Your S/O said what?!

Ladies...gentlemen... if your significant other tells you that you need to lose weight, put their *kitten* to the curb! I see so many people on here, especially women, saying how their fiancé (the "man" they're going to marry!) basically belittles them on a day-to-day basis. Ladies, don't settle!! No one should settle! If my fiancé were to tell me to lose weight, he'd better run faster than my bullet! Really, you are beautiful inside and out, don't let anyone tell you otherwise, especially someone who is supposed to love you unconditionally. Especially someone who knows you're trying - if they can't support you and if all they have left to say is something bad about you, ditch their *kitten*!!


  • tinylightsbelow
    tinylightsbelow Posts: 85 Member
    This is definitely true in the case of men who are basically verbally abusive but there is some middle ground here. For example, my husband told me that he prefers how I look when I am more slender but he loves me no matter what. He basically nicely asked for me to lose weight, but said that it was my choice and he would support me as long as I was happy and healthy.

    I don't think guys should be penalized for having a preference, just like the guys who prefer more curves, but of course if preference takes precedence over supportiveness and gentleness, some curb-kicking may be necessary. >=D
  • deeds2785
    deeds2785 Posts: 70 Member
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    I once asked my husband if my *kitten* was fat. He said yes. I was outraged! He turned around from his engrossing game of LoL, looked me dead in the eye and said.

    "Any other time I lied to you you'd get mad, so why should I lie about this? Either don't ask or accept it."

    And then he turned back around.

    I shuffled to the mirror, looked myself up and down and had a sudden revelation. I'd put on almost 40 pounds in 3 and a half years. My *kitten* was fat. He wasn't wrong for being honest with me, I was wrong for putting him in a lose-lose situation when I knew for a fact I was getting heavy and shouldn't have done that to him.

    TL;DR: If your S/O tells you you're getting fat maybe you'e getting fat?
  • rkoontz902
    My husband tries to be supportive when he asks things like "are you sure it's okay to eat that?" He means well and he married me at my heaviest weight. It's a funny question but still makes me want to smack him for it. At the end of the day, if you aren't losing weight for yourself then you are only going to misplace it for awhile.
  • cupcakes_and_cardio
    cupcakes_and_cardio Posts: 369 Member
    I understand if they want to talk to you about it, in a polite manner of course, so as to not offend you, but when you're 100lbs and do not need to lose weight, saying "You need to lose" is unnecessary.

    @rkoontz, my fiancé asks the same thing, most times I want to smack him, too ;)
  • krisjohnson121
    krisjohnson121 Posts: 87 Member
    I had been steadily gaining weight. One day in the car my husband suggested that I start working out again.

    I was appalled! His rationale - he loves me no matter what however it was really clear I did not love myself - I started to dress sloppily (none of my clothes fit), I refused to be in pictures and I was basically miserable.

    His suggestion - to either embrace how i look and get out of my funk or go back to the gym. How can I expect him to love and support me when I hated me??

    I think that there are right and wrong ways to bring this up to your spouse, but when it starts to affect the relationship you gotta do it.
  • victoriavoodoo
    victoriavoodoo Posts: 343 Member
    I think are cases where it needs to be said. I know a girl from high school who has recently acquired diabetes and heart meds(I know because she complains constantly on facebook about it) after gaining over 100 pounds right after her wedding, and she was most likely over 300 to begin with. Her husband just gave her the ultimatum of "lose weight or lose me i love you and can't stand to see you do this" and she kicked him out. She's 22 and her health sucks. I can't help but see his side of things.

    If someone has put on a few but is still healthy, it's less understandable. If someone is TRYING to change, their SO should shut up. People like my acquaintance who say things like "I'm big and beautiful and a REAL woman and I'll never change" need a wakeup call, and their loved ones are the best people to give it to them.
    EDIT: the people who I think need a wakeup call are the ones with that attitude despite deteriorating health. If you're healthy and happy with your size, do your thang.
  • hayleems
    hayleems Posts: 17 Member
    Truer words, have never been spoken.:noway:
    _SABOTEUR_ Posts: 6,833 Member
    Men of the world, learn this lesson:

    You can never satisfy a woman. She asks you a question, you lie and you're a liar and untrustworthy (what else might he lie about!?!?!?!?)

    Tell the truth and you're being mean and crushing their feelings/self-esteem.

    My advice is to go gay. Come sign up today at:
  • gmallan
    gmallan Posts: 2,099 Member
    I agree with this to a certain extent. If it is coming from a place where there is genuine concern for you health than it's okay. It obviously has to be broached in an incredibly tactful way. I couldn't sit there and watch my partner slowly eat themselves to death without saying something. Sometimes you need someone close to you to be brutally honest to spurr you into action.

