Anyone else afraid to get rid of their fat clothes?



  • tattedlady75
    tattedlady75 Posts: 185 Member
    I got rid of most of my extremely loose clothes and went to the thrift store to replinish. I figure no sense in keeping them since I never want to be that size again. I figure no point in paying full retail price for clothes I won't be wearing long (hopefully), especially since the jeans I bought three weeks ago that were snug are now getting loose.
  • MissLady03
    MissLady03 Posts: 22 Member
    I have a huge box of clothing to donate to Goodwill later this week. It's all clothing that's either too big or clothing that I was saving until I lost weight but now I don't like. But... I realized that I am having issues putting on clothing that I can now wear. For example, I have a great pair of grey dress pants. I was so sad when they became too small and it has been a small goal of mine to fit back into them. However, I put them on the other day, they fit (yay!) but I can't get myself to wear them outside my bedroom. I have all these clothes in my closet that now fit like they should and I can't get myself to wear anything but my "comfy chubby clothing" (i.e. black, stretchy capri pants). So, I get why you're scared to get rid of your fat clothing. I'm ready and willing to get rid of mine but I can't seem to force myself into my new (and old) skinnier clothing. Odd.
  • mom2four47
    yeah I agree 100% with Dude....I have been up and down like a toilet seat the last 20 years..I WILL get rid of them when I am swimming in them...I don't need the reminder, and I KNOW I am never going back there. The only good thing is I do have some nifty clothes for on my way down...little out dated...but I won't have to run out and buy anything major until I have reached goal!!
  • staceypunk
    staceypunk Posts: 924 Member
    Well, we are having a yard sale this weekend. My husband convinced me to get rid of my clothes. So they are all there. I am sure most will not sell. They are awesome but what are the chances that someone in those sizes will come and buy them all. So at that point I can either suck it up and give to good will, or pack them up and back into my house.

    I hope I have the strength to get rid of them.
  • garber6th
    garber6th Posts: 1,894 Member
    Fortunately (?) I have clothes going down a few sizes so I have been able to get into them and I haven't spent much on new things, unless I want something cute and new to go out in. I tend to try to ditch my bigger clothes as soon as I can, because they can make me feel frumpy and after all the hard work I am doing, I want to feel good in what I am wearing. Sometimes when I put on something that didn't fit me a month or two ago I feel a little self-conscious, but it passes when I realize it actually fits and looks good!

  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Options rule is that if the waist on my pants by chance starts getting a bit tight then it's time to really start tracking again. I'm not overly concerned at this point though...with my lifting and other training, it's almost impossible for me to put on weight, even when I'm emptying the fridge. I don't see that changing anytime soon. I'm back into competition and loving it and always have something to train for these days.
  • skrakalaka
    skrakalaka Posts: 338 Member
    I donated all my "fat" clothes last year. The best thing about it is it forces me to stay the size I am. Whenever my new clothes start to feel tight I know I need to smarten up because I refuse to buy bigger clothes. It took a few years to feel comfortable enough to let them go though.
  • Pangea250
    Pangea250 Posts: 965 Member
    I'm not afraid to get rid of my fat clothes, but I do have a mental block with I try on new clothes in a store. I continually (and I mean: every single time) take clothes that are too big into the dressing room. It never fails. It's like I'm afraid to get in there and not be able to fit into what I brought with me.
  • SmartAlec03211988
    SmartAlec03211988 Posts: 1,896 Member
    Nope. I threw those things out no problem. Can't fall back on clothes I don't have.
  • sorcha1977
    sorcha1977 Posts: 133 Member
    I got rid of all of mine because 1) they were unflattering and 2) if I have them around and gain a few pounds, that means I'll have clothes to wear, which ISN'T good.

