Will eating 12000 calories in 1 meal make me 1.5 kg heavier



  • Nachise
    Nachise Posts: 395 Member
    Just done a food challenge at my local restraunt had 2 whole chickens 2 large fries 20 onion rings 2 large strawberry milkshakes 2 large chocolate cheesecake the waiter said it comes to 12000 calories in total I finished it all but took twice the alloted time will I really be 3 lb heavier tomorrow because of it
    Hell if I know...water weight, and some real weight most likely, unless you are Michael Phelps in full Olympic beast mode. Considering that I'm lactose intolerant, I'd probably be in the ER by now wishing I could die. LOL

  • cwang125
    cwang125 Posts: 76 Member
    rankinsect wrote: »
    Just done a food challenge at my local restraunt had 2 whole chickens 2 large fries 20 onion rings 2 large strawberry milkshakes 2 large chocolate cheesecake the waiter said it comes to 12000 calories in total I finished it all but took twice the alloted time will I really be 3 lb heavier tomorrow because of it

    You'll probably be far more than 3 lb heavier tomorrow, but a lot of that will be water weight. You'll store a lot of the excess as glycogen, rather than fat, which means your body must retain water to balance it. Plus, of course, until you move your bowels, all of the non-digestible mass of that food is still inside you.

    But yes, you're likely to gain a couple of pounds of fat / slow your progress on fat loss due to your body using up some of the glycogen it stored before it burns more fat.

    Uhh, unless his glycogen stores were depleted due to intense aerobic/anaerobic activity, it's likely his glycogen stores were fine to begin with. The body only stores around 120g of glyocogen in the liver and a small amount in the muscles themselves, and an even tinier amount in the kidneys and tiny bit in the brain and blood. So unless he ate all of that food and then went out and did a bunch of exercise, most likely none of that got stored as glycogen. It's mostly going to be excreted as waste or stored as fat. Eating that much food spikes insulin which is inhibitive on lipolysis and stimulates the creation of new fat.

    A portion of it is not going to be absorbed and is likely to be excreted as waste as the body is simply incapable of absorbing that much energy content in that short amount of time.

    That was a very large amount of sodium though and a large amount of fat. As others have stated, it's very likely increased water retention is happening as well. What does get absorbed will in this case most likely get stored as new fat.

    Not feeling hungry for an extended period of time is normal because the body is still digesting that food for up to 48 hours.
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    Just done a food challenge at my local restraunt had 2 whole chickens 2 large fries 20 onion rings 2 large strawberry milkshakes 2 large chocolate cheesecake the waiter said it comes to 12000 calories in total I finished it all but took twice the alloted time will I really be 3 lb heavier tomorrow because of it

    Yes if CICO applies to humans.
  • Fursian
    Fursian Posts: 526 Member
    I don't think you're supposed to participate in eating contests while trying to lose weight.

    lol! This physically gave me a chuckle!

    I'd just like to say wow, to the OP! You put all that away? "2 whole chickens 2 large fries 20 onion rings 2 large strawberry milkshakes 2 large chocolate cheesecake". I feel ... questionable... even if I've put away more than 2000 more than my maintenance on a "cheat day", I'm in the UK. GO YOU! This reminds me of Man Vs Food, TV Show.
  • Colorscheme
    Colorscheme Posts: 1,179 Member
    Eating 12000kcal in 1 meal could make you 1.5x dead if you go into cardiac arrest which could happen.

    How would a one off thing like that cause cardiac arrest? o__O
  • Wicked_Seraph
    Wicked_Seraph Posts: 388 Member
    Just done a food challenge at my local restraunt had 2 whole chickens 2 large fries 20 onion rings 2 large strawberry milkshakes 2 large chocolate cheesecake the waiter said it comes to 12000 calories in total I finished it all but took twice the alloted time will I really be 3 lb heavier tomorrow because of it

    Yes if CICO applies to humans.

    I don't mean this confrontationally, but are you saying CICO doesn't apply to humans? Or am I missing what might have been very obvious sarcasm?
  • CattOfTheGarage
    CattOfTheGarage Posts: 2,750 Member
    My word, that's a lot of food!
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    Just done a food challenge at my local restraunt had 2 whole chickens 2 large fries 20 onion rings 2 large strawberry milkshakes 2 large chocolate cheesecake the waiter said it comes to 12000 calories in total I finished it all but took twice the alloted time will I really be 3 lb heavier tomorrow because of it

    Yes if CICO applies to humans.

    I don't mean this confrontationally, but are you saying CICO doesn't apply to humans? Or am I missing what might have been very obvious sarcasm?

    We will find out tomorrow hopefully.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,884 Member
    Just done a food challenge at my local restraunt had 2 whole chickens 2 large fries 20 onion rings 2 large strawberry milkshakes 2 large chocolate cheesecake the waiter said it comes to 12000 calories in total I finished it all but took twice the alloted time will I really be 3 lb heavier tomorrow because of it

    Yes if CICO applies to humans.

    I don't mean this confrontationally, but are you saying CICO doesn't apply to humans? Or am I missing what might have been very obvious sarcasm?

    We will find out tomorrow hopefully.

    I would think that calories excreted, because you ate so many of the little suckers that your body can't effectively process them, would also count as CO. They're just hard to count.
  • lulalacroix
    lulalacroix Posts: 1,082 Member
    So did you win something? T-shirt? Free meal? Name and pic on the winner board? Please share.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    So did you win something? T-shirt? Free meal? Name and pic on the winner board? Please share.

    ..And what did your scales say??