"Sugar" in Fruit



  • Does anyone disregard going over their sugar when it primarily comes from fruit?
    I think it is somewhat bogus on here about fruit sugar content. I believe the only sugar we should truly be concerned about is refined or in processed foods. So on my logs I am usually "over" my sugar by 30 or so grams, with my max set to 50. I do not consume more than 20 grams of refined sugar or sugar that is in processed food in a day. I have maintained a 20% BMI, which for women is considered prime.
    What do you all think?

    PS. my weight is higher now because I am 29 weeks pregnant with our second.

    I personally get most of my sugar from fruit and I disregard the MFP max. I try to get all my vitamins from natural sources and I would rather eat natural sugars from fruits than sugar from say a candy bar, cake, or ice cream. Fruit is my desert and I usually eat some type of fruit 1-2 times a day. Its also much lower in calories.
  • Amen! I was getting charged for sugar in my salads and nuts too! which I thought was idiotic lol.
    and fruits are my dessert too. I love them. I always tell people, it doesn't matter how much they cost, always have your favorite fruits and you will not cave to baking desserts.
    I probably over exaggerate when I say 20 grams of refined sugar or sugar from processed foods per day because we honestly don't have any processed foods but crackers maybe. I do count the sugar in anything else though, like flavored yogurts, breads, or anything I add sweeteners (like honey, coconut sugar or organic sugar). It does amaze me, however, how much sugar is in darigold milk that is not labelled.
    We only drink darigold because my husband buys the milk. He is the milk chief. If it were up to me, we would only drink raw milk that I would then pasteurize on my stove (by boiling). He says it is too expensive and I agree... 8-9 dollars a gallon is awful steep. For now I will take the added sugar until we can get a goat for milk.
  • MsEndomorph
    MsEndomorph Posts: 604 Member
    It's not "sugar." It's sugar. Real sugar.

    Unless you're a diabetic or super concerned about sustainable energy, I don't see any purpose in differentiating between the different types. They're all sugar, they all cause an insulin rise, and they'll all turn into fat if you consume more than you need. You can get fat from eating too many bananas, and you can get fat from eating too many candy bars.

    So I agree that the best thing to do is just stick to your carb allotment and calorie limit and not worry specifically about sugar unless your doctor says otherwise :)
  • Today was my first day on here and I went over my sugar as well. I don't eat refined sugar, sugar substitutes, etc. The only sugar I have is in fruits. I eat a lot of vegetables, my diet is probably 70 percent veggies, 20 percent fruit and 10 percent seeds, whole grains and lean meats. So I am not even going to worry about what the sugar count says.