snide comments



  • antdogs
    antdogs Posts: 191 Member
    It seems as if he maybe meant that if you are doing everything right and working hard at it, then the weight comes off easily, which in general seems to be true. It isn't "easy" to stay in the mental place that yields results, but if you stay there, the weight loss itself isn't that hard.

    Why get worked up over someone who is inconsequential to you? People will always have obnoxious opinions, even your friends and family, and definitely people on this website. But if you know you are doing everything right, what someone else says doesn't matter. Just nod and smirk to yourself that you know you you are doing the right things while someone else is still stuck in the negative phase.
    my family celebrates every single pound or half-pound i lose with me. i surround myself with uplifting, supportive, positive people.
    my issue is this guy didn't once think that hey, maybe, JUST maybe i really don't need his opinion on my personal conversation.
    and i don't need him telling me how easy it is when i've been stalled for about 2-3 weeks (which i found out is due to an ulcer/bloating)

    was he a big guy ?
  • peopletalk
    peopletalk Posts: 519 Member
    People are jerks sometimes. His comment was even self-contradictory. How could you not be trying hard enough if it's so easy?

    He probably meant it's an easy concept. Because it is! You need to burn more energy than you eat; easy! Of course, actually doing it requires hard work. I work hard at the gym and but I would agree that with the right mindset I don't feel like it's hard, especially when you get into a routine. It's just becomes life at that point. When people ask me how I'm losing the weight I don't go "ugh, it's sooo hard. I'm eating right and going to the gym 4-5 times a week". I say "I'm watching what I eat and working out. It's that simple". And I plan to continue doing the same thing once I'm at maintenance.. Changing your lifestyle is hard, but once it's changed it just becomes life.

    He may have said it a rude way, but I don't think the actualy remark is rude or snide.
    yeah i agree with you. i must be living in my own little bubble, because i can never seem to get used to rude people.
  • born2drum
    born2drum Posts: 731 Member
    I went to visit my friend at the bar she works at, and we were talking about the weight we were losing and how it stalls sometimes and just general stuff like that.

    the guy sitting next to me chimed in and said "you girls are crazy. losing weight is EASY. if you don't find it easy, you're not trying hard enough"

    i just kinda shot him a look and he back peddled a bit saying "it's all mental, you have to put your mind in the right place"

    in return i said "a lot is mental, but if you've been big your whole life, how easy do you think it is?"
    then he just kinda agreed with me and continued drinking his beer.

    anyone else have rude comments from strangers? i know i've had the general "are you pregnant?" comments but this one kinda annoyed me more than that! lol

    Unfortunately, he was right. It's mental. How you feel is most of the time mental. At the end of the day, you either lose weight or you dont. It's a choice. Thus, mental. Simple, lol.

    Not really lol but still.
  • peopletalk
    peopletalk Posts: 519 Member
    It seems as if he maybe meant that if you are doing everything right and working hard at it, then the weight comes off easily, which in general seems to be true. It isn't "easy" to stay in the mental place that yields results, but if you stay there, the weight loss itself isn't that hard.

    Why get worked up over someone who is inconsequential to you? People will always have obnoxious opinions, even your friends and family, and definitely people on this website. But if you know you are doing everything right, what someone else says doesn't matter. Just nod and smirk to yourself that you know you you are doing the right things while someone else is still stuck in the negative phase.
    my family celebrates every single pound or half-pound i lose with me. i surround myself with uplifting, supportive, positive people.
    my issue is this guy didn't once think that hey, maybe, JUST maybe i really don't need his opinion on my personal conversation.
    and i don't need him telling me how easy it is when i've been stalled for about 2-3 weeks (which i found out is due to an ulcer/bloating)

    was he a big guy ?
    he was very skinny, no muscle. he was about mid 40's and he looked kinda not well put together.
  • born2drum
    born2drum Posts: 731 Member
    I have a rule of thumb... Don't comment on my weight if you don't want me to comment on yours..

    LOL this guy knows what's up!

    Do you even lift, though? lol (love that line, damn bro lines)
  • socajam
    socajam Posts: 2,530 Member
    Ya know the way he said it was incorrect, but what he told you is 100% correct (about it being all mental).

    I agree with you and him. It was just the way he said. But losing weight is all mental. You have to be in the right frame of mind, be focused and really want the change. It is not something one can go into half heartedly, otherwise you are going fail.
  • garber6th
    garber6th Posts: 1,894 Member
    People can be d!cks. It's amazing to me how many people have something to say and advice to give now that I am losing weight, when they didn't have a word to say to me before. Also, the old saying is true - nobody wants unasked for advice.

