I'm going to the beach tomorrow and I'm scared!



  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    If a day at the beach causes you this much stress then I would rethink your current plan. This is supposed to be a lifestyle change. I can eat in any situation because I learned all the tools needed for success. If your getting this worked up about going to the beach then you may still have some work to do.
  • CatherineLaurel
    CatherineLaurel Posts: 197 Member
    edited July 2016
    @zoeysasha37 I appreciate your concern, but I think it's a completely normal thing to be thinking about how I'm going to treat my first holiday since I joined MFP.

    A newbie
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,741 Member
    If a day at the beach causes you this much stress then I would rethink your current plan. This is supposed to be a lifestyle change. I can eat in any situation because I learned all the tools needed for success. If your getting this worked up about going to the beach then you may still have some work to do.

    It seems to me that OP knows that she "still has some work to do", in terms of developing some strategies, and has started this thread in order to "learn all the tools needed for success".

    While she sounds a little stressed, it seems normal to feel a bit anxious the first time one faces a specific challenging/tempting situation for the first time after committing to one's lifestyle change.

    Most of us have gone through this, and lots of us have succeeded. I'll bet she can, too. It's smart to get tips from others.

    And @cla11b: If, for some reason, the first go has some bumps in the road, don't fret about it. Just log whatever you eat (estimating from the MFP database if necessary), think about how you'd handle a similar situation next time, and go on with life. The majority of our days determines the majority of our progress. No fears!
  • CatherineLaurel
    CatherineLaurel Posts: 197 Member
    @AnnPT77 You are so eloquent. Thank you :)
  • killdontmurder
    killdontmurder Posts: 142 Member
    Have a great time, try not to let it stress you out. Why not pack a lunch or better yet, pack lunches for everyone and have a picnic at the beach.
  • STEVE142142
    STEVE142142 Posts: 867 Member
    cla11b wrote: »
    I'm on a 9 day streak of being on or under my goal calories. Tomorrow I'll be going to the beach with friends and I'm afraid I'll mess it all up and eat or drink too much. Ahh :(

    One day is not going to blow your goals. What you have to remember is this is a lifestyle change not a diet. If you look at this as a diet you will fail. The reason diets suck and fail is that you're constantly miserable you give up the things that you enjoy and you can't do that long-term.

    At the end of March I weighed approximately 250 pounds. went on vacation for 4 days ate too much drink too much. One or two days I probably drank my calorie limit. Current weight 224 pounds. Have fun at the beach and enjoy. remember this is a long-term Journey not a quick Sprint.
  • dragon_girl26
    dragon_girl26 Posts: 2,187 Member
    I'll echo a few ideas I see up above because they're good input...having a look at the nutritional values for similar restaurants is a great idea. I've been at this for nearly 4 years and it's something I still do very frequently. It gives you a good idea of your options. Luckily seafood, if you make good selections, can give you a lot of bang for your buck nutritionally, and be some of the lowest calorie meal options, too. It sounds wonderful, honestly...I love seafood! Bring on the shrimp!
    Having said that, I wouldn't worry as much about food, though...you'll be at the beach! Sand, waves, volleyball...chances are you're going to burn a lot of it off anyway. Just stay active and have fun!
    Above all, it's possible you might make a choice or two you wish later that you hadn't. If you do, it's okay. Don't dwell on those things...just forgive yourself and move on. It's one day, and just let it be that. Good health is our lifelong journey.
    You'll get the hang of it. :-)
  • veganbaum
    veganbaum Posts: 1,865 Member
    edited July 2016
    cla11b wrote: »
    @st476 I just mean what if my.friends want to eat at the seafood joint there? I have to sit and watch? There's no way I'll be able to do that and I know they don't have calorie info there. Or what I just say f it and drink a lot! That's what I mean by scared.

    You are in control of you. It looks like you're going to try to find comparable nutritional information for the food, but what about the drinking?

    If you're scared you're going to throw in the towel for the day and drink a lot . . . well, don't. Decide that you're not going to have any drinks with calories, or maybe just one, and stick to that decision. I consider nearly any drink with calories a treat, because I almost always drink only water, tea, and coffee (with a tiny bit of plant milk). On occasion I'll have a kombucha, but that's not more than 60 calories. So, if I'm going to have something calorific to drink, I make the conscious decision to do so, while fitting it in as a treat - that is to say, only occasionally and I savor it.

    So have a drink or two, but if you decide to drink a lot, that's a decision you're making as well.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Oh yeah I went to the beach today and drank a bunch of beer and ate food. Definitely not in a deficit. It was fun though and I played volley ball and walked a bit so...meh...worth it.
  • allenpriest
    allenpriest Posts: 1,102 Member
    If you get close enough to a hungry shark you can go on the accelerated loss program! :)

    Just kidding. Pre log so you have a plan then relax and follow your plan even if it is maintenance or over.
  • savithny
    savithny Posts: 1,200 Member
    Like others have said: If you can't figure out how to navigate these times for the rest of your life, you're going to have a problem.

    I'd also strongly recommend looking up the calorie counts of your favorite mixed drinks, wines, and beers. Remember that wine pours in restaurants are generally larger than in the calorie charts, and that a lot of restaurants save time/money with drink mixes that are often sweeter than the cocktail recipes suggest. It is VERY EASY to say "Oh, I'll just have a salad with no dressing," and then drink enough calories that you could have had a burger, fries, and dessert!

    Check the menu for the site and have a plan. Want a drink? Pick one or two. Say "I'll have mine with dinner," when they take orders, and drink water before the food comes. Make it last. But look at what the options are, make good choices, and enjoy yourself with friends. If its at maintenance, so what? If its a little over? So what? If you have a plan and can look forward to the parts you'er anticipating, its easier to turn down stuff you don't really want. If what you want is to share that giant lava cake with your friends? It's easier to say "no, I don't need that cocktail."
  • nowine4me
    nowine4me Posts: 3,985 Member
    Steamed spiced shrimp and Michelob Ultra!!
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,952 Member
    edited July 2016
    If you eat and drink too much, then part of the solution may be to SWIM a lot too :) beach volleyball! Fun times. You can do these activities for longer times and perhaps avoid some of the snacking times. And limit yourself to one drink. Personally, I opt for food over drink. At least then, I am more likely to feel full on fewer calories.