*kitten* this life



  • Maxematics
    Maxematics Posts: 2,287 Member
    edited July 2016
    I know that "starvation mode" is considered a myth here. I know that CICO is the only proven way to lose weight, esp. long term, but I cannot believe that every poster is grossly underestimating her calories and until I know more about you, I will not make that assumption.

    True. Many times on these boards when someone is claiming to eat so low calorie it's not always them underestimating their calories. It's them claiming they only eat 1000, but they don't count the three days per week they binge eat because they restricted too much in the first place. So their 1000 is closer to 1300 and then their binges cancel out the deficit completely. Outliers will be holding water weight and she very well maybe be an outier based on whatever her stats are. Also, someone who is inclined to restrict to 1000 calories per day will consider the slightest of fluctuations on the scale as a "gain".

    There are other things that DO influence weight loss--sleep patterns, stress, menstruation. If you are stressing your body and spirit...punishing your body to force it to lose weight, it's no wonder that you aren't having the success you want. I tried whipping my body into shape for years and I never had long term success.

    You do not need to starve to lose weight. You do not need to spend hours every day working out to lose weight. Unless your circumstance is extraordinary, MFP will work for you just as it has worked for me and so many others.

    And I will say once again what I've said to many folks here--you must be kind to yourself and that means be kind and patient with your body, your hunger. If you keep punishing yourself you will only be more unhappy.

    OP read this, take heed of every word, and live it.