) at my 'budget' for the day without actually putting any solid food in my system. FOR ME a better choice is to eat the actual fruit instead of just drink the juice. Provides fibre and satiety and is less expensive, too. Literally, more bang for the buck. ;)

    tl;dr - I'd rather eat my limited calories than drink them. :)
  • ARGriffy
    ARGriffy Posts: 1,002 Member
    The blue machine is a treat for me if I need a quick snack! Freaking love it!
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    A drink like Naked can definitely be part of a healthy weight loss plan, provided it fits into your calorie allotment to keep you in a deficit.

    The issue for me with this type of product (including juice I made myself) is that a liquid caloric load of this nature does very little to help me feel sated and eats away (pun intended) at my 'budget' for the day without actually putting any solid food in my system. FOR ME a better choice is to eat the actual fruit instead of just drink the juice. Provides fibre and satiety and is less expensive, too. Literally, more bang for the buck. ;)

    tl;dr - I'd rather eat my limited calories than drink them. :)


    Op there's nothing wrong with your juice at all. I think people where just trying to say that it could be healthier if you made juice at home and wanted to make sure you where aware of the nutritional info.
    If you like this juice then go for it! I've tasted it before and also like it ( but sadly it doesn't keep me full so I would rather spend those calories on real food instead of drinks)

  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    edited June 2016
    Juice is pretty much the only thing I totally gave up. I'd much rather get the fiber from the fruit (and eat my calories instead of drinking them as a whole). And it tastes too sweet to me now.

    But yeah, if you like the taste and it's worth the calories to you, enjoy! But if you're drinking it to be healthy... you're better off eating fruit and veggies.
  • shadowfax_c11
    shadowfax_c11 Posts: 1,942 Member
    I've tried them and liked them. But for me I would rather eat a snack tha drink one. I've really enjoyed Kind Bars and Belvita biscuits as handy quick snacks.

    The important thing is that you have found something that works well for you and will help you to stay on track. That's awesome!
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    I love the blue machine and the red machine. They aren't very filling for me though and are about 1/4 my calorie allotment for the day (because I can't just drink half the bottle haha) but once in a while, I do get Naked.
  • alyssa_rest
    alyssa_rest Posts: 276 Member
    You go, OP! I personally don't worry about sugar too often because, as stated on many other posts, I do not have a medical condition in which I am required to. I do try not to go overboard but I love my fruit! I think it's great that you found something that satiates your sweets craving! I know starting out can be a bit rough, and little changes like that will definitely help you on your weight loss journey!
  • samhennings
    samhennings Posts: 441 Member
    I quite like the Naked smoothies, but have found I prefer these:


    They have less calories, less sugar, more protein, and for me are tastier.

    Im all in for a smoothie if it fits your calories for the day - and its certainly an improvement on many alternatives!
  • nordlead2005
    nordlead2005 Posts: 1,303 Member
    KateTii wrote: »
    I've found any juice that tastes half decent is full of sugar. It might be the "good" type (aka, fructose) but for me, it's generally far too high in calories for my liking, but that is because it doesn't fill me up. If a juice fills you up and is an alternative to a chocolate bar which won't fill you up (and calories are similar) then it's definitely a better choice.

    fructose is the "bad" sugar not the "good" sugar, hence why HFCS (High Fructose Corn Syrup) is considered evil by various people. http://www.precisionnutrition.com/research-review-fructose-vs-glucose

    Also, the real problem with juice is the complete lack of fiber. Juice is not an effective way to get your 5 servings of fruits and veggies for the day because you get 6g of fiber in Naked Red Machine for 320 calories, but if you eat apples instead (which has the highest fructose content) you get 6g of fiber for 130 calories. The 5 servings of fruits/veggies isn't to make sure you get your vitamins (that can be accomplished with less) it is to make sure you get your fiber.

    OP, if you enjoy juice drink it because you like it not because it is "healthy". If you want to be healthy eat a balanced diet mostly of whole foods with limited candy or caloric drinks.
  • DebSozo
    DebSozo Posts: 2,578 Member
    Good Lord what kind of support is this here?????? Does my post sound like I can't read???? I am aware of the sugar content.

    Do you have to put people down when they are happy while making baby steps toward healthier choices? I am here since a month, I lost 9 lbs and I am happy about it. "Too much sugar - too much protein - not enough protein - watch for the carbs. So many "experts" here give you all kind of advice.

    I can drink/eat or eat 56g of sugar a day. I can eat fruits, drink a juice, even have a cookie if I feel like it. As long as I don't go over my calorie intake, I am will be alright.

    I felt good about myself until I posted here.

    I know what you mean. You will get all kinds of conflicting advice from all sides. If you are happy with your "find" and it is breaking your sugar cravings, then that is positive progress!
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    I got Naked today, for the first time. No worries, I kept all my clothes on, didn't shock anybody with my appearance.

    No, I got Naked the juice for the first time and I am so surprised. I always just walked by that aisle, it wasn't really for me. I didn't buy HEALTHY STUFF like that, always preferred the candy aisle next to it.

    I bought me a "green machine" a "red machine" and a bottle with a name that I can't remember, it contains beets according to the picture.

    I had an extremely busy day, didn't really have time to prepare a snack or take a break. That juice (the red machine) came in handy. It tastes marvelous. It filled me up and it killed all my sweet cravings at the same time.

    I thought I share my experience with the other rookies here. It would have never occurred to me that I could drink a healthy juice, instead of eating a candy bar.

    I am loving this new lifestyle. I might get Naked more often. :smile:

    That's great, OP, glad you found something you liked. I personally would rather have a Snickers bar but to each his/her own!
  • jessiferrrb
    jessiferrrb Posts: 1,758 Member
    just another vote here for the nutribullet - i love it! and it keeps the fiber in the fruit and veg. i pre-make servings and stick them in the freezer in ziplocks - usually fruit combos and either spinach or kale, then they're ready to go in the morning, just add any additional boosts (protein, flax, chia) some almond milk or water and go.