Just a vent about stupid comments



  • BikeTourer
    BikeTourer Posts: 191 Member
    I'm really trying to take some of the comments I've been receiving in the spirit with which they were (I hope) intended, but sometimes it's hard. I've received the usual, "geez, eat a donut or something" but the most recent one really kind of bothered me. It was "you look like a 12 year old." I'm sorry, was that at all supposed to be flattering? I look like a CHILD?

    Just to paint a picture, I'm 125 lbs at 5' 4". Slightly muscular. Seems perfectly normal to me and I feel fantastic. I feel normal and strong. I'm not dieting and am upping my calories weekly to find maintenance. Anyway, the critiques get hard to listen to sometimes.

    I think the problem is that I'm FAR from 12. I'm 45, in fact, and many women in my circle of friends are a bit heavier. And that's FINE, I think they're beautiful. But perhaps they think that's the way I should also appear? As if, I'm freakish for my age group? (I'm not) Maybe? I don't know.

    Anyway, no real question here, just getting it off my chest. Frustrated & trying to ignore it.

    You look great. Let the stupidity fall into the garbage where they belong.
  • mom23mangos
    mom23mangos Posts: 3,070 Member
    robininfl wrote: »
    People do seem to think it's OK to make rude comments about women being thin, probably they don't think you are sensitive about it, since there are enough examples of skinny beauty in the media they think you are confident and happy with your size and are teasing. They don't know that guys have made comments about "not womanly enough" or that people mock those with small breasts and slim hips, it's not on their radar that you might be hurt by hurtful comments, basically.

    Just point out that it's mean and let it go.

    Also, aren't you happier now that you are older? The body type I have, it was less than satisfactory when I was young because guys all wanted the T&A and I never felt sexy. But I'll be d-word-ed, it held up so well through 4 pregnancies and nearly 50 years, there is less to sag because everything is built so close to the body, and though it won't ever be va va voom, it's still holding up so nicely.

    So true! I wouldn't let it bother you. I honestly describe my physical appearance as that of a 12yr old, because it is true. My youngest kids are 12. We are the same height and weight. Most of their friends are larger. I have a very youthful face (even with wrinkles at 41). I have no boobs. I wear size 12 girls jeans. Most people think I am my kids sibling and not their mother. It comes with the territory of being petite, slim and young looking.
  • markrgeary1
    markrgeary1 Posts: 853 Member
    Some folks are just poor communicators. There are folks on here from all over the world too(pretty cool) and sometimes the language might make clear communication difficult. Perhaps the offense comment was an attempt to compliment you on a perceived youthful appearance.
  • Dove0804
    Dove0804 Posts: 213 Member
    clh72569 wrote: »
    People make comments because they are not used to seeing you at this size. They will get used to it. If not my strategy is to say (In a really nice tone), " Wow, that was a really mean thing to say; and you hurt my feelings". That usually sets them straight.

    I think this is the PERFECT response.

    I think a lot of us naturally try to go for the passive aggressive (or even just aggressive) response, but I honestly believe that being sincere and straightforward is a better way to get it to actually stop- especially if the person/people are friends. The chances are probably slim that your friends are actually trying to hurt you.

  • blc1971
    blc1971 Posts: 170 Member
    I've gotten similar comments for the past 18+ months I've been in maintenance, although less the more time passes. I'm 5'6", about 140lbs, with a very slim/not curvey figure. Most recently, my mother in law (who is 89 years old and who I absolutely love!!) said that I don't need to work out because I'll blow away. She doesn't realize that working out is what keeps me slim and healthy...I'm not trying to lose more weight. Often things are said out of ignorance, but sometimes they are said out of jealousy because you are where they want to be. The rude and jealous stuff used to really tick me off, but I've started to consider the source and let things roll off. It's about them, not me. I think you look amazing, and as another commented, I'd love to go on vacation and have a beer with you!!
  • vixtris
    vixtris Posts: 688 Member
    edited July 2016
    I'm sorry you're being treated that way :( Is it your friends that are saying these things to you, or strangers? If its your friends, then they don't seem much like friends to me. If its strangers, have you noticed their appearance? Almost any time someone makes a comment to me about my weight, they're twice my size - and that only means they are jealous. Hell, I admit I get a little jealous when I see more fit women than me lol. I'm the same height as you and weigh 20 lbs less, I have yet to receive a comment that mean - and I would say I look more like a 12-year-old than you do (lets just say I have no curves on top). By looking at your picture, you absolutely do not look like you are 12. You look very fit and strong, and I admire that, and I know there are others out there who do, too.

    I'd also like to add that America has the highest rate of obesity than anywhere else in the world. Thin people are the minority, so we will be made fun of for it. But, us more fit folks will have the last laugh as those who make fun of you die from obesity related illnesses.
  • wi_maint_man
    wi_maint_man Posts: 99 Member
    As they say on the internet " Haters gonna hate"
  • jeanlake
    jeanlake Posts: 130 Member
    Any wonder why the world is in the mess it is? People can be heartless and mean. Especially if they hide behind a keyboard. Good news -- more good people than bad in the world. Give better than you get and you'll be alright. Have a great week. :)
  • CindyFooWho
    CindyFooWho Posts: 179 Member
    jenj1313 wrote: »
    You look fit and active to me, and given the setting and giant beer in your profile pic, I'd love to go on vacation with you! I understand that it can be hard to ignore stupid comments, but seriously... you look great! Don't let the haters get to you!

    That really was a giant beer, in Grand Cayman. Pretty heavy, too. Pic shows off my "beer lifting muscles."