  • socajam
    socajam Posts: 2,530 Member
    I went to visit my friend at the bar she works at, and we were talking about the weight we were losing and how it stalls sometimes and just general stuff like that.

    the guy sitting next to me chimed in and said "you girls are crazy. losing weight is EASY. if you don't find it easy, you're not trying hard enough"

    i just kinda shot him a look and he back peddled a bit saying "it's all mental, you have to put your mind in the right place"

    in return i said "a lot is mental, but if you've been big your whole life, how easy do you think it is?"
    then he just kinda agreed with me and continued drinking his beer.

    anyone else have rude comments from strangers? i know i've had the general "are you pregnant?" comments but this one kinda annoyed me more than that! lol

    Unfortunately, he was right. It's mental. How you feel is most of the time mental. At the end of the day, you either lose weight or you dont. It's a choice. Thus, mental. Simple, lol.

    Not really lol but still.

    People are really missing the point. Everything one does is mental. Was he right to butt in probably not, but as the end of the day, get over it and move on. I have friends who can see that I have lost weight, refuse to congratulate me, does it bother me of course not. My goal is the next time we meet up, I plan to be at least double what I have lost now. People need to start using negative comments (especially concerning weight loss) and turn them into a positive, life is too short to be harping over something that is not going to enhance your life.
  • socajam
    socajam Posts: 2,530 Member
    It seems as if he maybe meant that if you are doing everything right and working hard at it, then the weight comes off easily, which in general seems to be true. It isn't "easy" to stay in the mental place that yields results, but if you stay there, the weight loss itself isn't that hard.

    Why get worked up over someone who is inconsequential to you? People will always have obnoxious opinions, even your friends and family, and definitely people on this website. But if you know you are doing everything right, what someone else says doesn't matter. Just nod and smirk to yourself that you know you you are doing the right things while someone else is still stuck in the negative phase.
    my family celebrates every single pound or half-pound i lose with me. i surround myself with uplifting, supportive, positive people.
    my issue is this guy didn't once think that hey, maybe, JUST maybe i really don't need his opinion on my personal conversation.
    and i don't need him telling me how easy it is when i've been stalled for about 2-3 weeks (which i found out is due to an ulcer/bloating)

    was he a big guy ?
    he was very skinny, no muscle. he was about mid 40's and he looked kinda not well put together.

    That was your opinion of him and he gave you his opinion on losing weight. I bet if you told him the above he might be offended, but cannot do anything about it.
  • peopletalk
    peopletalk Posts: 519 Member
    It seems as if he maybe meant that if you are doing everything right and working hard at it, then the weight comes off easily, which in general seems to be true. It isn't "easy" to stay in the mental place that yields results, but if you stay there, the weight loss itself isn't that hard.

    Why get worked up over someone who is inconsequential to you? People will always have obnoxious opinions, even your friends and family, and definitely people on this website. But if you know you are doing everything right, what someone else says doesn't matter. Just nod and smirk to yourself that you know you you are doing the right things while someone else is still stuck in the negative phase.
    my family celebrates every single pound or half-pound i lose with me. i surround myself with uplifting, supportive, positive people.
    my issue is this guy didn't once think that hey, maybe, JUST maybe i really don't need his opinion on my personal conversation.
    and i don't need him telling me how easy it is when i've been stalled for about 2-3 weeks (which i found out is due to an ulcer/bloating)

    was he a big guy ?
    he was very skinny, no muscle. he was about mid 40's and he looked kinda not well put together.

    That was your opinion of him and he gave you his opinion on losing weight. I bet if you told him the above he might be offended, but cannot do anything about it.
    but the difference is i didn't tell him what i thought?
  • tracieangeletti
    tracieangeletti Posts: 432 Member
    Oh yeah, the last year and a half of grueling spin classes, lifting very heavy things over and over again, and turning down that yummy piece of pie because I need to save calories to make sure I get my protein in has been a walk in the park!!! Lol But, I do agree with his saying about it being mental. You have to be in the right mindset to really do the hard work and change your lifestyle the way you should to make this work. You have to be prepared and determined to shut your mind up every time it tells you to slack off or quit. You also have to work on the reasons as to why you've let yourself get to a place where you need to lose weight in the first place and, for some of us, that is mental as well.
  • DragonSquatter
    DragonSquatter Posts: 957 Member
    He's wrong and being a tool. It is simple, but it definitely is not easy.

    The head game is the challenge and if it was easy, everyone would do it.

  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    Not from strangers but there have been some snide remarks from family members, I just ignore it. It's actually flattering to know that it's so obvious I'm doing well to others that they feel the need to cut me down. Only I can let them, and.... well... f that. lol
  • Melissa22G
    Melissa22G Posts: 847 Member
    Ohooh, another one of these threads!
  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    Ohooh, another one of these threads!

    Are they very common? I haven't noticed.
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,358 Member
    Yup it's apart of the journey. You have people who think they know it all, and you have people who are jealous of your progress and say rude things. You just have to ignore it and do you and not worry about them.