Weight Loss Seems Impossible



  • deerobseven
    deerobseven Posts: 31 Member
    I hope eventually you can move out.
    Even when I lived with my mom, I used to be able to buy groceries.

    Same here, and we took turns cooking and grocery shopping.

    Man I cook and clean but I cant grocery shop right now for financial reasons... BTW you guys... they live with me in my house, we just fell on a temporary hard time early this year. I promise im not a bum.... :neutral:
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    It's going to be rude, but I feel if you get your sleep down you'll do better with everything else, which means talking to hubby about being in the room when you need to sleep. I'm not sure if he's there to be with you or there's no other "private" place (I live with my ILs so I understand about lack of privacy) for him to hang out. I had to ask my husband to stop coming to bed with me because his snoring keeps me from falling asleep.

    I sympathize with you. I'm in a similar living situation. Hope things work out better.
  • deerobseven
    deerobseven Posts: 31 Member
    carmkizzle wrote: »
    Also, try to make small changes. Don't worry about "healthier" foods. You don't have to eat lettuce, brown rice and chicken all the time for weight loss - all you need is to consume less calories than you burn. Trying to do too much at once is extremely overwhelming and can set you up for failure. When you all can move out on your own and become settled, then you can control what you cook and eat. But in the meantime, don't stress yourself over what you deem to be "bad" foods. You're doing good in trying to practice portion control, but you still need a better idea of how much you're eating because you will be surprised once you start to weigh food.

    Well, I most def have to wake up that early to get to work. He has be to at dock by 5 and hes my only ride since our other car was totaled.

    Ill look into the food scale but no promises with the finances like they are. I def read the labels, that helps alot with the fat content and calories as well as knowing what a portion is.

    Im sure this will all be much easier with a second car and when the bills and debts are caught up, im just ready for a change now.
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,716 Member
    I hope things turn around for you soon because it sounds like your current living situation is the actual problem. And I agree 100% with @zyxst that getting enough sleep is crucial for your health.

    As far as what you did before: "Last year i at boiled eggs and fruit for breakfast, large salads with lean meats and fat free dressings for lunch and light soups for dinner. No fatty foods at all, no breads, supplemented with protein shakes, took weight loss supplements and worked out 5 days a week 45min to an hour a day... for 2 months." Fat free food is generally unsatisfying and loaded with sugar and/or sodium. Don't try to go fat free.

    Weight loss supplements are a HUGE waste of money and can cause health problems, not fix them. Don't bother trying to buy those again, either.

    If possible, buy a food scale and just start learning proper portion sizes. That's all you need to do right now. Don't overwhelm yourself with all the other details.

    Is there anything you can do about NOT getting up @ 4:30 AM and wait around until 9:00AM for work? Where do you wait?
  • Psychgrrl
    Psychgrrl Posts: 3,177 Member
    As others have said, weighing food is important. Digital food scales are cheap. You can gain weight eating the healthiest of healthy food. And you can lose weight eating high carb/high fat. It really comes down to staying within your calorie limit. It's really scary how small actual serving sizes are. :disappointed: You'll be floored. Weigh everything, even if it seems like it comes in it's own serving (eggs, bread, protein bars, etc.)

    Figure out your BMR (Basic Metabolic Rate) and TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure). These numbers help you figure out your calorie deficit to lose weight. Your BMR is the basic number of calories your body needs to sustain itself (brain function, heart beat, breathing). This number will lower as you lose weight. TDEE is how many calories you burn each daily including your daily activity like walking (do you have an active or sedentary job or somewhere in between?) and exercise. Subtract 500 calories a day from your TDEE to lose a pound per week. This number needs to be adjusted as you lose weight as well. You can visit Scooby to calculate these numbers: http://scoobysworkshop.com/calorie-calculator/

    Your m-i-l sounds really supportive. Have you ever asked her, directly asked her--not hinted, about buying some healthier food? You might be surprised by the answer. What do you have to lose by asking? If she says, "Nah," you won't be any worse off than you are now. If other people eat up the healthy stuff when you have bought it, obviously there's a desire in the house for it.

    If you need context, find some healthy recipes online with affordable/bulk/in-season ingredients and ask your m-i-l to buy them so you can cook for her and the family as a thank you for keeping you from starving. :blush: You might get her/them to start liking the healthier options and m-i-l might start buying that stuff herself. Bonus--you might be able to take leftovers to work.