    By having clothes in my current size only, it means if my jeans start getting kind of tight, it forces me to get back into good habits. The idea of having to buy bigger jeans when I've been buying smaller jeans terrifies me, so by not having bigger jeans in the house, it keeps me disciplined. :)

    Some women I know do keep one pair of pants that's a bit looser since they bloat during TOM, but that's it.
  • NBeehler
    NBeehler Posts: 24
    just donated mine :) fortunately, i had kept my "skinny" clothes so i have plenty of things to wear... its like seeing old friends. but yes, i did get rid of the bigger clothes, bad luck to have them around.

    Same! I get rid of them as I go and rediscover some smaller clothes (that I loved too much to give away) that were hiding in the back of my closet!
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,584 Member
    I kept most of mine in trash bags in storage. Since I am now pregnant I haven't had to buy maternity stuff yet. So it was pretty budget friendly to keep them for me.

    But as budgets are tight I put the word out to close friends that if they know anyone getting rid of stuff or trading stuff to keep me in mind. I also hit thrift stores and consignments shops to get good stuff for work cheaply.
  • jewel22887
    jewel22887 Posts: 72
    I feel you I am still young and looking to get pregnant in two years so though I know having the big clothes around is not great as I drop weight I'm like this would be a great maternity outfit in two years so I just keep putting things away.
  • agdyl
    agdyl Posts: 246 Member
    I definitely enjoy going out and buying smaller clothes, but I don't get rid of all my fat clothes anymore. I've done it in the past and had to buy new fat clothes and that's way more depressing. So basically what I've done this time around is sort through my closet - go through all the fat clothes and donate things I didn't really love anyway, but kept the things that were nice/flattering when they fit. I put them away and went out and bought new skinny clothes. And thrift/vintage stores are the best for losing weight. I go probably once a month this year and buy a few new things that actually fit. It's amazing what you can find that still is like new (or is even new with tags) and is CHEAP.

    Part of me thinks it should be full commitment and I should get rid of them all, but I know the last time I lost weight, I ended up tearing my ACL, and after knee surgery my friends all stopped by with chocolate and ice cream and I couldn't really exercise and... there went that. Thinking positive is great, and I like to think that if I went through something like that again I could do better at sticking to my diet, but if I fluctuate again, it happens. I'm keeping a range of clothing as long as I have the storage space to do it.
  • PepperWorm
    PepperWorm Posts: 1,206
    Once I get my sewing machine working again, I plan on just altering all of my clothes. I don't want to get rid of my clothes. Clothes are expensive.
  • ajominy
    ajominy Posts: 87 Member
    I put mine in a box in storage and will eventually donate them. I didn't buy clothes for the longest time and kept on wearing sizes that were too big. It made a huge difference in my confidence and comments people made once I started wearing clothes that actually fit. I finally stopped wearing saggy butt jeans. I would shop at ross, tj maxx, marshalls, target and walmart and by the necessities to save money. I would also keep the tags on until i actually wear them b/c several times i purchased some pants, and by the time i went to wear them, they were too big. so i just took them back to the store and exchanged them for a smaller size.
  • taylorckt1
    taylorckt1 Posts: 263 Member
    You are definitely NOT just the one brave enough to put it out there...sometimes I think about hanging onto them and use the excuse that I can't afford to buy all new clothes, shoes, & undies BUT I am slowly but surely giving them away and what will be, will be!
  • WaterBunnie
    WaterBunnie Posts: 1,370 Member
    I'm not afraid to get rid of my fat clothes, but I do have a mental block with I try on new clothes in a store. I continually (and I mean: every single time) take clothes that are too big into the dressing room. It never fails. It's like I'm afraid to get in there and not be able to fit into what I brought with me.

    I'm the same. I always take the size I think I currently am and the next one down to test how long it'll take me to get down into it, just in case I should be buying that one instead, just to find it already fits me! Nice isn't it?!!
  • BernadetteChurch
    BernadetteChurch Posts: 2,210 Member
    Every so often I try on my entire wardrobe and get rid of everything that doesn't fit properly at that time. If my size changes, either up or down, I then get to buy new clothes!
  • JennaBlu
    JennaBlu Posts: 24 Member
    Keep one set to remind yourself never to go back...get some smaller stuff to show off your progress and boost your confidence!