To those struggling with scale changes and body image (most of us?!)



  • ARGriffy
    ARGriffy Posts: 1,002 Member
    OP, sorry to sound daft, but I'm completely missing the point of your post.

    My understanding of it, is that i can see a noticeable difference in the 2lbs you lost in your before and after pic. So my takeaway, is yes a piddly 2lbs can make a visible difference.

    Yup fair enough! Very hard to type and in visage how each individual will read it! I guess I thought the visual was obvious that I'd changed my body through conditioning as 2lbs wouldn't have as much visual impact alone, apologies for any confusion. But the whole point was find another way to love yourself rather than chasing a magic number. Sorry again!

  • ARGriffy
    ARGriffy Posts: 1,002 Member
    edited June 2016
    OP, sorry to sound daft, but I'm completely missing the point of your post.

    My understanding of it, is that i can see a noticeable difference in the 2lbs you lost in your before and after pic. So my takeaway, is yes a piddly 2lbs can make a visible difference.

    Yeah I'm confused too. You say not to let numbers on the scale control you yet you worked hard to lose 2-3 more pounds and it made a huge difference in your body. Kind of contradicting yourself.

    Again, sorry to be un clear originally! I should specify now that my 'hard work' that ended up in losing the few lbs actually came after I stopped chasing the numbers, found a conditioning sport I love and accepted myself for what it is, the weight move came after I stopped obsessing. :smile:
  • hamstertango
    hamstertango Posts: 129 Member
    I read your post in the way you intended and it was very helpful to me especially having just hit my goal after taking weeks to get that last 1lb off.
    You can really see all the hard work has paid off as you look great and inspires me to really keep up with my own strength training rather than aiming to lose any more on my scale.