    As for the sleep. That's tough. Something has to give. I have two jobs and work out every day. My choice. So I do not get enough sleep some days. I make the choice to make up for it other days (naps on weekends). Or I cut the workout, or don't get everything done at my online job I want to. Or I spend less time with friends. You can choose to go the bed earlier a couple days a week, if your partner is getting up that early, chances are he might be hitting the hay early, too. More couple time before you drift off! :heart:

    You have more control than you think you do. Of course, it's easy for us to say that, we're not you. Though, it's also easier for us to make suggestions because we're not in the middle of the situation. You can do this even if no one wants to come along with you for the ride. :blush:
  • mom22dogs
    mom22dogs Posts: 470 Member
    Protein shakes are usually kind of expensive. Maybe swap out some fruit/vegetables or some chicken in place of it and take a multivitamin? But it all comes down to portion control. You can eat the "healthiest" foods but if you still eat more calories than you burn, you will not lose weight. And you can eat a whole lot of calories in a relatively small amount of food. Last Friday we had a program at work, and brought pizza in for 45 people. I ate 2 pieces of pizza which wasn't very filling - I was hungry again a few hours later. Ate a rice crispy bar as a snack. Tracked it later after the program - almost 1000 calories between the pizza and rice crispy treat. And I hadn't eaten supper yet. I was double my calories for the day because of the pizza. (Learned that pizza is not a good choice for me - not filling enough and way too many calories).
  • deerobseven
    deerobseven Posts: 31 Member
    cwang125 wrote: »
    Chronic sleep deprivation is inhibitive on weight loss. - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC535701/
    You need to find some way to get enough sleep. Your body repairs itself while you sleep. Getting enough sleep is very important not only for weight loss but overall health.

    Regular exercise is good, however for long term weight loss goals a proper diet is paramount. To achieve weight loss you will need to track your intake and eat at a caloric deficit.

    If you jog for an hour every day and burn say 400 calories but then go consume a 400 calorie snack afterwards then you've achieved nothing. You'll spin your wheels.

    Even if you are consuming "healthy" foods, if you eat more than you expend in a day you can still gain weight. So the first thing you need to do is track your intake and you need to make sure it's accurate. Then create some meal plans that you can stick to. Plan out your meals ahead of time so that you're not impulse eating.

    Yes, i know the sleep thing is probably causing alot of it.. i get 4-5 hours a night m-f. Id have to see the other part is not being able to eat better. If I could eat healthier I could eat more and remain full longer, but I am stuck with fatter carb and calorie filled foods that leave me hungry within an hour of eating... because i have to eat less. Its like turning in circles and never taking a step forward.

    I cant wait until all this financial mess is over and done with...
  • deerobseven
    deerobseven Posts: 31 Member
    zyxst wrote: »
    It's going to be rude, but I feel if you get your sleep down you'll do better with everything else, which means talking to hubby about being in the room when you need to sleep. I'm not sure if he's there to be with you or there's no other "private" place (I live with my ILs so I understand about lack of privacy) for him to hang out. I had to ask my husband to stop coming to bed with me because his snoring keeps me from falling asleep.

    I sympathize with you. I'm in a similar living situation. Hope things work out better.

    YES LOL! The privacy keeps me in the room as well as him... that is a huge issue. They moved in with us so we can get a bigger place and keep an eye on them as they are getting older, we were supposed to split bills and have split bills, but the financial issues came soon there after... so they stayed to help out and we are forever greatful, its just a sticky situation.
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    If you had a food allergy to peanuts, would you feel bad asking your in laws to purchase a few foods here or there that don't have peanuts? Or would that also seem out of the question to you?

    I'm not you, I don't know the family dynamics, but asking for a few particular items isn't being ungrateful. They may be proud of you for having the humility to admit there's something specific you need in order to be healthy during this difficult period in your life.
  • iecreamheadaches
    iecreamheadaches Posts: 441 Member
    I eat not "healthy" foods often myself and I'm down 25 lbs on my way to 100 so far.

    I just eat less of them than I used to so I can stay in calorie goal for the day and bam. look at me go!

    it can be done, just try to monitor it a little better or see if you can get whoever shops to pick you up a few healthy options. Fresh fruits and veggies often arent that expensive and frozen are cheap as well.
  • tennileb
    tennileb Posts: 265 Member
    You mentioned thirsty all the time? is you thirst constant, almost unquenchable? I ask because that can be a warning sign of diabetes. If you are just a big water drinker and it is not unquenchable thirst then no big deal but true constant thirst...see you dr just to be safe.
  • seekingdaintiness
    seekingdaintiness Posts: 137 Member
    Hey guys, I need some advice I guess. I am in a situation where I am not the one buying the food in my house and I cannot buy it myself... long story, please let me spare the details.

    I feel like it is impossible to lose weight because I cannot eat healthy, though I try to portion, the food is full of carbs and fat.

    I have gym at my job and I currently only do 3-5 days a week 30 min at a time. I want to do more but I am always completely exhausted, partially from eating bad, partially because i cant sleep at night and i get up at 4am...

