Boyfriend doesn't like vegetables.



  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    Make them anyway. He can eat them. Same as I do with my children.
  • born2drum
    born2drum Posts: 731 Member
    My boyfriend and I are trying to lose weight together. He doesn't like any vegetables though besides potatoes and green beans. He will not eat them! I have tried...he will not. So, I guess I am looking for suggestion on how to cook and lose weight for someone who doesn't like vegetables....thanks!!!

    What is he? 12? Tell him to grow up and eat like a man, lol. ANyways, sweet potatos and yams are amazing especially sweet potato fries. As long as he gets lean meats and dairy then I don't see why you two can't lose weight.
  • babyj0
    babyj0 Posts: 531 Member
    I have the same problem with mine -- except that he doesn't need to lose weight, he wants to bulk up.
    We're moving in together soon, and it's going to be fun cooking for this guy! :grumble:
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    I have the same problem with mine -- except that he doesn't need to lose weight, he wants to bulk up.
    We're moving in together soon, and it's going to be fun cooking for this guy!

    hahahah!! This makes me laugh!!.. My boyfriend and I cook together at least once or twice a week. It's always an interesting mish mosh of foods.. it's traditional southern cooking mashed with italian influence.. ha we'll have fried chicken and collard greens on the table next to zucchini carpachio and antipasta.. lol.

    The best was we once had southern style lasanga with egg rolls and thai curry soup. LOL up side? everyone is happy.. down side?? it takes forever to make Sunday dinner. (and it can get expensive. )
  • babyj0
    babyj0 Posts: 531 Member
    I have the same problem with mine -- except that he doesn't need to lose weight, he wants to bulk up.
    We're moving in together soon, and it's going to be fun cooking for this guy!

    hahahah!! This makes me laugh!!.. My boyfriend and I cook together at least once or twice a week. It's always an interesting mish mosh of foods.. it's traditional southern cooking mashed with italian influence.. ha we'll have fried chicken and collard greens on the table next to zucchini carpachio and antipasta.. lol.

    The best was we once had southern style lasanga with egg rolls and thai curry soup. LOL up side? everyone is happy.. down side?? it takes forever to make Sunday dinner. (and it can get expensive. )

    I forgot to mention how PICKY he is. He wont touch any of the food you just mention, except for the fried chicken. He's also very plain. He's a no onion-no mayo-no cheese-just pickles and the patty type of guy. Ugh! Lol
  • shybelle
    shybelle Posts: 254 Member
    Thanks for all of the suggestions. I feel like I should just clarify that my boyfriend has no problem cooking for himself but it's just something I want to do for him. I will definitely keep I'm cooking them for me and work in ways of getting him to try some vegetables. Thanks again.
  • Woodsmoke
    Woodsmoke Posts: 360 Member
    To be honest you need to tell him he's being a baby. Only children refuse to try things that are good for them.
  • mazdauk
    mazdauk Posts: 1,380 Member
    I used to not like veggies. At least, I thought I didn't like veggies. Turns out I didn't like the way my parents prepared them, or I didn't like the idea of them.
    ^^^ This!

    British food when I was growing up was quite boring - a mixture of left-over rationing ideas and the sudden excitement of being able to buy half a frozen sheep, a 2lb pack of frozen peas, 4 litres of "soft scoop" icecream AND have a freezer big enough for it!:bigsmile: I couldn't identify half the food items in a Richard Scarry book as I'd never seen peppers, courgettes, aubergines, corn on the cob..... When hubby and I bought our first home we were quite "adventurous" having more than just "dried mixed herbs" in our cupboards - the idea of having a pot of fresh herbs on the windowsill would have seemed impossible! And I never ate vegetables other than a small amount of frozen peas or a little onion.

    Veggies are still not my "go to" but there's loads more I eat. Its all about how you cook them - try roasting a selection in the oven with herbs and garlic. I've always exposed my kids to different veg and sure, they started off all Turkey dinosaurs and potato waffles but now they'll eat most things (at 19 and 13 I don't go out of my way to cook something separate unless I don't want to share:laugh: )