I'm stuck.



  • matthewmalicoat
    matthewmalicoat Posts: 21 Member
    rainbowbow wrote: »
    I'm sorry...but I'm still not grasping how and why to use the scale. What does it tell you?

    here's a good video you can watch.

    When you use a scale and log your food into your diary by the weight of the item the calorie information is much much much more precise.

    @rainbowbow , thank you for the videos. I'm a lot less confused now. I'm gathering from the videos, that you have to weigh each individual item. I'm still not sure how I would enter it into MyFitnessPal but I guess I'll learn. What do all of you do when you go out to a restaurant or a get together, like a family reunion? I'm sure you don't all bring your scales....do you?
  • matthewmalicoat
    matthewmalicoat Posts: 21 Member
    @callsitlikeiseeit , thanks for the chart, I downloaded it and printed it out, and hung it on my blackboard.
  • Ws2016
    Ws2016 Posts: 432 Member
    In addition to adjusting your caloric intake for your lower weight, you also have to adjust your burn numbers for cardio. Number of calories butned is directly Related to your weight.
  • billglitch
    billglitch Posts: 538 Member
    Hoohoohaa wrote: »
    Have you been adjusting calories as you lose weight? I'd refigure your calorie count at your new weight. What are your macros at?
    You must get stricter with your caloric intake-weighing the food before you eat it and not going wild on weekends and holidays.

    What they said. What kcals are you eating daily? Do you weight and count everything from lettuce to low kcal dressing? It is easy to get casual and misjudge portions - I have done this before.

    I count everything that goes into my mouth. I have to. I will have to say that I'm not very good on judging the portions. And I know that KCAL is kilocalories but I don't understand it. Thank you for your time and replying.

    If you are looking to keep an eye on carbs check out dietdoctor.com its a website that about low carb high fat (LCHF) eating. You might want to try LCHF, but even if you don't its got good info on high carb and low carb foods. You might be surprised where they hide. I have lost 80 pounds since January this year doing LCHF without exercise.
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    rainbowbow wrote: »
    I'm sorry...but I'm still not grasping how and why to use the scale. What does it tell you?

    here's a good video you can watch.

    When you use a scale and log your food into your diary by the weight of the item the calorie information is much much much more precise.

    @rainbowbow , thank you for the videos. I'm a lot less confused now. I'm gathering from the videos, that you have to weigh each individual item. I'm still not sure how I would enter it into MyFitnessPal but I guess I'll learn. What do all of you do when you go out to a restaurant or a get together, like a family reunion? I'm sure you don't all bring your scales....do you?

    No, i don't atleast. But the times i eat out are few and far between for this exact reason. I think it's been nice though, because going out to eat is actually a treat and more important to me now than it was before. I don't go to cheap places anymore, if i'm going out, it's going to be something i reeeeaaaallly love!

    Something i'll do (which i don't think is an option for you) is i'll fast the day i know i'm going to go out to eat/eat a huge amount of calories which i know i can't track. This way i can eat what i want without worrying about it.

    My advice though is to learn to make good choices while you're out and make those times less frequent. It is very easy to undo a week's worth of calorie deficit on one bad meal.
  • matthewmalicoat
    matthewmalicoat Posts: 21 Member
    edited July 2016
    Please read if you have a minute or two. Not sure how many will take the time to read this, but here it goes.

    I know most of you are probably wondering, "why is he so concerned about losing more weight after he has been using MFP for a year?" Well,I'll try to make the answer short. I have a number of diseases, and have been told that I'm dying but i will die a slow and possibly painful death. They say I'm dying from the inside because, due to my illnesses, they are attacking my organs, one by one, and shutting them down. That was 3 years ago, and here I Am still alive. Although, I can see and feel the decline getting faster and worst every year. I have diseases such as;
    Hypertension, Type 2 Diabetes that turned into Type 1 Diabetes and was put on an insulin pump, Permanent Erectile Dysfunction (embarrassing to admit but it's affecting my marriage. maybe TMI, I've had 3 Heart Attacks and my first one was called the widowmaker heart attack (9 out of 10 males die), Hypercholesterolemia, CAD/Atherosclerosis/Hypercalcemia, Anxiety/Depression, Kidney Stones , Fibromyalgia, Peripheral Neuropathy/Small Fiber Neuropathy, Nearsighted - Prescription Glasses, "Acute Pancreatitis/ Duodenitis/High Calcium & Creatinine Levels/Impaired Kidney Function, Urethral Stricture, Diverticulosis, on top of Type 1 Diabetes (t:slim Insulin Pump - No Pills).

    I know most of you probably think..."why even try," but I have a family and other obligations in my life and I'm not ready to give up yet. That's why I decided to get more serious about about losing weight. I figure weight loss could help me with A LOT of my disabilities and give me a little longer to live. Of course, it didn't help when my dad died last year. So, I've been in a slump. I can't tell you how much it means to me to have some kind of support that will help me drop this weight. Remember though, I'm dealing with several illnesses and it might take me time to reply or figure out how to do this correctly. I give a great big, THANK YOU, to all that have helped me and I hope I don't scare anyone off by this post. As a matter of fact, I would like to have as many supporters and friends, (because I think of anyone who helps as a dear friend) , as I can get. I scare a lot of people off because they either don't want to deal with someone like me, or they lose patience with me. Which I'm use too after 3 years, but still not quitting for helpful support or true friends. I DON'T WANT TO BE A PITY CASE, I want to be a normal person, looking for advice and guidance.
  • mccokat
    mccokat Posts: 130 Member
    Good on you. Keep fighting.
    Straight up, I can't relate to you on basically all of this (nearsighted and anxiety I know but the rest I hope I never experience). But I can commend you for fighting.
    The best way you can keep yourself healthy is by making informed decisions. Keep reading and researching about the best ways for you to lose weight. Adjust you calories to your weight, or even go see a dietician and work out a plan with them. Measuring and weighing your food, learning about and counting macros, and taking care of yourself.
    I'm so in awe that you're fighting so much, and you don't seem like you're going to give up. You can let your illnesses influence your life, but you shouldn't let them be your entire life. Keep going, because this will make a difference and the more informed decisions you can make, the better.