how to find a girl friend when you a fat mess like me :(

MRbigGUYXXL Posts: 119 Member
im 300LBs no not much to look at , ive been told im funny and have a good sense of humor , but i just think im weird ,

i suppose im not a great person ether , i try my best but all ways mess up , im a loyal friend to my friends id die for any one of them , but i suppose that is because there life is worth living .....

im just looking for someone i dont care about looks weight or any of that , i just want some one who is nice no me that is all.

i mean how do i go about getting a nice women ,

tbh i dont feel i should go out with any girl i mean any women on the plant could do better than me .

i suppose this is more of a rant but a little help would be nice ..... thank you :)


    MRbigGUYXXL Posts: 119 Member
    The first thing to work on is realizing your self-worth. Be confident in your sense of humor and your loyalty to your friends.

    How are you messing things up? Is that something you can correct? If you are overpromising things, then try to stop. If you are sabotaging things, figure out why and see how you can stop it.

    It is not all about losing weight to get the girl. Many women are attracted to humor, personality, and confidence more than looks.

    If you don't love yourself, how can you expect others?

    it is hard to love your self when all you want to do is die
  • pztodd
    pztodd Posts: 102 Member
    You sound really down. And it sounds like you are you're worse critic. Please stop putting yourself down. :)
  • MissusMoon
    MissusMoon Posts: 1,900 Member
    The first thing to work on is realizing your self-worth. Be confident in your sense of humor and your loyalty to your friends.

    How are you messing things up? Is that something you can correct? If you are overpromising things, then try to stop. If you are sabotaging things, figure out why and see how you can stop it.

    It is not all about losing weight to get the girl. Many women are attracted to humor, personality, and confidence more than looks.

    If you don't love yourself, how can you expect others?

    This is the answer.
  • Escloflowne
    Escloflowne Posts: 2,038 Member
    edited June 2016
    I'm exactly the way you described yourself, lost 100lbs and gained confidence and got all the ladies.....just lose the weight, make it a goal...

    Not saying they dated me because I lost all the weight, more so because I was more confident in myself with the funny and and good sense of humour...
  • sparklyglitterbomb
    sparklyglitterbomb Posts: 458 Member

    it is hard to love your self when all you want to do is die

    Do you have access to any type of therapy? It may be worth it to talk to someone and work on those feelings.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    edited June 2016
    Dude, true story: Another dude got his divorce finalized and then found a dating site online and posted one message. 'This is my size, this is my income, I want a wife." 2 weeks later, he had a wife. She wasn't any more of a catch than he was, but she didn't care about him anyway.

    That dude was over 400 lb.
  • danhib
    danhib Posts: 290 Member
    I've never asked a girl out & I'm 35. I met my wife online. I hate talking to people in public & always been conscious of how people see me. You will find someone just need to appreciate yourself more. Women will be more attracted to that than anything, manners & a good sense of humor. Some aren't like that though you lol. There's someone for everyone out there I believe. Don't think of you haven't found the right woman think the right woman hasn't found you. Best of luck mate & just enjoy time with your friends. It may take time but it'll happen
  • judydj1220
    judydj1220 Posts: 79 Member
    Your pic has an EMT symbol - I'm assuming that is your job? Yes, getting healthier will help you be better at your job, but don't discount how important you are!

    Looking at your profile, you're 20 years old and you've had steady weight loss success. I would recommend keep focusing on yourself, the rest will fall into place. Best of luck to you!