How do I keep from eating because I'm bored?!



  • FindingAmy77
    FindingAmy77 Posts: 1,266 Member
    I smoke. :laugh:

    ^^me too


    Hence why i dotn want to quit smoking just yet!

    admission time: me too. I need to quit since I been upping my cardio with running longer and faster but cant help it. I don't have the will to quit right now.
  • balletpolegirl
    balletpolegirl Posts: 73 Member
    I do this too. Sometime I will buy a pack of gum and spend the afternoon eating piece after peice until i've finished the whole pack. Gum is about 3 cals/piece X about 15 pieces per pack so I'm only consuming about 45 cals and keeps my mouth busy which keeps my mind off food cravings :)

    Great Idea!
  • Zomb1eMummy
    Zomb1eMummy Posts: 104 Member
    I know this is probably not what you want to hear, but I eat still when I am bored. I usually will have cellery with peanut butter or green peppers or something along those lines. I have also found a Chapman's Sorbet that is only 80 calories per half cup, not overly terrible with sugars, and really gets rid of my usually cravings of candies and other sweet things. The only weakness that I am looking for an alternative for is Salt and Vinegar chips. But hey, I am allowed a treat every now and then. :)
  • spickard34
    spickard34 Posts: 303 Member
    In the summer I go outside, in the winter I have taught myself crocheting keeps the hands busy :)