Why is my BMI so high?

st476 Posts: 357 Member
I'm 5'4, and (now) 137 pounds. When I started, I was 150 pounds. This is just out of curiously, but why was my BMI so high for my size? When I was 150 pounds, My BMI was 25.7 (which is considered overweight).

Most people say that BMI is accurate for most people, with the exception of people who do a lot of strength training. I don't do strength training, so it should be accurate for me, right?

By the way, my profile picture is me at around 150 pounds. I didn't think I looked overweight, which is why I'm confused why I was considered overweight according to BMI.


  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Somewhat at just over 25 isn't necessarily going to look overweight, especially given what we are used to today. I'm 5'3 and IMO look best around 120, but when I'm around 140 (BMI of around 25) no one seems to think I look overweight either, and I feel like I look pretty normal.

    You look perfectly fine in that photo, but it doesn't surprise me that the BMI is 25-26 -- seems about right. That's not "so high," however. Good job on the weight loss, also!
  • Colorscheme
    Colorscheme Posts: 1,179 Member
    It really depends on how you carry your weight. I'm right at the overweight range but if you looked at me, you wouldn't see it because I don't have a belly. My weight goes to my boobs, hips and upper thighs.
  • Mouse_Potato
    Mouse_Potato Posts: 1,503 Member
    I guess it depends on how you carry it. I started at 149 (I'm just under 5'4") and I was definitely overweight. I'm now at 122 and still carrying some ab fat and love handles.
  • _Waffle_
    _Waffle_ Posts: 13,049 Member
    BMI is a joke. Mine is 28 - 29 and I'm in pretty fair shape.
  • Spliner1969
    Spliner1969 Posts: 3,233 Member
    BMI is the measurement I used to set my goals long ago. I finally got myself down to 'normal' BMI just a couple of months ago and started to build muscle. I pretty much expect as I build more muscle that my BMI will creep back up to closer to overweight, but by then it won't matter as I'll have the body I want. There are some updated BMI calculators out there you can also use, the original has been around for longer than we've been alive. It's seriously outdated.
  • rfgtv34
    rfgtv34 Posts: 4 Member
    They change the guidelines couple years ago. My healthy bmi of 24.9 has me in a uk size 6
  • Jpat0
    Jpat0 Posts: 201 Member
    Most people have forgotten what we're suppose to look like. In many Asian countries, that BMI would be considered obese and would be seen as obese in those countries. It's different standards for different types of bodies. You may not think you look overweight but by the look of your thighs it looks that way for me. American ideal beauty is of a larger woman or curvier woman, so that's why you may not see it.

    Another point can be that people also carry weight differently. For example, your fat can go to your butt & breasts more than an average person and you may like that look. Compare that to someone of your height at 150lbs with their fat going to their stomach. In terms of health, both have different implications.

    However, at 25.7, I don't think you needed to worry too much. If you're happy with how your body looks at a reasonably healthy weight, I don't think it's a big deal.
  • ElizabethOakes2
    ElizabethOakes2 Posts: 1,038 Member
    Try using a frame size calculator like this one - https://www.healthstatus.com/calculate/fsz
    The reason we say BMI works differently for some people than others really comes down to frame size- my husband is 5' 11 but he has a large frame- 200 pounds is 'fit' on him, whereas for most men his height, it would be overweight.

    As to 'looking overweight', it all depends on where you carry your weight, as others have mentioned, and on our perceptions of what healthy weight is.
  • heatherheyns
    heatherheyns Posts: 144 Member
    Being able to "carry weight well" doesn't make a person not overweight. Appearance isn't the same as health. BMI doesn't always work, mostly for people who have a lot of muscle. As others have mentioned, as well, we grow used to seeing larger people, so we often can't tell what is overweight anymore.
  • Colorscheme
    Colorscheme Posts: 1,179 Member
    Being able to "carry weight well" doesn't make a person not overweight. Appearance isn't the same as health. BMI doesn't always work, mostly for people who have a lot of muscle. As others have mentioned, as well, we grow used to seeing larger people, so we often can't tell what is overweight anymore.

    While it doesn't make a person not overweight, it doesn't mean they always look overweight.
  • st476
    st476 Posts: 357 Member
    Not really sure why everyone is telling me that I just have a distorted view of myself. I think anyone on here would agree that I don't look overweight. I'm sure I sound like I'm saying it in a "look at me" type of way but I'm not. I'm just looking for reasons why my BMI seems high for someone my size other than that "we are used to seeing bigger people so it seems like a normal weight". I don't see how I'm considered big.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    st476 wrote: »
    Not really sure why everyone is telling me that I just have a distorted view of myself. I think anyone on here would agree that I don't look overweight. I'm sure I sound like I'm saying it in a "look at me" type of way but I'm not. I'm just looking for reasons why my BMI seems high for someone my size other than that "we are used to seeing bigger people so it seems like a normal weight". I don't see how I'm considered big.

    You look perfect to me, and not at all overweight!!
  • rokos2
    rokos2 Posts: 19 Member
    BMI is stupid mine is 31 or something iaqcqaca86v9.jpg
    I weigh 188 pounds and wear size m jeans. its telling me i am obese :)
  • tkdchick2016
    tkdchick2016 Posts: 38 Member
    Take the BMI calculator.....throw it out and never look at it again. BMI is for classifying populations not individuals. When I was about 16 my doctor told me I had to lose about 20lb (I was around 160lb) to be in my healthy BMI. I played a few sports, but nothing crazy. I was likely around a size 10-12. Fast forward to my early 20's when I got really sick and lost about 30lb in one month and was around 150lb and a size 8 I looked sick, you could see all my bones and I thought to myself, how the hell would I have gotten to and maintained 140lb?!?!?!?! Just be the healthiest you can be and love yourself.