How often do you weigh yourself?



  • WynterDreaming
    WynterDreaming Posts: 83 Member
    I try to weigh weekly, same day every week at the same time. If I forget, like I did last week, then every other week. I personally know I can't weigh myself too often because I will become obsessive about it.
  • tomteboda
    tomteboda Posts: 2,171 Member
    Most days. I dint freak out over fluctuations any more.
  • Dandelie
    Dandelie Posts: 153 Member
    Daily. In the morning. And I log it on Weight Grapher. I do this so I can see the ups and not worry.
  • empressjasmin
    empressjasmin Posts: 170 Member
    Trying to weigh once a week as opposed to everyday, although it ends up being more like everyday. Which just adds to my anxiety
  • JenD1066
    JenD1066 Posts: 298 Member
    I weigh every morning. It's a habit by now.
  • MissTattoo
    MissTattoo Posts: 1,203 Member
    I weigh myself daily and record it into MFP to see the trends. BUT I turn off the option in the newsfeed during the week and only turn it on Fridays so I'm not spamming my friends with daily weigh ins. It works for me because it keeps me motivated to see how food affects my weight daily. If I see it go down, I'm more excited about eating the right foods again the next day. If it goes up I know it's because I didn't make a good choice somewhere and I review my diary to see what I could have done differently. It's how I'm battling one pound at a time.
  • RockinTerri
    RockinTerri Posts: 499 Member
    edited July 2016
    I weigh myself once per week (typically on Mondays). The only other times I weigh myself are after a heavy food holiday, and on days when I'll be going to the doctor's office, as I weigh myself first thing in the AM before getting changed.

    I measure myself monthly (typically the first Monday of the month) - abs, hips, upper arm, thigh, and chest.
  • BillMcKay1
    BillMcKay1 Posts: 315 Member
    Daily. I'm pretty good at just seeing a data point and not freaking out if it fluctuates a bit. I prefer to track it daily and use the trend over weekly weigh ins.