I want to loose 25lbs by September

Hey everyone,
My CW is 140 my GW is 115 I will be happy at 120. I have a hard time keeping a straight diet and I really hate to workout. However this is going to stop. I am determined to loose this fat!!! It has to go so I am determined to workout 6 days a week and eat clean to make this happen. Comment if you are down for this.


  • toniju
    toniju Posts: 23 Member
    I would love to be down 25lbs by September also!! Maybe we can keep each other accountable!
  • mwiechel
    mwiechel Posts: 77 Member
    I'd love to be your friend and help support you. Do you have a plan in place for your workouts 6-days a week? I know I need a program to follow and get lost and confused at the gym if I don't go in knowing exactly what I am going to do! My portable DVD player with my workout programs tends to be my best buddy at the gym!
  • misssir2
    misssir2 Posts: 13
    I am a stay at home Mom I have 3 little ones. So I will be working out at home. I am going to Walmart this weekend to buy an elliptical :) I also have Zumba Core for Wii thats great ( I used it once and burned a lot of calories ) I also have some weights and one of those long weight bar thingys to hold while I do squats and I also have a ab roller and a few of Jillian Michaels DVDs I also have a link for the insanity but I tried it yesterday and didnt like it to much. My goal is to be able to do 100 crunches I can do maybe 10 at the moment but I plan on mixing all of this into different workouts. I also want a nice butt lol so lots of squats. As for eating thats the hard thing for me I ordered some stuff from GNC so I plan on Starting that Friday I am going foodshopping tomorrow so I am going to try to stick to lots of Salad yogurt fruit chicken lol if anyone has any advice please inbox me.

    Good luck whoever is going to start this with me. We got this. : /
  • 1234suroor
    1234suroor Posts: 41
    Same goal! But I question if approx 20 lbs in 2 months is feasible... =(
  • misssir2
    misssir2 Posts: 13
    I also want to try to make my meals for the week in advance I heard that helps
  • metacognition
    metacognition Posts: 626 Member
    20 lb / 11 weeks (end of September) = 1.8 lb / week

    The weight loss slows down a lot as one nears goal. You would not likely be able to maintain that rate of loss the entire time.

    Would suggest daily exercise, HIIT, weights, and more intense activity overall. Would also not rush weight loss on a tight deadline. Eat more if you need to.

  • misssir2
    misssir2 Posts: 13
    Its possible if you stick to it.... hopefully
  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
    good luck
    I just go at my own pace
    ive lost 32 pounds, 4 inches off waist, over 10 percent of body weight
    in 6 months so
  • metacognition
    metacognition Posts: 626 Member
    Its possible if you stick to it.... hopefully

    One of the biggest mistakes heavier people (myself included) make is to expect everything to happen at once, even if it takes years to become overweight or obese.

    Naturally as one reaches healthy body fat levels the weight loss will slow down. Good luck. You'll lose some weight but probably not in the realm of 20 pounds. Also take care to preserve lean tissue. Body fat % matters more than scale weight.
  • TeresaMarie46
    TeresaMarie46 Posts: 226 Member
    I also want to lose 20-25 by Sept. Hoping to anyway. Our son is getting married Sept 21st.
    My goal is to be as close to 200 as I can. CW 243 SW 265.

    ADD ME
  • Capt_Inzane
    Capt_Inzane Posts: 733 Member
    Idealy 1.5-2 lbs a week is doable but it gets harder once you're close to your goal weight.

    Please keep in mind that losing weight is only part of the equation getting fit should be the ultimate goal.

    I wish you all the best of luck and as long as you follow a sensible eating plan with exercise you should be able to attain your goals. I'd suggest measurements though for the before and after so you can truly see the difference in your body.
  • misssir2
    misssir2 Posts: 13
    I appreciate your feedback but I will do it and I will post a pic to prove it :) Everyone is different. However I do loose weight quick when I eat right and workout I just have to not be lazy I lost 30 pounds last year in 4 months without even working out that was just watching what I eat this time around I want to actually workout and see the difference.
  • misssir2
    misssir2 Posts: 13
    Thanks so much for believing its doable it all about will power and how bad you want it. I never said it was going to be easy but I have to try. I definitely want to try the measurement thing. Thanks for the advice.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    I don't think this is safe or a realistic goal. Sorry but you are on your own. Best of luck and I hope you do this safely.
  • daniellemm1
    daniellemm1 Posts: 465 Member
    I also want to lose 20-25 by Sept. Hoping to anyway. Our son is getting married Sept 21st.
    My goal is to be as close to 200 as I can. CW 243 SW 265.

    ADD ME

    My goal is to lose 15 by Labor Day. That will take me to 199 finally. I think that in order to do that I am going to have to be pretty strict with both my food and my workouts. Hopefully I don't get too many social invites between now and then :)
  • misssir2
    misssir2 Posts: 13
  • missdibs1
    missdibs1 Posts: 1,092 Member
    Hey everyone,
    My CW is 140 my GW is 115 I will be happy at 120. I have a hard time keeping a straight diet and I really hate to workout. However this is going to stop. I am determined to loose this fat!!! It has to go so I am determined to workout 6 days a week and eat clean to make this happen. Comment if you are down for this.

    me too!!
  • thetiniestgirl
    I have your back - we can do this!

    You came here for motivation adn support, and that's what you'll get from me.

    I'm impressed that you have three kids, also - I can barely manage myself!
  • gsager
    gsager Posts: 977 Member
    I'm at.120 and would like to be 115 by Sept. don't want to lose muscle, have to pace yourself!
  • sav3175
    sav3175 Posts: 47
    Im currently at 148 and want to get down to 130 by sept aiming for my bday sept 2 :) ive lost 90lbs so far so im on the home stretch if anyone wants to add me always looking for support. I also have a fb fitness group where we support and motivate each other we're all at diff fitness levels and its a judgment free zone if anyone is interested in joining please let me know i believe the more support you have the better the you'll do in your fitness journey