Weight Loss Through Walking..Should I even bother?



  • dlkfox
    dlkfox Posts: 463 Member
    For health, exercise is important. My motto is: something is better than nothing. If walking is something you can keep doing, then do it.
  • cwang125
    cwang125 Posts: 76 Member
    Though, gotta resist the thought of "Oh I walked for almost an hour today, I can eat this 300 cal cookie... x2 .... x3 ......... surely I burned at least that since I jogged instead of walked"
  • meritage4
    meritage4 Posts: 1,441 Member
    Ok here's my short story

    Tracked everything. Lower carb and sugars, walked lots 35 lbs came off and I met my first goal.

    Became more casual with tracking calories and walking over last month, very little loss in weight and so I'm going back to upping the walking and tracking everything I eat.

    I have at least another 15 lbs to lose (at least that's my next goal and then we will see could go even lower.)
  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    OP, with what you're dealing with, I'm going to suggest you stick with walking (or some other out of the office activity) for no other reason than to have some 'me' time. No work, no taking care of anyone else but yourself. I think you will find it valuable for that reason alone.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I mostly walked during my weight loss. It really comes down to diet in the end though, but being on your feet more is always a good thing.
  • krichard08
    krichard08 Posts: 62 Member
    Thank you so much everyone for weighing in!! Pardon the pun..lol. In all seriousness... I posted because I am so frustrated but also knowing that I have to start from square one. I need to go back to day one as if I have never lost that original 30 lbs. and like I am starting from scratch. All in..
  • Golbat
    Golbat Posts: 276 Member
    My opinion on walking is that, while it doesn't burn a ton of calories, it's good for my body regardless. Also, while I'm walking, I'm not snacking. And finally, after I've put some effort into my health at the gym or by walking, I'm better at keeping to my food goals. It makes me not want to undo the work I've done.
  • krichard08
    krichard08 Posts: 62 Member
    I took the liberty to do a bit of <snipping> . ;) Keeping the positives in your post may help you move forward instead of staying stuck and unhappy.
    krichard08 wrote: »
    Thanks everyone. :) I had been thinking I have to pull out the food scale. You are right..

    krichard08 wrote: »
    Hi All,

    I have been on this weight loss journey for quite some time now. I started at 215 lbs. a few years ago and managed to go down to 185 counting every single calorie and to try and use a common sense approach.

    I started brisk walking on my lunch breaks at work because I knew it was a routine that I could easily keep. I have an hour lunch break and I typically eat within the first 15 minutes and walk for the remaining 45 minutes. In that time I am averaging 3 miles. I do this every day M-F that it doesn't rain, and when it does rain, I take it to the treadmill that evening instead. :+1:

    my calories I am tracking them and log it in my diary.

    I need to go back to counting out every single thing that I put in my mouth

    I Should keep up with the walking...

    What a great post, way to keep it positive! Working to keep a positive mind set makes all the difference in the world. Even if someways we don't wake up positive we have the power to change that. We can wake up and start out our day in which ever way we choose! Yes, we have that power, it's ours to use to help or to hinder our path in life!

    I find weighing (dry foods) and measuring (liquids) rather fun & quite empowering as it helps me reach my goals and I know if something goes array it's not my food intake. Unless of course I'm not in a deficit, perhaps thinking of it that way will put a positive spin on this whole experience as you start fresh! :happy:

    You shared things haven't worked in the past, oh but they have! You've lost weight and kept it off that is HUGE, many don't keep it off and come back and restart and have to start from the beginning. Which is great that they know to come here because we all know it works.

    Give yourself a HUGE Pat on the back for keeping the weight off and checking back in.


    Some will share they don't track their food, I prefer tracking mine as do others on here for accuracy. Different stroke for different folks I guess. The thing about tracking is if one remains at the same weight and is working out and feels they are stuck they can look over the calorie intake in their food diary and spot the problem right away.

    Instead of wondering why they aren't losing and wondering if they have to starve themselves. They think the problem is within when it's not. It's the food intake and find they are often taking far more food in than they had thought.

    You come here in frustration and looking for help, we'd love to help! From what you've shared the only thing left to suggest is monitor your food by looking closely at your intake. What works is weighing and measuring and if you don't want to do that long term that's of course your choice.
    But when a person is stuck it's the best place to start looking!

    This ^^ :)
  • jordanaus29
    jordanaus29 Posts: 28 Member
    Hey, I first wanted to tell you that I'm so proud of your weight loss! I know that it's not easy, especially when you reach a plateau. I think the walking is great if you enjoy doing it. My mom lost 25 pounds by just walking and gradually walking farther when she felt up to it. However, I would every once in a while add a new work out in cause sometimes my body gets used to one workout and once I change it up a bit, I see more results on the scale. Keep up the great work!
  • CattOfTheGarage
    CattOfTheGarage Posts: 2,750 Member
    I find walking makes a small but significant difference to my calorie allowance which, as an average height, sedentary woman, tends to be a bit too low for comfort. Even a mile a day makes a noticeable difference in how much I can eat. I've really noticed it this last while because of a knee injury which has limited how much walking I can do - it's made it much harder to stick to my goals, and life on a weight loss plan will be much easier once I'm back to full mobility.

    So don't give up walking. It will also be good for your sanity and mood, as it sounds like you're going through a stressful time.
  • tlflag1620
    tlflag1620 Posts: 1,358 Member
    I took the liberty to do a bit of <snipping> . ;) Keeping the positives in your post may help you move forward instead of staying stuck and unhappy.
    krichard08 wrote: »
    Thanks everyone. :) I had been thinking I have to pull out the food scale. You are right..

    krichard08 wrote: »
    Hi All,

    I have been on this weight loss journey for quite some time now. I started at 215 lbs. a few years ago and managed to go down to 185 counting every single calorie and to try and use a common sense approach.

