What do/did you hate about being overweight?



  • cammiecane
    cammiecane Posts: 62 Member
    So many things I hate right now!

    I hate:
    * Having to wear and swim with a shirt and shorts over my bathing suit because I look so gross.
    * Not wanting the hubby to look at/ touch me because I’m worried he’ll be disgusted by me
    * Looking in the mirror
    * Not being able to wear cute clothes because they either don’t have them in my size or they don’t look good on me.
    * Wearing long sleeves and pants in the summer
    * Being the fattest cousin again
    * Being so out of shape that walking up and down my stairs exhausts me

    Ugh! Soon all that will be gone! Can’t wait!
  • GOT_Obsessed
    GOT_Obsessed Posts: 817 Member
    Uh ok, this thread has been resurrected. It is an Interesting read.

    I hated clothes shopping so much. I thought it was just because I was a non shopper. Now being able to wear regular (not plus size) clothes, shopping is great. Of course I hated it before. Everything looked terrible or fit well in one area but was too big in another area. It was a depressing mood killer!
  • tanyamum
    tanyamum Posts: 39 Member
    I hate my double chin in photos.

    I hate my total lack of energy.

    I hate getting out of breath after climbing one flight of stairs.

    I hate feeling twenty years older than I actually am.

    I hate being the *only* fat person in my family, and the *only* fat female in my group of friends.

    I hate wasting my money on junk food.

    I hate sneaking food and lying to people about my diet.

    I hate having a strained relationship with my parents, who hate the fact that I've gotten so big.

    I hate feeling like I'm being judged whenever I eat in public.

    I hate chairs with arms, and cheap plastic chairs.

    I hate the seats at old cinemas and old theatres.

    I hate university combined chair/desks, and lecture halls with flip-down desks.

    I hate the fact that I look huge in all my recent graduation photos, and that I'm embarrassed to show anyone.

    I hate that I've been single for almost six years, while most my friends are in long-term relationships. I know it's because of my weight.

    I hate that I know several people who are decades older than I am and who are *much* fitter than me.

    I hate being fat while also being very tall (5'11''). I feel like a man.

    I hate clothes shopping. I hate having to pass up clothes that I like because I look fat in them, and having to settle for clothes that are "slimming". (I hate that word, by the way.)

    I hate wearing mostly black clothes because I don't feel confident enough to wear colours.

    I hate wearing loose-fitting clothes all the time, because I don't feel confident enough to wear anything even remotely fitting.

    I hate feeling like I've wasted my 20s being obese and unhappy, when they should have been the best years of my life.

    What about everyone else?

    You have a lot of hate towards your body and that's painful to hear. Honey you may need to lose weight but you shouldn't hate all that you are because of it. Your body gets you through a lot in a day. It keeps you moving it keeps you breathing it makes your heart beat..... say thankyou to it for getting you this far and treat it nicely for doing so. I wish you the best of luck and dont let me hear about how much you hate your body again 😉
  • xfc1
    xfc1 Posts: 69 Member
    I can't wear jeans, I'm too big for my pairs of jeans and I refuse to buy larger ones

    When I run my fat sloshes around my chest

    I have never felt attractive but I feel more unattractive at this weight

    I dislike the constant thinking of weight loss, it's mentally draining

    I have breasts and I'm not meant to
  • mammalawrence
    mammalawrence Posts: 3 Member
    I hate that my knees have taken a beating due to my weight so I can't play on the floor with my kids.
    I hate knocking things off shelves with my *kitten* because the isle is to tight at the store.
    I hate having to base what we do as a family on how much walking is involved.
    I hate being afraid I won't fit in the innertube so I can go on the lazy river with my kids.
    I hate having to squeeze into the tiny toilet when the handicapped stall is not available.
    I hate that women's sizes are all over the place so I never know what I can wear till I try it on.
    I hate having to squeeze past people in a social gathering or crowd, no matter what I always feel enormous.
  • LisaMelton1
    LisaMelton1 Posts: 24 Member
    Joint pain