My husband is always angry at me



  • suzyjane1972
    suzyjane1972 Posts: 612 Member
    emdeesea wrote: »
    d2othev wrote: »

    My husband will not help with the house work. The rare occasion that he has helped he was soo angry and made me feel so bad that it's just not worth the effort to ask anymore. He would also never agree to counseling. Maybe when I lose this weight I will have tons of energy and none of this will be an issue. God I can't wait for that day to come!

    I really do gotta ask why you're married to this guy.


    He gets angry when asked to help out?

    Preface this by saying obviously I'm not a psychoanalyst but it really does sound to me like you have bigger problems looming than just your weight.

    And you have kids in the house who are learning how to treat (or be treated by) their future spouse.

    Counseling for you both. And for yourself if he refuses to go. Which I assume he will.

    Good luck. so sorry you're married to a *kitten*
  • vczK2t
    vczK2t Posts: 309 Member
    I agree with many that said the housework isn't being taken care of equally. Your husband sounds like a douche. he has an 8 hour job, you have a 13 hour job PLUS all the walking/running you do during your shift. You, your husband, and your kids need to sit down and have a serious discussion about housework and homework and how to divide it ALL equally so that you aren't doing all of it. I won't apologize for thinking your husband is a douche, based on what you said. he isn't working as hard as you and therefore needs to get his lazy *kitten* off the couch and help with the housework AND the homework AND the raising of the kids. You didn't create this life by yourself. Marriage IS a complete partnership
  • SkinnyGirlCarrie
    SkinnyGirlCarrie Posts: 259 Member
    edited June 2016
    Hello, I am not going to comment on your marriage, but regarding exercise. For myself, I realized no one was going to make my health a priority but me. I exercise for about an hour a day, not a gym goer, I usually do Fitness Blender or I walk or run on my treadmill. It is not unheard of for me to be helping with homework while doing burpees (sometimes I have them skip the questions they are having trouble with and we go back to those when I'm done!).

    Everyone in the family has adjusted to my workouts without too much fact, I apparently get cranky "need to workout" look on my face :D If you make it a priority for you, your family will get used to it and eventually come to support it. It's my hour of me time and something no one else can do for me, and above all it shows me that I value myself.

    Editing to add - it also shows my kids that health and exercise and important things. Living by example!
  • JenHuedy
    JenHuedy Posts: 611 Member
    I remember feeling just like you. Hugs. I remember this feeling like it was yesterday.
    I won't comment on your marriage but in my case, a lot of the problem was me. I didn't realize it then though. I felt so bad about myself that it drug every one around me down too. ( I'm not saying your the problem in your marriage. I don't know enough about your life to comment on that part. I'm just telling you that I've been there)
    Anyway when I was finally ready, I lost the weight. I'm 135 lbs now and have kept the weight off for three years so far
    Here's what helped me-
    If this doesn't apply to you then fine, but it may help someone else reading.

    Once I realized that weight loss came down to calories, it didn't seem so difficult anymore. I used to think that in order to lose weight that I would have to do some crazy fad diets and starve . Everytime I tried one of those gimmick diets or super restrictive diets I would fail. I started to think there was something wrong with me. Until I learned about calories in - calories out.
    For weight loss to occur, one must create a calorie deficit. Eat less then you burn and you'll lose weight. Calories in calories out. As long as you eat at a calorie deficit, you'll lose weight. So there's really no need for these fad diets or gimmicks. No need to torture yourself by doing low carb ( unless you have a medical condition) , Paleo or whatever the newest fad is.
    Things got a lot easier for me when I realized that it just came down to calories.
    I got myself a food scale and learned about portion control and moderation. From there it was easy.
    Once I got down to a normal weight, I had much more energy and a zest for life again. Because I was happier, things where happier in my marriage too. Don't get me wrong, weight loss won't solve every problem in your life. But it certainly does feel good to be a normal weight and when we feel good, it shows! My outlook changed at that point. I knew I could never go back to where I was!
    You can do this too!! All you need to do is get yourself a food scale and learn how to weigh your solids and measuring your liquids. Log everything here on mfp . Remember- weight loss comes down to calories! You don't have to over complicate this by doing fancy fad diets. Just eat less then you burn!
    If you can't make it to the gym, find an activity that you can do at home. Like going for walks, or even YouTube workouts.
    Best of luck to you!! Hugs!!!!! I remember feeling like you do now but just know that you can do this!

