Will eating 12000 calories in 1 meal make me 1.5 kg heavier

Just done a food challenge at my local restraunt had 2 whole chickens 2 large fries 20 onion rings 2 large strawberry milkshakes 2 large chocolate cheesecake the waiter said it comes to 12000 calories in total I finished it all but took twice the alloted time will I really be 3 lb heavier tomorrow because of it


  • oolou
    oolou Posts: 765 Member
    Um ... yeah, you should probably expect to see a bit of a gain on the scales tomorrow :smile:

    Don't you feel ill from eating that much in one sitting?
  • Noreenmarie1234
    Noreenmarie1234 Posts: 7,493 Member
    Wow I've heard of those challenges. I would of probably vomited after from being so sick/full. You probably will. Maybe not tomorrow, but over a few weeks you will see it.
  • jontywontytong
    jontywontytong Posts: 33 Member
    I don't think you're supposed to participate in eating contests while trying to lose weight.

    It was my birthday and I have been really good for the past 4 months

  • DresdenSinn
    DresdenSinn Posts: 665 Member
    Eating 12000kcal in 1 meal could make you 1.5x dead if you go into cardiac arrest which could happen.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited June 2016
    I think salt and water weight will be what you'll see. Usually, eating an extraordinary amount if food decreases my appetite, in the following days I'm not eating as much. Just be careful that it doesn't trigger a food binge. Might make a point to do soups and lots of veggies the next few days.

    Happy birthday!
  • jahillegas_51
    jahillegas_51 Posts: 143 Member
    This is some tough love. The chips haven fallen. If you were concerned about substantial weight gain, you probably should not have entered the eating content. However, its neither here nor there.

    I would suggest getting back in the saddle with your normal daily intake, and gym routine. I HIGHLY suggest that if you are concerned with weight gain that you don't stand on the scale for at least a week. Seeing whatever number apprears could lead you to punish and potentially starve yourself.

    That could be a pandoras box to another nasty cycle. Give the scale a break, don't sweat it. Just get back on track and keep kicking butt!

    Use this experience as a lesson for future decisions, just pick which consequence you can live with. Some are tougher to choose than others.
  • jontywontytong
    jontywontytong Posts: 33 Member
    Thanks elise
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    I don't think you're supposed to participate in eating contests while trying to lose weight.

    It was my birthday and I have been really good for the past 4 months

    What do you mean by being good? (I suspect it means undereating, either too little calories, or restricting food types, or both. Restricting food intake too much often leads to urges to overeat. If this is what happened, please eat more on a daily basis.)

    Did you enjoy your birthday meal? If so, it's a once a year event and you shouldn't worry about it.

    Happy birthday from me too :)
  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    Not going to lie. I'm just impressed you can eat that much.

    And if the weight gain that may or may not happen as a consequence isn't too much of a concern because you know you'll just lose it again then meh, no judgements here.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Just done a food challenge at my local restraunt had 2 whole chickens 2 large fries 20 onion rings 2 large strawberry milkshakes 2 large chocolate cheesecake the waiter said it comes to 12000 calories in total I finished it all but took twice the alloted time will I really be 3 lb heavier tomorrow because of it

  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    Happy Birthday!
  • rankinsect
    rankinsect Posts: 2,238 Member
    Just done a food challenge at my local restraunt had 2 whole chickens 2 large fries 20 onion rings 2 large strawberry milkshakes 2 large chocolate cheesecake the waiter said it comes to 12000 calories in total I finished it all but took twice the alloted time will I really be 3 lb heavier tomorrow because of it

    You'll probably be far more than 3 lb heavier tomorrow, but a lot of that will be water weight. You'll store a lot of the excess as glycogen, rather than fat, which means your body must retain water to balance it. Plus, of course, until you move your bowels, all of the non-digestible mass of that food is still inside you.

    But yes, you're likely to gain a couple of pounds of fat / slow your progress on fat loss due to your body using up some of the glycogen it stored before it burns more fat.
  • dragon_girl26
    dragon_girl26 Posts: 2,187 Member
    Not going to lie. I'm just impressed you can eat that much.

    And if the weight gain that may or may not happen as a consequence isn't too much of a concern because you know you'll just lose it again then meh, no judgements here.

    Me too. I think if I even attempted half of that, they'd have to carry me out of there!

    Happy Birthday, OP!
  • jontywontytong
    jontywontytong Posts: 33 Member
    Thanks for the replies and don't worry about me going on a binge I will be back on the 1500 calorie diet I'm normally on tomorrow it wasn't even me that ordered the food or chose the restraunt my friends surprised me with it tbh I might not even eat tomorrow I so full I can barely move lol
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,884 Member
    Thanks for the replies and don't worry about me going on a binge I will be back on the 1500 calorie diet I'm normally on tomorrow it wasn't even me that ordered the food or chose the restraunt my friends surprised me with it tbh I might not even eat tomorrow I so full I can barely move lol

    Yeah, there'll probably be some reduced hunger. But please don't force yourself to not eat, in compensation. Just get back on your healthy path, and in a few days the water weight will dissipate (drink adequate water to help this happen).

    If you force yourself to restrict in compensation, there's some risk of setting up a deprive/binge cycle. But it sounds like you're pretty committed.

    BTW, I think this (below) is spot on (@amusedmonkey seems like a smart lady, in this & other threads):
    Expect a real gain of 1-1.5 kg plus a whole bunch of water weight. You may not gain as much as 12k calories would predict because consuming this much food in a short time is bound to let some of it pass without being fully digested or absorbed.

    I've done some major over days along the way (more like 5K-6K, not 12K calories), and haven't seen quite the theoretically-expected gain from it, after the water weight is out of the picture.

    Happy birthday ;) !
  • jontywontytong
    jontywontytong Posts: 33 Member
    Ann I won't be restricting my food on purpose it's just I can't imagine needing food for awhile with how full I'm feeling now
  • jahillegas_51
    jahillegas_51 Posts: 143 Member
    Ann I won't be restricting my food on purpose it's just I can't imagine needing food for awhile with how full I'm feeling now

    Yeah just get back in the saddle of the game, and kick some *kitten* today:))
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    edited June 2016