Weight Loss Through Walking..Should I even bother?

Hi All,

I have been on this weight loss journey for quite some time now. It's been a loooonnnnggg slooooow process (due to my own fault). I started at 215 lbs. a few years ago and managed to go down to 185 where I have been hanging out and stuck for a couple of years. I start one thing, try it for awhile and become discouraged and give up. I tried the Beachbody thing for a while with the 21 day fix and the 22 min. hard corp but I was not getting results at all. I became so frustrated that I stopped everything for a couple of months and decided to stop obsessing over losing weight and counting every single calorie and to try and use a common sense approach as of 3-4 weeks ago. I started brisk walking on my lunch breaks at work because I knew it was a routine that I could easily keep. I have an hour lunch break and I typically eat within the first 15 minutes and walk for the remaining 45 minutes. In that time I am averaging 3 miles. I do this every day M-F that it doesn't rain, and when it does rain, I take it to the treadmill that evening instead. In this time I have lost ZERO. I weighed myself this morning even though I REALLY REALLY didn't want to because I didn't want to become discouraged. Even though I am not strict and obsessive about my calories I am tracking them and log it in my diary. There are days that I do go over but not by HUGE margins. Do I need to starve myself? Do I need to go back to counting out every single thing that I put in my mouth? Because that became overwhelming and just tedious. Should I keep up with the walking or am I completely wasting my time? Is there anyone out there that has had success with moving the scale and fat cells this way?


  • krichard08
    krichard08 Posts: 62 Member
    Thanks everyone. I really wish I had a magic pill.. :) I had been thinking about adopting the 21 Day Fix food portion container system again without the workout DVDs. It's either that or I have to pull out the food scale. You are right..i just wish it wasn't so..lol
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    krichard08 wrote: »
    Hi All,

    I have been on this weight loss journey for quite some time now. It's been a loooonnnnggg slooooow process (due to my own fault). I started at 215 lbs. a few years ago and managed to go down to 185 where I have been hanging out and stuck for a couple of years. I start one thing, try it for awhile and become discouraged and give up. I tried the Beachbody thing for a while with the 21 day fix and the 22 min. hard corp but I was not getting results at all. I became so frustrated that I stopped everything for a couple of months and decided to stop obsessing over losing weight and counting every single calorie and to try and use a common sense approach as of 3-4 weeks ago. I started brisk walking on my lunch breaks at work because I knew it was a routine that I could easily keep. I have an hour lunch break and I typically eat within the first 15 minutes and walk for the remaining 45 minutes. In that time I am averaging 3 miles. I do this every day M-F that it doesn't rain, and when it does rain, I take it to the treadmill that evening instead. In this time I have lost ZERO. I weighed myself this morning even though I REALLY REALLY didn't want to because I didn't want to become discouraged. Even though I am not strict and obsessive about my calories I am tracking them and log it in my diary. There are days that I do go over but not by HUGE margins. Do I need to starve myself? Do I need to go back to counting out every single thing that I put in my mouth? Because that became overwhelming and just tedious. Should I keep up with the walking or am I completely wasting my time? Is there anyone out there that has had success with moving the scale and fat cells this way?

    Good job on the walking!

    If you are not losing or gaining weight, you are eating at maintenance. That's not so bad, because now all you have to do is cut back. I suggest getting a good food scale and weighing your food and logging everything you eat. Set your goals to lose your desired amount of weight per week and work hard not to eat above your TDEE (total daily energy expenditure, or maintenance calories) when you decide to have a bit more, and don't be too hard on yourself. :)
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    krichard08 wrote: »
    Thanks everyone. I really wish I had a magic pill.. :) I had been thinking about adopting the 21 Day Fix food portion container system again without the workout DVDs. It's either that or I have to pull out the food scale. You are right..i just wish it wasn't so..lol

    Eat what you like, just less. Yep, weight everything, don't measure, even with food portion containers because measuring devices are not accurate either.
  • ElJefeChief
    ElJefeChief Posts: 650 Member
    Walking is great. It pads my calorie allotment by probably around 400 extra per day, and I get nice scenery and a pleasant 20 minutes away from the office the two times a day I do it.
  • PaulaWallaDingDong
    PaulaWallaDingDong Posts: 4,641 Member
    This place along with a digital food scale works a million times better than the 21-day fix food containers. A billion times better.

    I agree with this. That 21 day fix thing just sounds like a lot of dishes. With a food scale, you just weigh things in the container you're going to cook or serve them in, for the most part.
  • Intentional_Me
    Intentional_Me Posts: 336 Member
    I have been weighing some but have a question. For pre-packaged microwavable oatmeal's and things do you just waited before adding water and cooking? Obviously I would have to put a bowl on the scale and tare it and then add the oatmeal to get an accurate measurement, correct?
  • danhib
    danhib Posts: 290 Member
    Yes walking will be good for you to burn calories. I find that if I have a good breakfast I eat much less through the day. Something like oats or eggs on toast. I find I have more energy through the day & drink lots of water. Walking up hill is also really good for burning. If you do loads of cardio or eat eat clean you will see a difference but both together are best. You will get there much quicker. Try to have a last meal or snack few hours before sleep. I used to stop eating carbs after 7pm & that really made my stomach go down. But everyone's different. Hope you find something that works. Best of luck to you
  • PaulaWallaDingDong
    PaulaWallaDingDong Posts: 4,641 Member
    edited June 2016
    I have been weighing some but have a question. For pre-packaged microwavable oatmeal's and things do you just waited before adding water and cooking? Obviously I would have to put a bowl on the scale and tare it and then add the oatmeal to get an accurate measurement, correct?

    Correct. You don't weigh the water with the oatmeal. Weigh it dry.
  • johnnylakis
    johnnylakis Posts: 812 Member
    You went from 215 to 185. Why give up? At least try to stay at 185.
  • krichard08
    krichard08 Posts: 62 Member
    Thank you for the weighing recommendation. I will def. start doing that. I have to agree...the 21 Day Fix program seemed like a good concept and seemed to make sense, BUT I only lost a matter of a couple of pounds doing it. I need to get into a grove again and stay there.