    I am not always great at water intake but i'm getting there... Ive already had 5 going on 6 glasses of water today.

    Has anyone had successful weight loss while unable to eat healthy?
    Does anyone have any helpful tips?

    I have lost all motivation and feel exhausted 24-7. I don't want mean to be full of excuses, but I am. :(

    How are you "unable to eat healthy?"

    The food in the house is full of carbs and fat? Well just don't eat much of it. The gym won't help you even if you go.

    If you eat little enough, you will lose weight. It sounds like you're not in the best situation but you can still lose weight it you have the motivation. If you don't, you won't, and that's the bottom line.
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    edited June 2016
    dlkfox wrote: »
    I checked your diary, and you haven't been logging consistently. That's where you need to start. Logging accurately and consistently is the only way you're going to be able to determine that you are eating at a deficit.

    The good news is that it's not the food you eat, it's the quantity (calories). It is easier when you can make your own food choices, but it can be done with portion control.

    Most def working on that consistent logging. I don't always get it in but I am always watching it. Its much easier at work because I'm at my desk and just input it. I do have the app but my phone is a POS so it overheats a bunch and it doesn't really like apps, once i can get a new phone that weekends will def be easier to log.

    Sounds like through you and several others that tweaking my portioning a little could help. I do want to add this though:

    Last year i at boiled eggs and fruit for breakfast, large salads with lean meats and fat free dressings for lunch and light soups for dinner. No fatty foods at all, no breads, supplemented with protein shakes, took weight loss supplements and worked out 5 days a week 45min to an hour a day... for 2 months... and the only change i saw was more energy... no weight loss, my clothes were still just as tight and i didn't seem to be toning at all.... i was doing cardio, strength training and resistance training, etc ... i was drinking plenty of water and green tea.

    Could it be hormonal/thyroid or the lack of sleep? Any other theories?

    A little background:
    I was 125lbs size 3-5 pants, and still developing at 18. When i was 20 I was steadily at 145lbs, becoming a woman and slowing my growth, size 7-9 pants (wide hips, thin waist)... then I got pregnant. My daughter.... when i had my daughter i was 192lbs... lost most of the weight breastfeeding and walking... got down to about 155lbs... and then, I stopped breastfeeding and my weight sky rocketed without changing any other habits... ate the same, walked the same, etc. My weight continues to climb regardless.... I am now 205... and not happy at all... size 18 jeans are getting small and my daughter is now 5. :(

    You were not tracking your intake, that's why you didn't lose weight. Also, the supplements and green tea do squat for weight loss. Squat.

    Fat isn't bad. Carbs aren't bad.

    Buy a food scale and weigh everything. That means, weigh individual ingredients in recipes and sandwiches. Weigh mayo/butter/peanut butter. Weigh everything that isn't a drink or stock. Log everything you eat and drink. Choose accurate database entries that reflect the packaging information and weight of the food. Log consistently.
  • deerobseven
    deerobseven Posts: 31 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    I hope things turn around for you soon because it sounds like your current living situation is the actual problem. And I agree 100% with @zyxst that getting enough sleep is crucial for your health.

    As far as what you did before: "Last year i at boiled eggs and fruit for breakfast, large salads with lean meats and fat free dressings for lunch and light soups for dinner. No fatty foods at all, no breads, supplemented with protein shakes, took weight loss supplements and worked out 5 days a week 45min to an hour a day... for 2 months." Fat free food is generally unsatisfying and loaded with sugar and/or sodium. Don't try to go fat free.

    Weight loss supplements are a HUGE waste of money and can cause health problems, not fix them. Don't bother trying to buy those again, either.

    If possible, buy a food scale and just start learning proper portion sizes. That's all you need to do right now. Don't overwhelm yourself with all the other details.

    Is there anything you can do about NOT getting up @ 4:30 AM and wait around until 9:00AM for work? Where do you wait?

    I really cant do anything at the moment in regard to being up so early. I wait in my building and generally use that time to workout on occasion, shower and get ready for the day. If I have time and am able to, I will nap at my desk.

    I think the living situation itself would be fixed once the financial situation is fixed, but at this point its kind of a snowball effect. I wont be buying weight loss supplements anymore, they made me feel panicky anyway, I dont handle that much caffeine well, even the low doses are iffy for me... feeling my heart race was NOT fun.

    I will work on the sleeping. I have Melatonin that was given to me and Im hoping that will help with relaxing and sleeping better... currently I might lay in bed a hour or so before I pass out and then wake up 3-4 times a night. I might try ear buds with tranquil music along with a face mask to block out my husband being up and moving around. I think the lack of sleep has done more damage than not being able to lose weight or recover after workouts... its done a number on my mental health as well and work isnt any easier when you are exhausted 24/7.

    I want to try the scale, but may have to hold off, we will see. I'll start with the sleep and go from there. :smiley: Thank You!
  • deerobseven
    deerobseven Posts: 31 Member
    WBB55 wrote: »
    If you had a food allergy to peanuts, would you feel bad asking your in laws to purchase a few foods here or there that don't have peanuts? Or would that also seem out of the question to you?

    I'm not you, I don't know the family dynamics, but asking for a few particular items isn't being ungrateful. They may be proud of you for having the humility to admit there's something specific you need in order to be healthy during this difficult period in your life.

    Yeah, that's a good point.. they do still buy and cook shrimp though their son is allergic though, they just open a window to air the house out a bit.. Might i mention that the shrimp are strictly hers because they are so expensive.. and if i want to be able to eat them i have to contribute to them... though... i mean, im broke lol! But im still being fed... just not spoiled. :smiley:
  • deerobseven
    deerobseven Posts: 31 Member
    mom22dogs wrote: »
    Protein shakes are usually kind of expensive. Maybe swap out some fruit/vegetables or some chicken in place of it and take a multivitamin? But it all comes down to portion control. You can eat the "healthiest" foods but if you still eat more calories than you burn, you will not lose weight. And you can eat a whole lot of calories in a relatively small amount of food. Last Friday we had a program at work, and brought pizza in for 45 people. I ate 2 pieces of pizza which wasn't very filling - I was hungry again a few hours later. Ate a rice crispy bar as a snack. Tracked it later after the program - almost 1000 calories between the pizza and rice crispy treat. And I hadn't eaten supper yet. I was double my calories for the day because of the pizza. (Learned that pizza is not a good choice for me - not filling enough and way too many calories).

    Im def not buying protein shakes on the regular, i just have a HUGE container i bought a long time ago. I couldnt afford to buy it now... that thing was $70 on sale... and quite frankly, if i dont finish it soon it may expire lol!

    Really though, I really have been portioning... i do have some slip ups though because, well, im still hungry. Ive also experienced where i thought I wasnt eating as many calories as i was and then got upset i ate it at all... i try to stray from breads and def portion the fried foods. My inlaws fry everything they cook and may make a salad to go with it on occasion... when there is no salad its mashed potatoes, a veggie fried in bacon grease and rolls or garlic bread on the side...

    I really want to get back into smoothies and maybe get into juicing... though that will have to wait until I catch up on the expenses.
  • SeptemberFeyre
    SeptemberFeyre Posts: 178 Member
    Would your MIL be open to you giving her a small list of things for her to get for you? It's worth asking. I agree with ditching the protein shakes. With what is saved from them, you could buy some healthier food.
  • deerobseven
    deerobseven Posts: 31 Member
    Would your MIL be open to you giving her a small list of things for her to get for you? It's worth asking. I agree with ditching the protein shakes. With what is saved from them, you could buy some healthier food.[/quo
    Would your MIL be open to you giving her a small list of things for her to get for you? It's worth asking. I agree with ditching the protein shakes. With what is saved from them, you could buy some healthier food.

    Just to clear it up, im not buying the protien shakes on the regular, the huge container i have i bought several months ago... and its the first one i bought.

    But yes, i could try asking my mother in law. I dont think she'll budge, she doesnt even budge for her husband, but ill def try.

    And im down for a scale, getting the scale is the tricky part lol
  • AngelinaB_
    AngelinaB_ Posts: 563 Member
    Yeah, that's a good point.. they do still buy and cook shrimp though their son is allergic though, they just open a window to air the house out a bit.. Might i mention that the shrimp are strictly hers because they are so expensive.. and if i want to be able to eat them i have to contribute to them... though... i mean, im broke lol! But im still being fed... just not spoiled. :smiley:

    Oh man sorry to hear that. You know concentrate on the things YOU can do: sleep well, and log everything you eat. 2 things. Exercise seems it's not a problem since you have a gym at work.
  • deerobseven
    deerobseven Posts: 31 Member
    AngelinaB_ wrote: »
    Yeah, that's a good point.. they do still buy and cook shrimp though their son is allergic though, they just open a window to air the house out a bit.. Might i mention that the shrimp are strictly hers because they are so expensive.. and if i want to be able to eat them i have to contribute to them... though... i mean, im broke lol! But im still being fed... just not spoiled. :smiley:

    Oh man sorry to hear that. You know concentrate on the things YOU can do: sleep well, and log everything you eat. 2 things. Exercise seems it's not a problem since you have a gym at work.

    Yes i just need to push myself more. Im always tired so its rough but it can be done. It does help with my work day for sure!