540 Calories Over Already!

YummyTpn Posts: 334 Member
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
Hi! I just signed up here today and loaded all my info in for today (which was a regular type of day for me) and I am 540 calories "over" already what I shoudl be according to this site...no wonder nothing fits except the garbage bags...Anyway, happy happy to be here and I really hope this time I can stick to the program...!


  • CFaye
    CFaye Posts: 59
    this site really makes you aware of what you are eating! Good luck!
  • mamaDaisyJ
    mamaDaisyJ Posts: 395
    Not so bad. My first day, I was over by like 950 I think it was. Once you see how many calories you eat, its not too hard to be aware and cut them back. The more ya exercise, the more ya can eat too. I even still eat alot of the same foods (I did have to ditch some of my favs) and just watch my calories.
    Welcome to MFP and a wonderful journey to health!
  • jennk221
    jennk221 Posts: 85 Member
    I was having the same problems when I started! I had to pack way more veggies into my diet than I was eating before....and that's when I thought I was eating "healthy"! It gets easier!
  • YummyTpn
    YummyTpn Posts: 334 Member
    Thank you! I really like how you have planned out goals according to every 10 lbs you lose...what a wonderful motivator! You have some good ones in there,,,,I definately like the idea of a new wardrobe at goal weight. The last time I was at my goal weight, the clothes I was wearing are no longer in style, so I will be out there doing the same, hopefully!
  • momster18
    momster18 Posts: 7
    Hello Tanya-
    I can relate to you post! I have had my ups and downs with the calories being on this site. It's a great site and makes me see how crazy my life and calories has been. The greatest gift I give to myself is exercise to make it all work out for the numbers. I never thought I ate that much, but I do!!! OMG!! I'm learning!
  • YummyTpn
    YummyTpn Posts: 334 Member
    Thanks! Was it hard to add more veggies in? How do you eat them (raw, cooked, with lo-fat dip, etc.?)
  • edinbors
    edinbors Posts: 112
    Yea I figure out my whole day each night before that day or in the morning so I don't let that happen! Good luck! This is a great site!
  • Clew
    Clew Posts: 910 Member
    If you like to cook, finding new ways to get veggies in can be fun :). There are lots of great cookbooks and websites - andthe produce department has a great variety of fruits and veggies nowadays. one time I bought a jicama, not knowing what the heck it was or what to do with it. Found a recipe for cucumber jicama salad and now it''s one of my favorite dishes.

    Just have fun with it :smile: It doesn't have to be all carrots and celery sticks all the time :wink:
  • Although I think the calorie counting is very helpful at making us aware of what we are eating, we have to put it into perspective and sometimes remember the amount of calories doesn't warrant a healthy or unhealthy food.

    For example, I had the equivalent of 2 cups of steamed broccoli with my quinoa for lunch and that was over 600 calories. But there was hardly any fat, low carbs, and will keep me longer than having something with less calories that might have more refined ingredients.
  • qtazhel
    qtazhel Posts: 4
    I have found that a bit of planning has really helped me in the calorie department. Normally at supper we have a large meal so I try and plan accordingly with my calories and save a large part of them for that meal. The rest of the day I eat something light for breakfast such as a hard boiled egg and light yogurt. Lunch is either a lean cruise or a salad or soup. It hard at first but after a week or two it does get easier to manger your calories! Good Luck!!!
  • mamaDaisyJ
    mamaDaisyJ Posts: 395
    I have a hummus and veggie wrap every day. I love raw veggies, there are few that I like cooked (corn, green beans, peas and such). The wrap is HUGE and less that 300 calories with avocado, just over 200 without. And now I want to try Jicama, is it sweet?.. is a fruit right? lol I don't even know what it is, but I love cucumbers.
  • I read that you can mash cauliflower in your mashed potatoes. I haven't tried that one, but I do like to blend up a can of carrots in the blender and put it in my spaghetti sauce. It really doesn't change the flavor much and it's a good way to sneak in some extra veggies. Also works for picky eaters (My son hates vegetables but loves spaghetti so he eats carrots without realizing) :wink:
  • jennk221
    jennk221 Posts: 85 Member
    I t was hard at first to figure out what I needed to buy and how I was going to prepare them...I didn't want to get caught in the trap of having the same ones all the time (like I used to have broccoli almost every night for dinner, but that was about it). I try and have some raw veggies everyday at lunch (and I keep them on hand at work for snacks), I either do a salad with a bunch of veg cut up in it and some chicken for protein or I do a sandwich with cut up raw veg like cucumber, cauliflower, celerty, carrots, etc...and I use them in place of the chips I used to eat. For dinner I either do a cup of steamed veggies (which are really easy in those new frozen steamable bags), or now that it's summer I will grill fresh veggies. That's my new favorite! Look through recipes for different kinds of cooked vegetables you might like and then just try different raw veg to see what your faves are. Now if I don't have any in the house, I am lost. They have really become a staple. Take your time and explore...:happy:
  • YummyTpn
    YummyTpn Posts: 334 Member
    Hey! Jicama is a vegetable as far as I know, and it most resembles a turnip. Yes, it is sweet, but also very crunchy, which is good if you like to crunch much! Good for you for trying new things...that is exciting!
  • fraochin
    fraochin Posts: 48
    Hi Tanya,

    I joined on Sunday and logged in my food for Sunday and Monday today and I was over by 1000 cals both days! Really made me pay attention to what i'm eating today!

    Good luck!
  • johnsoag
    johnsoag Posts: 59
    Although I think the calorie counting is very helpful at making us aware of what we are eating, we have to put it into perspective and sometimes remember the amount of calories doesn't warrant a healthy or unhealthy food.

    For example, I had the equivalent of 2 cups of steamed broccoli with my quinoa for lunch and that was over 600 calories. But there was hardly any fat, low carbs, and will keep me longer than having something with less calories that might have more refined ingredients.

    this is very true! Thanks!
  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    I know this for me has helped, I ate out for fathers day and I logged everything I ate to the tune of 1000+ over what I usually eat and over 5000mg of sodium..
  • Dreaj79
    Dreaj79 Posts: 212
    Welcome and good luck!!! If I am making progress, anyone can. Stick with it and take it one day at a time. :flowerforyou:
  • YummyTpn
    YummyTpn Posts: 334 Member
    I know, isn't it crazy what we can be putting into our mouths without realising it, until it's sitting on our hips (thighs, butt, tummy, etc.!)
  • sunshine79
    sunshine79 Posts: 758 Member
    Logging your food for the first time is a real eye opener but it really does put things into perspective. It really does get better and much easier and soon you almost start to know off by heart which choices are best for you. Welcome and enjoy the site.
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