I haven't lost in FOREVER!!



  • cee134
    cee134 Posts: 33,711 Member
    edited July 2016
    FYI - I lost 70 lbs and used calorie cycling (to have enough extra calories on the weekend, the body doesn't care too much when you eat 3500 calories a week per pound, or not eat when losing a pound, within reason, I always ate my minimum suggested amount and then some).

    I got sick of counting and measuring so I went on my maintenance diet for awhile (longer then a month, but I had no plans). I then lost the last 30 lbs when I started on my diet again. FYI - it's alot harder, like they say, to lose the last 20 - 30 lbs.

    Total weight lost in 3 years = 100 lbs. Did I measure everything, no, not even close. A cup is approximately = to your fist and 3 oz of meat is about as big as a deck of cards; that is my measurement system.

    I gained back the 100 lbs when I got arrogant and though I didn't need to count my calories anymore and thought I "knew" around how much I was eating a day. Also I ate alot of sugar.

    What your going through is known on MFP as a plateau. There could be a number of reasons for it. One main reason could be you're not counting your calories correctly (As stated above).

    However if you think you are close and usually under by more then a couple 100 a day, it could be your metabolism. If it is because of your metabolism, it is because your body has gotten use to how you eat, which happens alot. Then one way to boost your weight lose, as recommended by some professionals, is too calorie cycle. (once again within reason and never go under your minimum calorie goal a day, you don't have too). I don't support the 5:2 diet, and don't recommend it at all, but that is why it works for the people that want to starve themselves 2 days a week (although I think it is dangerous to go under the minimum calories needed a day).
  • MichaelaSheppard
    MichaelaSheppard Posts: 96 Member
    cee134, thanks for your honesty. I'll have a read about calorie cycling and give it a try.
  • cee134
    cee134 Posts: 33,711 Member
    Enjoy, it's what saved my diet for the first 70 lbs. I was very random about it and didn't always eat back my saved up calories. However it gave me an extra 300 - 400 calories on the weekend, which was nice.
  • MichaelaSheppard
    MichaelaSheppard Posts: 96 Member
    My daily calories if i was to do calorie cycling would be 2,100.
  • trigden1991
    trigden1991 Posts: 4,658 Member
    My daily calories if i was to do calorie cycling would be 2,100.

    This literally makes no sense. If you were to calorie cycle, you would have at least 2 values. Otherwise it wouldn't be cycling!
  • MichaelaSheppard
    MichaelaSheppard Posts: 96 Member
    My daily calories if i was to do calorie cycling would be 2,100.

    This literally makes no sense. If you were to calorie cycle, you would have at least 2 values. Otherwise it wouldn't be cycling!

    There was a extreme loss figure, weight loss figure and a maintain figure. The calorie total varied each day, i was just stating my maintain figure
  • cee134
    cee134 Posts: 33,711 Member
    Yeah, so for example: 1900 one day, 2100 the next, and 2300 the 3rd. Also I found this works: 1900 for 3 days then on Friday or Saturday have 2700.
  • MichaelaSheppard
    MichaelaSheppard Posts: 96 Member
    cee134 wrote: »
    Yeah, so for example: 1900 one day, 2100 the next, and 2300 the 3rd. Also I found this works: 1900 for 3 days then on Friday or Saturday have 2700.

    Great, thank you
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,569 Member
    For a bit of motivation (I hope): I only lost 40lbs. Well.. I only wanted to see if it's possible to lose 10lbs to start with, and with weighing everything it was fairly easy for me so I just went on and stopped at around 40. It took me a while, but my deficit was fairly small. Along the way I learned how to portion my food properly. Been maintaining for 1.5 years now. I still do weight and log every now and then, especially if I try out some completely new things or just to make sure my estimates are still spot on (they often aren't. I'm really bad at guessing). But anway, congratuations on a great loss! You're doing well :smile: