Does it really matter what you eat?



  • solieco1
    solieco1 Posts: 1,559 Member
    omg did you have to say nutella?
  • JustMissTracy
    JustMissTracy Posts: 6,338 Member
    I can eat the whole jar, by myself, in under a week. Using just a spoon. :s
  • bhanvi
    bhanvi Posts: 133 Member
    Depends on what your goal is. If its only to loose weight you can eat Mc Donalds everyday at a deficit, if its to get healthy along with losing weight then you are better off with fruits and veggies.
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,109 Member
    Yes and no. To lose weight you need to eat at a calorie deficit. But you also need to make sure you get the nutrients you need to be healthy. And some foods are more satiating than others. I can eat a donut for breakfast and stay at my calorie goal, or I can eat eggs and fruit and yogurt and stay at my goal and stay full until lunchtime. Usually I chose the eggs, but if I really want the donut then I have it. I don't worry about eating clean, whatever that means. I often eat out and I eat processed foods because they are convenient. I stay at my calorie goal and I have lost weight and I'm 6 pounds from my goal. So for the most part it doesn't matter what you eat. But I do find that some foods help me to stay satisfied better than others and that makes it easier to stick to my goal.
  • Fitby32
    Fitby32 Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks for the feedback everyone! This information is helpful.
  • vingogly
    vingogly Posts: 1,785 Member
    edited June 2016
    There are other issues than CICO to consider. If you eat a lot of refined carbs and find yourself with hunger and/or cravings at various points during the day, you might want to cut down on the refined carbs and exchange them with complex carbs or protein. If you're not getting enough fiber, you're going to get constipated (and low fiber diets aren't great from a cancer perspective). If you're eating 4-5 donuts a day and that's it, you're not getting the protein you need (as well as asking for a serious case of constipation, and not getting the vitamins you need from your food).
  • urloved33
    urloved33 Posts: 3,323 Member
    some calories are more packed with nutrition than others. so some cals are healthier body always reflects the diff. if I eat junk my skin Is dull and I bloat etc etc.
  • Ponkeen
    Ponkeen Posts: 147 Member
    Yes and no. You could lose weight eating nothing but donuts and fritos, so long as you ate fewer total calories. You would ultimately get skinnier. However, you'd feel like crap and the damage you would do to your body with a terrible diet would counter many, if not all, of the benefits of weight loss.
    I don't 'eat clean,' but I eat healthy most of the time. And a side bonus of eating more fruits and veggies is that you can eat more food, period. Once you make a habit of it, it's not difficult to sustain. It is a little spendier in the short term, but you'll thank yourself in the long term.
  • chocolate_owl
    chocolate_owl Posts: 1,695 Member
    CICO is the governing law, and enjoyment of your diet is going to be the key to adherence. There's no need to eliminate your favorite treats if you're going to be really sad not eating them and you can fit them in your calorie goals. There's also no need to be ravenous because you're not eating enough nutrient-dense, satiating food. Find a balance that works for you.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    urloved33 wrote: »
    some calories are more packed with nutrition than others. so some cals are healthier body always reflects the diff. if I eat junk my skin Is dull and I bloat etc etc.

    That's not what a calorie is. A calorie cannot be packed with nutrition or be lacking in nutrition.

  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    sijomial wrote: »
    Your overall diet matters for nutrition & health of course. Individual items within your overall diet have minimal impact. Satiety, happiness, adherence are all big success factors that are impacted by the choices you make.
    But those choices are very personal.

    Exclusion or moderation of foods you have self-control problems with is also very personal but I believe moderation is a better long term approach for the majority. In the end weight loss or maintenance comes down to calories but the tools you use to control your calories are many and varied.

    Eating clean seems to have a million and one definitions some of which are comical, scientifically or logically unsound and/or puritanical. I don't believe something that can't be defined can be best!
    The "best" diets (i.e. healthiest populations) from around the world are incredibly varied.

    My experience - I found an eating pattern (5:2 diet) that suited my high determination / low boredom threshold personality. I found it easy to adhere to and allowed me to eat the foods I like in the correct quantities over the course of a week. I also include a very high exercise routine as I enjoy both food and exercise, a marriage made in heaven. Overall it's probably not a method that would suit most people.

    cosign ...
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    happygalah wrote: »
    It's all about the cico but for me I could spend my entire days calories on one fast food meal so not much fun there. Junk food is full of chemicals and not much nutrition so to get the vitamins and minerals you need fresh fruits and vegetables etc are going to fill you up with more nutrition and less calories.

    all food is "full of chemicals"...
  • butterfli7o
    butterfli7o Posts: 1,319 Member
    I just had a McDonald's cheeseburger and Medium Fries, and I'm losing, soo.......
  • snowflake930
    snowflake930 Posts: 2,188 Member
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    bhanvi wrote: »
    Depends on what your goal is. If its only to loose weight you can eat Mc Donalds everyday at a deficit, if its to get healthy along with losing weight then you are better off with fruits and veggies.

    What if I eat fruits, veggies, lean protein, whole grains, dairy AND McDonalds and still stay in my deficit...

    Why does everything always have to be extremes one way or another?

    ^^I agree wholeheartedly. My experience, I have been on MFP for over 4 years, over 2-1/2 on maintenance, is, that to have the best chance of maintaining for a lifetime is to make it as sustainable as possible. Limiting yourself to only certain foods increases your chance of giving up over time. The statistics are that over 80% of the people that lose weight, gain it all back within 5 years. Some gaining even more weight than they lost. Just my opinion for what it is worth, probably not much to most here, but I intend to keep the weight off. For me, that means sensible choices with nothing really off limits. So far it is working for me.

  • jarablue
    jarablue Posts: 127 Member
    edited June 2016
    Crap already commented. Sorry!
  • jahillegas_51
    jahillegas_51 Posts: 143 Member
    This is the hardest part about fitness. We are all our own highschool science project. Each person's body is different and wired different. What works for me, does work for the next guy, but works for him.

    The biggest thing is try things out for at least 3-4 weeks. Take a step back and evaluate. BE SELF-AWARE AND DON'T BULLS*** yourself!

    I learned that the hard way. I started fitness with the whole, eat clean and F*** you bad foods. Well this lead to some massive binge eating problems for 3-4 years, with little to no results in the gym. However, the problem was I told myself eating clean was sustainable, blah, blah.

    Truth is, I hated it! I hate meal prepping, I hate cooking, I hate not having freedom to enjoy food, etc.

    Thus I picked up IIFYM (If It Fits Your Macros). For me it works. I enjoy it. I haven't binged in a year.

    Try new things and learn:) If something isn't working or you hate it. Stop doing it. Life is too short to do crap you hate!
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