Low Calorie Desserts...Help!

mrsgoss Posts: 57 Member
Hi All! Hoping to get a few low calorie dessert options to curb my sweet tooth in the evening. Maybe something with just 2/4 ingredients? Anyone have a go to? Thanks in advance


  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,574 Member
    Protein fluff, popcorn, Edy's slow churned ice cream, greek yogurt with protein powder or powdered peanut butter, a big protein shake with whatever mix-ins you like. I personally like Arctic Zero and Halo Top ice creams, though they get poo pooed a lot here. Work some powdered peanut butter and cocoa powder in there and I'm fine.
  • TheFair0ne
    TheFair0ne Posts: 16 Member
    Frozen raspberries (or any fruit), especially on shaved ice.

    Italian Ice.

    Dark chocolate.

    A lot of times it's nice to sip on a drink instead of eat something for desert. A nice tea with honey and lemon or a hot coaches is nice.
  • wearmi1
    wearmi1 Posts: 291 Member
    angel food cake, strawberries, a squirt of whipped cream from a can!
  • mrsgoss
    mrsgoss Posts: 57 Member
    Ummmm, these all sound AMAZING!!!
  • NaturalNancy
    NaturalNancy Posts: 1,093 Member
    - Apples slices w chocolate syrup and roasted peanuts
    - 1/4 cup of low fat Icecream w whipped cream
    - Coolwhip an inch thick pressed between two Graham cracker, wrap in foil or wax paper and freeze over night (tastes like an Icecream sandwhich)
    - Strawberries or blueberries w cool whip or whipped cream
  • corsayre8
    corsayre8 Posts: 551 Member
    Fruit with Opadipity Creamcheese yogurt dip, Halo Top Ice Cream, sugar free chocolate covered almonds, popcorn and diet soda, Skinny Cow ice cream sandwiches.
  • quemalosuerte
    quemalosuerte Posts: 240 Member
    my and my boyfriend's favorite dessert right now is about a cup of fresh sliced strawberries with a squeeze of lime juice and half a stevia packet (we make 2 bowls at a time, 1 for each of us, so the packet is split between the two). run the strawberries through a blender or food processor and freeze for about an hour for a soft sorbet.

    another good dessert is a sliced apple sprinkled with cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, and a touch of clove. good fresh or microwaved.
  • 64heyjude
    64heyjude Posts: 38 Member
    edited June 2016
    My go-to is Jello pudding (sugar fee, fat-free) made with unsweetened almond milk. Topped with a dollop of lite cool whip. A teaspoon of granola on top if you want a little crunch. I will also make a shake with 1 cup unsweetened almond milk, 1 Tbsp. PB powder, 1 Tbsp. honey and 1 tsp. carob powder. Add some ice and blend till smooth. About 170 cal. Yum.
  • rthompson81
    rthompson81 Posts: 305 Member
    I have been eating Arctic Freeze "ice cream" - it's 35 calories a serving, and it's the perfect something cold and sweet after a meal. I also second the suggestion to do Lindt chocolate and have 1-2 pieces.
  • mrsgoss
    mrsgoss Posts: 57 Member
    - Apples slices w chocolate syrup and roasted peanuts
    - 1/4 cup of low fat Icecream w whipped cream
    - Coolwhip an inch thick pressed between two Graham cracker, wrap in foil or wax paper and freeze over night (tastes like an Icecream sandwhich)
    - Strawberries or blueberries w cool whip or whipped cream

    Stealing this one for sure!!!
  • mrsgoss
    mrsgoss Posts: 57 Member
    my and my boyfriend's favorite dessert right now is about a cup of fresh sliced strawberries with a squeeze of lime juice and half a stevia packet (we make 2 bowls at a time, 1 for each of us, so the packet is split between the two). run the strawberries through a blender or food processor and freeze for about an hour for a soft sorbet.

    another good dessert is a sliced apple sprinkled with cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, and a touch of clove. good fresh or microwaved.

  • emily120699
    emily120699 Posts: 32 Member
    Many times I eat chocolate or peanut butter granola bars, there's also mock ice cream which is frozen fruit blended with a little almond milk and sometimes protein powder. Also fruit with Splenda is great.
  • tahxirez
    tahxirez Posts: 270 Member
    Arctic Zero is not bad but you absolutely have to let it warm up or microwave it or it just tastes like chocolate water :) Mini cheesecakes (I don't measure but...) ~4oz Cream cheese, 4oz greek yogurt (plain or flavored is fine) 1 egg, 1/8 cup sugar, 1tsp vanilla, 6 butter cookies or crushed graham crackers. whip all ingredients besides last one together, put in muffin tin with either a cookie in the bottom of a wrapper or crushed graham cracker crust, fill wrappers, bake voila! maybe 150 calories a piece :)
  • fitpal4242
    fitpal4242 Posts: 109 Member
    Blend up silken tofu, cocoa powder and some maple syrup (as little as you can to still make it sweet enough for you). Sounds really weird, but it is a delicious chocolate mousse with no artificial sweeteners. You can also blend in food processor with melted chocolate chips and the maple syrup, but that's more calories than the cocoa powder. Sprinkle chocolate chips on top. Also really good in a graham pie crust (but too many calories) or with graham crackers crushed in. This recipe is derived from a pie recipe a friend gave me years ago from the moosewood cookbooks.
  • owieprone
    owieprone Posts: 217 Member
    I've not read all replies so sorry if i repeat: , thekitchn.com/how-to-make-creamy-ice-cream-with-just-one-ingredient-cooking-lessons-from-the-kitchn-93414, you can add yoghurt, pb etc to give it more/different texture flavour, greek yoghurt and tablespoon of honey/agave/syrup, or thekitchn.com/how-to-make-2-ingredient-banana-pancakes-cooking-lessons-from-the-kitchn-218658, I also just have 1 or 2 marshmallows, apple and pb, apple and cheese, a piece or two of dried mango, a square of normal jelly/jello anything small to take the 'need' away. The other option is to cut out having desserts, they're really not needed.

    I used to be a right pudding monster, but now i find a glug of milk, a cold 0-cal juice or pb straight from the jar (meridian crunchy pb) usually sates the need and if it doesn't then one of the above will sort me out.