July Wii EA Sports Active



  • MissMaz
    MissMaz Posts: 92
    I'm sorry to say I've had an off weekend...lots of walking but certainly a few treats. I'm 100% back to it today!

    Great job Aszolc and Ccmgrae, glad you got the HRM sorted out now :)

    Keep it up ladies!
  • Mandie69
    Mandie69 Posts: 65 Member
    My results so far are:-

    Day 7 - 38 mins on medium 332 cals burned
    Day 8 - 40 mins on medium 350 cals burned
    Day 9 - 39 mins on medium 341 cals burned
    Day 10 - 42 mins on medium 368 cals burned
    Day 11 - 43 mins on medium 374 cals burned

    I think all us girls on the challenge is doing a fantastic job
    Keep it up
  • ChristineMcGrae
    Workout #7 complete! :happy:

    Had to force myself cause I had a typical terrible Monday back at work but thankfully dear hubby Andy went to the gym so I figured get up and get at it. SO glad I did! :smile: And I can report that having your correct weight in the HRM is the way to go! haha :blushing: My HRM actually showed me burning about 10 calories more than the Wii Active screen which was nice.

    Per my HRM:
    30 Day Challenge - EA Sports Active (Wii)
    Workout 7 / Medium
    Time: 33:57
    Calories Burned: 233
    Average Heart Rate: 136
    Maximum Heart Rate: 177
  • MissMaz
    MissMaz Posts: 92
    Great work ladies, Keep it going. We can and will make the full month!

    cmcgrae - I was wondering about working out with the HRM, I don't think the wii can account for all of the calories burned due to foot movement and I've noticed that if you miss a target or it didn't catch that movement they don't count it as calories burned. I'm definitely leaning towards getting one.

    I did the 30 day challenge 20.04 minutes for 147.2 cals and a self created workout for 9.52 mins. = 74.6 cals
  • Mandie69
    Mandie69 Posts: 65 Member
    Day 7 - 38 mins on medium 332 cals burned
    Day 8 - 40 mins on medium 350 cals burned
    Day 9 - 39 mins on medium 341 cals burned
    Day 10 - 42 mins on medium 368 cals burned
    Day 11 - 43 mins on medium 374 cals burned
    Day 12 - 45 mins on hard 392 cals burned
  • ChristineMcGrae
    Today was my rest day and boy did I need it. Found out at work today that of the 19 people in my department only 12 of us are keeping their jobs.. so redundancy may be in my near future. :sad:

    Will be back at the Workouts tomorrow.. and hey if I lose my job at least my diet will be easy.. I won't have any money for food. :frown:
  • MissMaz
    MissMaz Posts: 92
    This is a fantastic job, I'm so glad you ladies are keeping up with it!

    Today I've done 16.28mins = 129 cals + the self created for 17.52 mins = 132.2 cals

    Hun you are definitely in our thoughts here. I know it's hard, so fingers crossed for you!

    Also, as a side note we are homing in on our halfway point ladies!!!! Woo!
  • ChristineMcGrae
    Okay girls... I ended up having to take another rest day yesterday [Wednesday]. :frown: Honestly too caught up with everything at work and not sure I can stay focused on anything else until after next Wednesday. We will not know anything for sure until then and for right now it feels like a pause button has been pushed and I'm just in limbo.

    Still eating under my calories just might have to take a week off from exercise. In between feeling sick to my stomach with nerves I'm looking on job sites and updating my CV/Resume just in case.

    If I can pick myself out of this dank pit of misery I will try to get the next workout done.. if not I'll be a about a week behind cause can't see me doing it until after Wednesday. :sad:

    Glad I'm not a binge eater cause times like this would be even tougher.
  • MissMaz
    MissMaz Posts: 92
    No worries C, just keep us updated. I'm sure we're all pulling for you!!!