    Having said that, there is an obvious difference between genuine concern and belittling and hurful comments and if they fall into the latter catagory then you probably shouldn't stay with someone
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    I once asked my husband if my *kitten* was fat. He said yes. I was outraged! He turned around from his engrossing game of LoL, looked me dead in the eye and said.

    "Any other time I lied to you you'd get mad, so why should I lie about this? Either don't ask or accept it."

    And then he turned back around.

    I shuffled to the mirror, looked myself up and down and had a sudden revelation. I'd put on almost 40 pounds in 3 and a half years. My *kitten* was fat. He wasn't wrong for being honest with me, I was wrong for putting him in a lose-lose situation when I knew for a fact I was getting heavy and shouldn't have done that to him.

    TL;DR: If your S/O tells you you're getting fat maybe you'e getting fat?

    My god you are reasonable. :flowerforyou:
  • airforcewife1007
    airforcewife1007 Posts: 35 Member
    My hubby has never come right out and called me fat or belittled me because of my weight. However, he does push me to to be healthier and exercise, especially since we had our son. Sometimes I take it the wrong way and it hurts my feelings, but he's right. I needed to change, and he's very supportive of it.
  • Mother_Superior
    Mother_Superior Posts: 1,624 Member
    I once asked my husband if my *kitten* was fat. He said yes. I was outraged! He turned around from his engrossing game of LoL, looked me dead in the eye and said.

    "Any other time I lied to you you'd get mad, so why should I lie about this? Either don't ask or accept it."

    And then he turned back around.

    I shuffled to the mirror, looked myself up and down and had a sudden revelation. I'd put on almost 40 pounds in 3 and a half years. My *kitten* was fat. He wasn't wrong for being honest with me, I was wrong for putting him in a lose-lose situation when I knew for a fact I was getting heavy and shouldn't have done that to him.

    TL;DR: If your S/O tells you you're getting fat maybe you'e getting fat?

    Between this and your other forum work today, I'm fairly certain that you should win the whole damned internet. :drinker:
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    My husband told me that I could stand to lose some weight. I asked for his honest opinion. Did I think he loved me any less? Nope. Was I tempted to leave because that was akin to abuse? Hardly.

    If someone is abusive, truly abusive......then yes, a woman should absolutely seek help and leave him. I've lived through domestic abuse, controlling situations, etc. It ain't pretty. And my job gives me a view into the lives of abuse victims on a regular basis.

    A spouse telling his/her significant other they are overweight is not abuse. It might be rude or not very thoughtful, but it's hardly abuse. And I also would caution anyone calling it abuse to hold up a mirror to their own actions. We all say and do things that aren't so wonderful. Ask yourself if you've ever said anything to your spouse that was mean or uncalled for before you go saying that "he said I'm overweight" is really abusive.
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    I once asked my husband if my *kitten* was fat. He said yes. I was outraged! He turned around from his engrossing game of LoL, looked me dead in the eye and said.

    "Any other time I lied to you you'd get mad, so why should I lie about this? Either don't ask or accept it."

    And then he turned back around.

    I shuffled to the mirror, looked myself up and down and had a sudden revelation. I'd put on almost 40 pounds in 3 and a half years. My *kitten* was fat. He wasn't wrong for being honest with me, I was wrong for putting him in a lose-lose situation when I knew for a fact I was getting heavy and shouldn't have done that to him.

    TL;DR: If your S/O tells you you're getting fat maybe you'e getting fat?

    My god you are reasonable. :flowerforyou:

    Isn't she great?
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,143 Member
    Unfortunately, there are a lot of women with self esteem issues that still equate their worth to being able to get a guy to marry them. Then they end up with a controlling jerk and think its THEIR fault, they must be doing something wrong.....sigh....
  • michellemybelll
    michellemybelll Posts: 2,228 Member
    I once asked my husband if my *kitten* was fat. He said yes. I was outraged! He turned around from his engrossing game of LoL, looked me dead in the eye and said.

    "Any other time I lied to you you'd get mad, so why should I lie about this? Either don't ask or accept it."

    And then he turned back around.

    I shuffled to the mirror, looked myself up and down and had a sudden revelation. I'd put on almost 40 pounds in 3 and a half years. My *kitten* was fat. He wasn't wrong for being honest with me, I was wrong for putting him in a lose-lose situation when I knew for a fact I was getting heavy and shouldn't have done that to him.

    TL;DR: If your S/O tells you you're getting fat maybe you'e getting fat?

    My god you are reasonable. :flowerforyou:

    agreed! with both of the above!
  • thanhdle
    thanhdle Posts: 25 Member
    lean = sexy!
  • Barbellerella
    Barbellerella Posts: 1,838 Member
    Men of the world, learn this lesson:

    You can never satisfy a woman. She asks you a question, you lie and you're a liar and untrustworthy (what else might he lie about!?!?!?!?)

    Tell the truth and you're being mean and crushing their feelings/self-esteem.

    My advice is to go gay. Come sign up today at: