Lack of support:(



  • Gizziemoto
    Gizziemoto Posts: 430 Member
    @crochetluvr he feels he has the harder job and more strenuous 10 hr shift than my sitting 10 hr shift plus he is stuck in the wife does it all thing that comes from his up bringing.

    I get this too. Just because my job is not physical, I never work as hard as anyone else. Like to see them sit for hours at a desk and see how they feel. Sorry, touch subject for me.
  • ELEANOR43da
    ELEANOR43da Posts: 166 Member
    Have found a lot of wonderful people for support here,sending a request and will do whatever I can to help encourage and listen.
  • SkinnyMsFitness
    SkinnyMsFitness Posts: 389 Member
    I'll send ya a request! =) The best motivation for me...think about how great you FEEL after you workout...physically & mentally! It helps me so much, I cannot stop now! I don't know how often you're working out, but if you start to do it regularly, that's when you really FEEL the difference. Hang in there...force yourself to do it daily, or 5-6 days a week. Before no time, you'll crave exercise! Seriously! I used to hate it. I kinda still do, but I want the outcome!

    Best of luck! And the eating thing...once you get accustom to certain habits, it's easy. And once you start losing a noticeable amount of weight, you'll be glad you did.
    I have an issue... I need support! I have a great husband but all he wants to do is tell me I'm looking soft :( and because he is fit and trim due to his job he really don't care to do anything but sit and watch TV in the evenings. I have a desk job and I sit almost all day and when I get home cook him a super unhealthy supper he asks for and cook me a totally different meal and clean up and take care ofy 2 year old son I'm really not motivated to do anything. I have been trying to run about 10-15 mins a day but I wanna do more and I need the support and motivation to do that other than "you look a little soft"... I need friends ;)
  • possumfeet0910
    possumfeet0910 Posts: 10 Member
    @rainrshine they both sound delish!
    @jleach- I don't push him really about anything lol I think in his head he is trying to be supportive I just want him to see I want a healthier life:) and I think that is my main prob I feel guilty over the least little thing thank you you are awesome!
    @sp0414- I like the idea of walking or running for a month and the reward is a gym membership that's cool!
  • autumnsquirrel
    autumnsquirrel Posts: 258 Member
    I have an issue... I need support! I have a great husband but all he wants to do is tell me I'm looking soft :( and because he is fit and trim due to his job he really don't care to do anything but sit and watch TV in the evenings. I have a desk job and I sit almost all day and when I get home cook him a super unhealthy supper he asks for and cook me a totally different meal and clean up and take care ofy 2 year old son I'm really not motivated to do anything. I have been trying to run about 10-15 mins a day but I wanna do more and I need the support and motivation to do that other than "you look a little soft"... I need friends ;)
    First off, ouch:( What will he say when you are buff? "you need to dial that back you are too buff now"...You need to do this for YOU and a healthy you, mentally AND physically is a bonus to that precious child. I am sending you a request. We can support each other. You just stay on the path you would like to for you; if he wants something deep fried, fine; make that, but make yourself something you feel is best for you.
  • possumfeet0910
    possumfeet0910 Posts: 10 Member
    @tazmitten it sucks to sit all day I try to tell him... its hard to sit and errgh

    Thank you all for your nice comments and wonderful support!
  • geekette411
    geekette411 Posts: 154 Member
    Add me as a friend if you like! I sit all day at a desk and my husband is self employed and gets a lot of exercise some days. He is not actively trying to lose weight but he supports my choice and he does our weekday cooking. He makes healthy dinners so I can enjoy food without the stress. We have enjoyed trying new recipes that the whole family likes. Some times a new recipe is a disaster but we have fun trying them out anyway.

    Talk to your hubby before you get hard feelings and it spoils your relationship.
  • jacz83
    jacz83 Posts: 19 Member
    Hi There!

    My husband just thinks about losing weight and it happens! He coaches two sports and gets fitness in that way. We are setting a goal together to do a race soon--- possibly a half marathon.

    You have to express what you need to succeed to your husband, and how his supports fits in. To me, my husband is my best friend and teammate. If that's what you need from him, tell him. Also... what about what YOU want and need? What about all that YOU do for the marriage?! Remind him of that. He needs to be lifting you up, otherwise he is just getting in your way.

    Also- I agree with the others. You are not a short order cook. Make what is healthful for your entire family. If he doesn't like it, he can make what he wants for himself! :)
    Good luck!
  • Axioml
    Axioml Posts: 29
    You can do it!!!!

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • norahwynn
    norahwynn Posts: 862 Member
    Feel free to friend me. I'm on pretty much everyday and try to reach out to everyone I see come across my news feed.

    Now on to your husband. I would suggest that you tell him to get off his butt and help you with your child, along with making his own meals so you can focus on your proper eating and have time to get in a solid hour or more of working out.

    Once you say that, his only response is going to be yes or no. If it's no, then maybe a couple of nights of just eating your type of meal will change his mind and convince him to starting cooking for himself. It's crazy that you would have to cook 2 separate meals every night because of your husbands unwillingness to help.
  • Caitu13
    Caitu13 Posts: 55 Member
    Hello there! Fellow desk sitter all day, mother of a 3 year old here!! Feel free to add me!!
  • A_Warrior_Princess
    A_Warrior_Princess Posts: 344 Member
    Request sent and on it's way.!:wink:
  • Mischievous_Rascal
    Mischievous_Rascal Posts: 1,791 Member
    I was in the same situation, more or less, but I'm just way more stubborn than my husband. :)

    Sent you a request.
  • JaymieMichele
    JaymieMichele Posts: 1 Member
    My best motivation is how I feel after I work out. And how I feel when a pair of jeans or outfit fits better on me than before. That is why I keep pushing myself! We are friends on here now! We will support each other!
  • TeresaMarie46
    TeresaMarie46 Posts: 226 Member
    Request sent.
  • MrsGrinde
    MrsGrinde Posts: 8
    sending you a request
  • MeowSkull
    MeowSkull Posts: 101 Member
    I have a very similar situation, sending you are request!
  • kizzyb1977
    kizzyb1977 Posts: 199 Member
    I have no support either and I actually met someone from MFP that lives in my area. We workout together at the gym and have become friends. What better then to have someone that is aiming for the exact same thing as you! Just an idea.
  • chrissysue
    chrissysue Posts: 85 Member
    Good afternoon everyone!
    I have sent everyone (I think) a friend request.
    I am in need of support.
    I have used MFP several times and left a bit ago because I didnt feel I was getting much if any support and got discouraged.
    THought I would come back and see if I could fing a new group of friends.
    Looking forward to getting to know everyone.
  • mazdauk
    mazdauk Posts: 1,380 Member
    @crochetluvr he feels he has the harder job and more strenuous 10 hr shift than my sitting 10 hr shift plus he is stuck in the wife does it all thing that comes from his up bringing.

    Remind him this is the 21st century - if you both work you both have to share the home stuff (good and bad). It took me a while to train Hubby as his father was a "sit at the table and ask for all the extras plus second helpings" type, so MIL only sat down when he was done and gone to watch TV (and THAT is why she has digestive problems!!). When our eldest was less than 4 months I went back top work full time so hubby got used to sharing chores, changing nappies and everything (I think my father changed one nappy each for me and my sister as my mother stayed at home til we were at school).

    When I only worked 2 days a week I did most of the chores (and a LOT of baking), but as my hours have gone up again my chores have come down proportionately. My friends who are SAHMs don't feel they can ask their husbands to do any ironing or anything, but as hubby and I both work full time we automatically share the chores - apart from anything else, if you let him sit on his a** all day its a poor example to your son! If you work full time as well (or even close to it) then you are mentally exhausted and just as in need of a break, not to start a 4-hour shift as commis chef!

    ETA my Hubby and I are both in our late 40s, you look much younger so unless you married a pensioner your husband has no excuse!!!