    I started brisk walking on my lunch breaks at work because I knew it was a routine that I could easily keep. I have an hour lunch break and I typically eat within the first 15 minutes and walk for the remaining 45 minutes. In that time I am averaging 3 miles. I do this every day M-F that it doesn't rain, and when it does rain, I take it to the treadmill that evening instead. :+1:

    my calories I am tracking them and log it in my diary.

    I need to go back to counting out every single thing that I put in my mouth

    I Should keep up with the walking...

    What a great post, way to keep it positive! Working to keep a positive mind set makes all the difference in the world. Even if someways we don't wake up positive we have the power to change that. We can wake up and start out our day in which ever way we choose! Yes, we have that power, it's ours to use to help or to hinder our path in life!

    I find weighing (dry foods) and measuring (liquids) rather fun & quite empowering as it helps me reach my goals and I know if something goes array it's not my food intake. Unless of course I'm not in a deficit, perhaps thinking of it that way will put a positive spin on this whole experience as you start fresh! :happy:

    You shared things haven't worked in the past, oh but they have! You've lost weight and kept it off that is HUGE, many don't keep it off and come back and restart and have to start from the beginning. Which is great that they know to come here because we all know it works.

    Give yourself a HUGE Pat on the back for keeping the weight off and checking back in.


    Some will share they don't track their food, I prefer tracking mine as do others on here for accuracy. Different stroke for different folks I guess. The thing about tracking is if one remains at the same weight and is working out and feels they are stuck they can look over the calorie intake in their food diary and spot the problem right away.

    Instead of wondering why they aren't losing and wondering if they have to starve themselves. They think the problem is within when it's not. It's the food intake and find they are often taking far more food in than they had thought.

    You come here in frustration and looking for help, we'd love to help! From what you've shared the only thing left to suggest is monitor your food by looking closely at your intake. What works is weighing and measuring and if you don't want to do that long term that's of course your choice.
    But when a person is stuck it's the best place to start looking!

    Just wanted to point out, as a non-tracker, lol, that if one finds oneself stuck, if you've been meticulously logging, you still might not find the problem right away (ferreting out inaccuracies in the database comes to mind). If you haven't been tracking, all you have to do is start. I was lucky (?) enough not to need to weigh and measure food, but it is a tool that is still available to me if ever I find eating low carb ceases to be enough to maintain my ideal weight.

  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    Walking is an awesome way to help maintain and/or lose weight. Once I had been walking on a regular and steady base, I added arm weights to my walk. That way I was adding muscle and getting a better work out.
  • JennifrClaire
    JennifrClaire Posts: 141 Member
    Walking is my main exercise but only shifts pounds if I keep my calories way down around 1200. Otherwise -as happened a few years ago- I unconsciously ate up all the calories I burned walking 2-3 hours a day.
    All healthy foods but I very gradually put back 50 of the 60 pounds I'd lost. This time, I'm walking a bit less but logging daily and its staying off.
    I hope this is some way useful for you.
  • eburns55555
    eburns55555 Posts: 26 Member
    Almost 90 lbs down here in just under 5 months with walking as my primary exercise...yes, you should bother.
  • newheavensearth
    newheavensearth Posts: 870 Member
    Keep walking. It still counts.
    As for the 21 day fix containers, I use them for portion control on the go, like at work or visiting, never an everyday thing. At home, I put food in measuring cups then on scales to get gram measurements. That's for things with no labels only. Double work yes, but it works for me.
  • HippySkoppy
    HippySkoppy Posts: 725 Member
    Walking sounds like a great outlet for you.

    When I started to get serious about weight loss all I was capable of doing safely was walk so that's what I did. In the beginning, yes I did lose weight without the help of MFP and knowing anything much about calories but then I did start at 278 lbs.

    Pretty soon though as others have said you HAVE to get your head around an accurate measurement of your CI to your CO.

    You cannot out walk an excess of food....there really just isn't enough hours in the day, especially as you have mentioned you have lots of time constraints with care of children and parents.

    Truly, it is about mindset. You have a lot of angst towards weighing and you seem to like to try something for a while then either become discouraged or frustrated with the lack of results in the time frame you want. Can I please just entreat you to try sticking with MFP, weighing and logging everything you eat and be patient and persistent.

    I was probably close to your weight when I started weighing my foods, yeah it was a bit to get my head around initially but then I'm a lot older than you and less computer savvy, I continued to walk - adding in extra time and difficulty when time allowed and it still took around 2 years to lose ALL the weight I wanted.

    Those 2 years were going to pass by any way and I am damned happy I stuck with MFP learned it wasn't about deprivation but there was the overwhelming knowledge that those who were successful were committed, they did push through the tedium, they did have moments of WTF and they didn't rely on quick fixes, shady diets and unrealistic expectations.

    If you give yourself half that chance you will be posting on the success board too one day.

    I wish you the best.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Just a thought, but if you are feeling overwhelmed by logging and not ready to start doing it meticulously, one approach can be to create some standard meals (especially for lunch and breakfast) where you know the calorie count and portion them out. Then if you figure out what meals to put together it can simply it.

    I have a largely standard breakfast (there are some moving pieces, but the calorie count doesn't change much), a few standard lunches, and a basic dinner template (protein, lots of vegetables, moderate amount of a starch) that I use when pressed on time and not wanting to spend much time thinking about things.