    I don't know that I'll do day 15 yet as there is a free aerobics class in our village hall tonight. If I'm not falling down after that I may add the workout tonight, fingers crossed :)

    Also, I'll be away at a wedding this weekend and I've held off on any alcohol until then so hopefully I'll be satisfied with just 1 or 2 drinks ;)

    I think we're doing alright ladies, hang in there!!
  • Mandie69
    Mandie69 Posts: 65 Member
    Day 12 - 45 mins on hard 392 cals burned
    Day 13 - 41 mins on hard 356 cals burned
    Day 14 - rest
    Day 15 - 48 mins on hard 418 cals burned

    half way mark...and still going. Still shocked I haven't given up yet....

    I think it all the encouragement for all my friends....thanks girls!!!!
  • MissMaz
    MissMaz Posts: 92
    Great job aszolc!! Same here, I don't think I could get to the half way mark without the encouragement! Thank you so much!

    Today I did the 30 Challange workout at 21.10min = 149 cals plus a created workout for 18 mins = 139 cals.

    Keep it going ladies, we can do it!!
  • Mandie69
    Mandie69 Posts: 65 Member
    Day 12 - 45 mins on hard 392 cals burned
    Day 13 - 41 mins on hard 356 cals burned
    Day 14 - rest
    Day 15 - 48 mins on hard 418 cals burned
    Day 16 - 57 mins on hard 428 cals burned

    14 days left to go...............................
  • bridejackie
    Is it too late to join the 30-day challenge? I had no idea this existed since I was using myfitnesspal on my phone. I plan on starting the 30 day challenge tomorrow. You all are intense :)
  • bridejackie
    Also, I want to get a stronger resistance band. Have any of you done this?
  • MissMaz
    MissMaz Posts: 92
    Great job azslock, keep it up!

    Jackie - Of course you can start, we didn't all start on the same day. If you'd like to add me as a friend, there tends to be a bit more motivation that way. Also with the fitness band that comes with it, if you want more resistance you can fold it so that it overlaps under your foot. I believe the best description of how to do that is in the booklet that came with the workout disk. Hope this helps and welcome aboard!
  • MissMaz
    MissMaz Posts: 92
    Another double dose of workouts today. The 30 day challenge workout was 18.52 minutes and burned 135.2 cals and the home created was 18.03 minutes burning 135.1 cals.

    I've already started to think about how I want to crank it up for the following 30 days, any ideas ladies??
  • ChristineMcGrae
    Have you thought about getting the EA Sports Active More Workouts? I have heard there is a 6 week challenge on that one!

    Or we could do this one again when we are done and do it on HARD everyday. :noway:
  • MissMaz
    MissMaz Posts: 92
    I popped into the GAME shop yesterday but they were still only carrying the one I've got. I think I'll have to do some online investigation to see if it's out here. Those cal burns sound awsome on Aszloc's updates :D

    If we aren't able to get it though I'm certainly not opposed to doing the 30 day challenge on hard...though I think I just heard my ankle cry a little *L* I'm also tempted to start the 100 push up challenge, I am an upper body weakling I think.

    Let me kknow what you all would like to do, let's keep this going!
  • Mandie69
    Mandie69 Posts: 65 Member
    Day 16 - 57 mins on hard 428 cals burned
    Day 17 - 58 mins on hard 505 cals burned
    Day 18 - rest
    Day 19 - 24 mins on hard 208 cals burned

    Day 18 was a rest day because I went out with the girls from work and ate so much I thought I was going to burst...but i enjoyed myself. I then weighed myself this morning and I had gained a pound.....guess i better work a little harder than I did today to burn it off!!!
  • Mandie69
    Mandie69 Posts: 65 Member
    MissMazz, I got mine from Amazon..it was a lot cheaper than Tesco which also stocked it.
    Today I did the 10 minstep work out on hard and really stomped my way through it and managed to burn 140 cals...as long as you put in maximum effort you can see those calories clocking up but boy do you sweat with it!!
    I don't use my standard game now I create my own work outs on "More" but the "more" game has a 6 week challenge rather than the 30 day challenge.
    I don't about you guys though, I find that my leg strap is starting to look tatty or maybe my legs are just too big and they are splitting at the seams :laugh: :laugh: