Eating foods that's healthy or what you like.

When you started your "diet" did you eat food because they were so called good for you or did you continue to eat what you like just portion control .

I notice when I try to lose weight I tend to eat so called healthy foods example I have all bran buds fruit and skim milk because high in fiber and fiber is well healthy. Now I would much rather have an egg white sandwich cheese lettuce tomatoes and little mayo.

Does any other members do this.

Thanks and have a great day..


  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    "Healthy" does not actually have a clear definition and is therefore not useful.
    Eat foods that work for you. :)
    The egg white sandwich with cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, and a little mayo sounds like a good idea
  • MelaniaTrump
    MelaniaTrump Posts: 2,694 Member
    If you don't log your foods, you may take in too many daily calories.
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,179 Member
    Eat what you like. Really. You can just as easily log what you like as what you think some nutritional better has decreed. Weight it, log it. Be truthful and accurate.
  • alyssa_rest
    alyssa_rest Posts: 276 Member
    I use an 80/20 mentality but try to stay within my calorie goals. For example, yesterday I made a "healthy" dinner of zoodles and turkey meatballs. Then I indulged in a brownie because I had extra cals. There's no right or wrong way to eat. Calories in and calories out is what will help you lose weight. What you consider "healthy" is beneficial to your overall health, but not necessary to drop lbs.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    I eat healthy whether I'm losing, maintaining or gaining for the same reason I try to stay active whether I'm losing or not. Because health is important to me.

    I love healthy foods so it's easy to fill my plate with good for me foods, and a little of the not-so-good for me stuff can also fit into a healthy diet.
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    edited June 2016
    This time around I am only eating foods that I like and am willing to eat the rest of my life after 40 years of yo yo'ing weight.

    With being said as my health issues resolve due to eating better in my case I find my macro evolves from time to time leading me to ditch certain foods without thought and starting to eat foods that I never really cared for when I was in such poor health. Now I actually eat until I am full after my cravings stopped.

    @canadacatman why did you start eating in a way that is known to cause weight gains long term rather than the whole foods that can lead to good long term weight management that you rather have?
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,522 Member
    edited June 2016
    When you started your "diet" did you eat food because they were so called good for you or did you continue to eat what you like just portion control .

    I have always liked so-called "healthy" food, so I continued to eat what I liked.

    Love veggies, fruit, whole-grain breads, lean meats, yogurt, etc. etc. etc. :)

  • canadacatman
    canadacatman Posts: 224 Member
    This time around I am only eating foods that I like and am willing to eat the rest of my life after 40 years of yo yo'ing weight.

    With being said as my health issues resolve due to eating better in my case I find my macro evolves from time to time leading me to ditch certain foods without thought and starting to eat foods that I never really cared for when I was in such poor health. Now I actually eat until I am full after my cravings stopped.

    @canadacatman why did you start eating in a way that is known to cause weight gains long term rather than the whole foods that can lead to good long term weight management that you rather have?

    I do not really know why I thought that is what most people did. Thanks
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I only eat things I like... life's too short to eat things you don't like, and I can't imagine that anyone would manage to stick to a new diet if they didn't like the food!

    But no, clearly I can't always eat what I'd like to eat right now, because I love high calorie things that wouldn't fill me up in normal quantities. So I had to change most of my food for more nutritious stuff - so more veggies, Greek yogurt with fruit instead of pudding, no more soda, less cheese and cookies etc.

    FWIW your 'healthy' breakfast would have me starving in 2 hours.

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,522 Member
    I notice when I try to lose weight I tend to eat so called healthy foods example I have all bran buds fruit and skim milk because high in fiber and fiber is well healthy. Now I would much rather have an egg white sandwich cheese lettuce tomatoes and little mayo.

    Is this breakfast?

    Personally, I'd go with 2 whole eggs (not just egg whites, no point to that), 2 pieces of whole grain toast, possibly a bit of cheese, cucumbers, tomatoes if I felt like it, and of course butter on the toast. That's a delicious weekend breakfast. :)

  • canadacatman
    canadacatman Posts: 224 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    I notice when I try to lose weight I tend to eat so called healthy foods example I have all bran buds fruit and skim milk because high in fiber and fiber is well healthy. Now I would much rather have an egg white sandwich cheese lettuce tomatoes and little mayo.

    Is this breakfast?

    Personally, I'd go with 2 whole eggs (not just egg whites, no point to that), 2 pieces of whole grain toast, possibly a bit of cheese, cucumbers, tomatoes if I felt like it, and of course butter on the toast. That's a delicious weekend breakfast. :)

    I need to find a breakfast to eat daily I find when I eat the same breakfast and lunch I last longer eating right. I don't like to think about what to eat.

  • sstrack123
    sstrack123 Posts: 171 Member
    I eat what I like and am learning to use little bit of time to meal prep really is the best way to sticking to a plan Some weeks may be lots of same meals but because I enjoy them it's not a problem
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    I notice when I try to lose weight I tend to eat so called healthy foods example I have all bran buds fruit and skim milk because high in fiber and fiber is well healthy. Now I would much rather have an egg white sandwich cheese lettuce tomatoes and little mayo.

    Is this breakfast?

    Personally, I'd go with 2 whole eggs (not just egg whites, no point to that), 2 pieces of whole grain toast, possibly a bit of cheese, cucumbers, tomatoes if I felt like it, and of course butter on the toast. That's a delicious weekend breakfast. :)

    I need to find a breakfast to eat daily I find when I eat the same breakfast and lunch I last longer eating right. I don't like to think about what to eat.


    Your sandwich above sounds perfectly healthy to me. If you want more fiber buy high fiber bread or sprinkle a little ground flax into the mayo.
  • extra_medium
    extra_medium Posts: 1,525 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    I notice when I try to lose weight I tend to eat so called healthy foods example I have all bran buds fruit and skim milk because high in fiber and fiber is well healthy. Now I would much rather have an egg white sandwich cheese lettuce tomatoes and little mayo.

    Is this breakfast?

    Personally, I'd go with 2 whole eggs (not just egg whites, no point to that), 2 pieces of whole grain toast, possibly a bit of cheese, cucumbers, tomatoes if I felt like it, and of course butter on the toast. That's a delicious weekend breakfast. :)

    Egg whites have a point if you just want more protein but not the extra fat or calories. It all depends what fits.
  • cecsav1
    cecsav1 Posts: 714 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    When you started your "diet" did you eat food because they were so called good for you or did you continue to eat what you like just portion control .

    I have always liked so-called "healthy" food, so I continued to eat what I liked.

    Love veggies, fruit, whole-grain breads, lean meats, yogurt, etc. etc. etc. :)

    Pretty much the same here. Honestly never been a fan of anything fried, baked goods, or pop. But I love my veggies and my tuna!
  • jaynee7283
    jaynee7283 Posts: 160 Member
    I added a bit more healthy food to my daily intake, but did not restrict any other foods. I just modified portion control so that everything I eat fits into my daily calories.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    Tried all sorts of thing labeled "diet" or "120 calorie this" or "100 calorie that".. it left my taste buds empty.

    I asked myself was I going to eat diet food the rest of my life? The answer was NO..

    I still eat the stuff I always have with some better choices of course like dropping the entire bags of lays i used to eat or the half a bag of doritios I would eat to normal portions that all fit in the calories.
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    I notice when I try to lose weight I tend to eat so called healthy foods example I have all bran buds fruit and skim milk because high in fiber and fiber is well healthy. Now I would much rather have an egg white sandwich cheese lettuce tomatoes and little mayo.

    Is this breakfast?

    Personally, I'd go with 2 whole eggs (not just egg whites, no point to that), 2 pieces of whole grain toast, possibly a bit of cheese, cucumbers, tomatoes if I felt like it, and of course butter on the toast. That's a delicious weekend breakfast. :)

    Egg whites have a point if you just want more protein but not the extra fat or calories. It all depends what fits.

    Was going to say something along those lines. I eat egg whites a lot for the protein and low cal.
  • xmichaelyx
    xmichaelyx Posts: 883 Member
    I started by eating less of the same foods, but gradually have shifted to low-carb because protein and fat makes me feel full, while carbs make my hungry.
  • glassyo
    glassyo Posts: 7,728 Member
    I normally eat what I want (some "healthy" foods, some not so "healthy" foods) within my calories.

    Now, having said that, I've come to look forward to the tuna mixed with mustard I eat at lunch or the cottage cheese with protein powder mixed in for dinner that, in the past, were more of a "well gotta eat some protein" type things.
  • cross2bear
    cross2bear Posts: 1,106 Member
    I just ate less of what I like, but I have dramatically cut out things like white bread (need more fibre), sugary treats (prefer salty crunchy things) and successfully found a substitute for my favourite snack - potato chips (Kellogs cracker chips).

    My weekend breakfast is the same thing (weekday is just coffee) - whole wheat toast and peanut butter - never been a fan of the big breakfast, but enjoy eggs and bacon if someone takes me to Dennys!!
  • littlebabekitty
    littlebabekitty Posts: 398 Member
    I eat as healthy as possible. I may have a little snack once a while but my goals arent it to lose weight but to nourish my body and have long-term health.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    I was T2 diabetic for over a decade so every meal was a calculation. I'd balance my macros at every meal. It's a habit hard to break.

    I'd say healthier choices can be made by degrees. Baked chicken instead of deep-fried, for instance. Or a side salad instead of fries.

    It's still all the foods you enjoy, but put in context with what you need every day.
  • Moxie42
    Moxie42 Posts: 1,400 Member
    I eat what I like and try to find healthy things that I like! I do splurge occasionally on "junk food" but instead of defaulting to that all the time, I limit it to maybe one meal a week and I make sure it's something I really want. For example I don't buy fast food or "cheap" pizza but I might splurge on pizza or a burger at a favorite restaurant.

    At home, I find yummy ways of making healthy things, like chicken & veggie kabobs on the grill. I also make healthy versions of traditionally less healthy foods, like using spaghetti squash instead of pasta noodles, or making a cauliflower cream sauce instead of using alfredo (it sounds weird but omg it's to die for!)

    I also gave up on most "light" and "reduced fat" versions of foods like yogurt or even ice cream. I find the "real thing" tastes so much better so I can have less and still feel satisfied.
  • kwtilbury
    kwtilbury Posts: 1,234 Member
    It's a balance between taste, satiety and nutritional value. For example, I like cake better than sweet potatoes, but if made to choose, I'd rather eat 200 calories' worth of sweet potato than 200 calories worth of cake.
  • Sharon_C
    Sharon_C Posts: 2,132 Member
    I lost all my weight eating what I wanted in moderation and logging my calories. Now I'm more mindful of what I eat and try to hit a protein goal
  • esjones12
    esjones12 Posts: 1,363 Member
    edited June 2016
    I'm with @rodsteph777 - I try to eat as healthy as possible. Which means I try to eat as many organic, all natural foods as possible. Your body burns 100 calories of whole foods way different than it burns 100 calories of junk food. As an athlete I can tell you that changing to a wholesome diet dramatically changed my performance. There is a time and place for a little indulgence - but most people do it way too often and then wonder why they have so many health issues. Skinny does not equal healthy.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    I eat foods that I like AND are healthy.
  • allyphoe
    allyphoe Posts: 618 Member
    I eat food I like, but I'm more likely to pick healthier things I like, because that choice makes it easier to meet my personal goals.
  • robininfl
    robininfl Posts: 1,137 Member
    I eat what I like, but I like a lot of healthy food. So most of what I eat is, well, food, not junk. I wouldn't eat an egg white sandwich though, I eat whole eggs, unless we happen to have extra whites

    But the only hard rule I have is moderation. I try to avoid eating too much, though like esjones12 notes, there is a time for indulgence too.