    @zoeysasha37 has described it perfectly! This is EXACTLY what I went through when my kids were smaller. It gets easier as the kids get older. And it helps to remember you can't change other people. Only yourself. Look at how you choose to react to your situation and try to find little ways to change and make things better one baby step at a time. All together it's so overwhelming, but you can gradually start fixing all those little things that weigh you down and get to a place where the problems that can't be changed are easier to handle.
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    As someone else said earlier, get counseling for yourself. It will help you communicate better with your husband, who is clearly missing important cues or there would not be such a disparate responsibility imbalance.

    Log every bite. You are getting a lot of exercise on the job and doing housework. Put on your headphones when you do the housework, it helps! And hopefully soon you will be wearing those headphones at the gym, having well-deserved personal time.

    Good Luck! I hope your hubby comes around and takes on his share of the workload!
  • bagge72
    bagge72 Posts: 1,377 Member
    If any non angry people would like to talk to another non angry person message me
    Wow, just.... wow! Not got any advice for the OP? Nope?! But thanks for stopping by this thread and clearly demonstrating your complete lack of comprehension about this situation.

    Go right a ten paragraph response that nobody will read

    Good one...

    Right the ship matey argh, aye aye captain!

  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Haven't read all the replies but I strongly suggest counseling. It's not an issue that's going to go away. I'm at the point where I keep losing my *kitten* every night because nobody else in my family EVER puts the dirty dishes in the dishwasher.,, and your issue seems way more serious than that (I'm a SAHM, I expect to have to do most of the work). We're not in the 50s anymore... you're both working, it's both your job to keep the house clean.

    Find a way to fix it before it's too late.
  • rennickm1986
    rennickm1986 Posts: 70 Member
    edited June 2016
    From that discription your husband is a worthless dbag. When exactly does he expect you to exercise if you're doing everything? If he wants you to lose weight he needs to start doing some of the stuff that takes up your time so you have time to work out. Have more self-respect.
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    I feel for you and wish you the best. Thank you for all that you do as a nurse.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    d2othev wrote: »

    My husband will not help with the house work. The rare occasion that he has helped he was soo angry and made me feel so bad that it's just not worth the effort to ask anymore. /quote]

    If he won't help, he doesn't get the right to complain. Period. End of story. Stand up for yourself. You don't deserve this.

    There are a million things people can say here, but ultimately nothing will be better until you understand that you are a human being who deserves better. Demand better. So what if he's angry? YOU GET ANGRY BACK. Don't let people walk all over you like that, no matter who they are. Your children deserve better than this, too.
  • Heartisalonelyhunter
    Heartisalonelyhunter Posts: 786 Member
    I agree with the pp who said YOU GET ANGRY back. People treat you the way that you allow and it seems that your husband is used to you quietly doing everything and is not happy when you don't. So tell him what you want. He needs to pull his weight with the kids and housework and you need time to work out or just have time to yourself. Stand up for yourself because no one else will.
    I suggest you watch the movie 'Fried Green Tomatoes'. You need to go Tawanda on his *kitten*.
  • butterfli7o
    butterfli7o Posts: 1,319 Member
    I'm sorry you're dealing with this. This just isn't right. You losing weight isn't going to magically fix things, and the fact that you said outright that he will not help you with housework and will not agree to counseling says volumes. Why won't he? You have a very demanding, physical job and for him to expect you to do 100% of the housework, cooking and raise the children is not fair. I'm sorry OP but this isn't healthy. I wish you luck. Please think of yourself.