DC or Marvel?



  • EDollah
    EDollah Posts: 464 Member
    I'm sure they kept the title to appease those that have outrage at "outrage culture".
  • _John_
    _John_ Posts: 8,641 Member
    is liking both considered a party foul?
  • oocdc2
    oocdc2 Posts: 1,361 Member
    DC for comics, Marvel for movies.
  • EDollah
    EDollah Posts: 464 Member
    edited June 2016
    _John_ wrote: »
    is liking both considered a party foul?

    Nope, The fact is, they NEED each other, and they need each other to do well. For example, Civil War (the movie) came about as a response to BvS. Feige decided they needed a big event rather than just a Cap 3 that would simply be a standard Cap vs a traditional adversary (say Baron Blood) type movie.
  • tayter_tot7
    tayter_tot7 Posts: 220 Member
  • hittingitonemoretime
    hittingitonemoretime Posts: 7,615 Member
  • wolverine66
    wolverine66 Posts: 3,779 Member
    EDollah wrote: »
    _John_ wrote: »
    is liking both considered a party foul?

    Nope, The fact is, they NEED each other, and they need each other to do well. For example, Civil War (the movie) came about as a response to BvS. Feige decided they needed a big event rather than just a Cap 3 that would simply be a standard Cap vs a traditional adversary (say Baron Blood) type movie.

    i agree with this. because, people who are not into this stuff lump all of them together. A BvS failure isn't a reflection on just DC, but the whole genre. There are people out there who have no clue that Deadpool was a movie made by Fox with a Marvel property and not a "Marvel Movie" in the sense that it was done by Marvel Studios.

    So I think they need each other to succeed, cinematicly, otherwise the entire genre suffers.

    as far as the books are concerned, i like a little from column A and a little from column B.
  • robininfl
    robininfl Posts: 1,137 Member
    Movies? Marvel. X-Men, Avengers, Guardians of the Galaxy, Deadpool, they have such incredibly good movies. I like Batman movies but not enough to offset all the wonder that is Marvel in that arena.

    Comic books, DC, because Sandman and Lucifer. Oh yeah.

    But I also like a lot of stuff from other publishers, Atomic Robo is one of my absolute favorite series.
  • megzchica23
    megzchica23 Posts: 419 Member
    EDollah wrote: »
    _John_ wrote: »
    is liking both considered a party foul?

    Nope, The fact is, they NEED each other, and they need each other to do well. For example, Civil War (the movie) came about as a response to BvS. Feige decided they needed a big event rather than just a Cap 3 that would simply be a standard Cap vs a traditional adversary (say Baron Blood) type movie.

    i agree with this. because, people who are not into this stuff lump all of them together. A BvS failure isn't a reflection on just DC, but the whole genre. There are people out there who have no clue that Deadpool was a movie made by Fox with a Marvel property and not a "Marvel Movie" in the sense that it was done by Marvel Studios.

    So I think they need each other to succeed, cinematicly, otherwise the entire genre suffers.

    as far as the books are concerned, i like a little from column A and a little from column B.

    I agree with this 100%. A lot of people don't know the difference, they have never even read a comic. So if one fails, it does really just look like "superhero movies" fail. I really love how popular TV shows and movies based on comic books are becoming and I think it is really because both have been trying so hard to compete with each other.
  • Keepcalmanddontblink
    Keepcalmanddontblink Posts: 718 Member

    I just wanted a Deadpool pole dancing in my comments.
    I am mostly into Marvel but love The Flash and Wonder Woman. Looking forward the the JLA movie.