Why am I gaining.



  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member
    I don't know if my implants can make me hold onto weight. There's a lot of arguments for and against this online but nothing is medically proven I suppose I'll know when they are out what the case is.
    Implants will not make you gain weight (other than, you know, the weight of the actual implant), hold onto weight, or anything else like that. They don't interfere with weight loss. I think the previous poster was asking whether there was any kind of infection or inflammation going on, because those things do cause temporary water retention weight gain. If you're taking any NSAID painkillers (Advil, Motrin, etc.), those can also cause water retention.

  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    Both of these.

    I, too, have been through EDs and I can definitely say that eating less does not cause the body to hold onto fat.....ever.

    Starvation causes death/ First one loses fat, then muscle, then internal organs.
    queenliz99 wrote: »

    SezxyStef wrote: »
    really you use magazine and blogs for sources....try these


    and if you don't like peer reviewed studies


    and what @queenliz99 posted...

    PS I know why people die of starvation...that's why saying a body holds onto fat if you eat too little is stupid.

  • Psychgrrl
    Psychgrrl Posts: 3,177 Member
    @nicole123100 I'm really proud of the steps you've taken to get where you are, and I admit I'm really concerned. Being only 18 months out and counting calories and being at the minimum of 1200/day (not knowing what your stats are) and being concerned about your weight, I worry you're heading right down the path back to a pattern of unhealthy behavior. Have you spoken to your treatment team about this, or the folks with whom you worked before? If not, ask yourself why? If there's any glimmer of "I don't want to ask because I wont like the answer; aka they'll tell me to stop" then I really encourage you to return to seeking regular help if you're not.

    You've done such amazing work to get where you are, gain control over your life and health and I'd hate to see you undo it all when it's likely you still have a distorted view of how you look and how you should look. In recovering from an illness as all-encompassing as an eating disorder, 18 months isn't a long time in the grand scheme of things.

    Please take care of yourself! :heart:
  • sheermomentum
    sheermomentum Posts: 827 Member
    edited July 2016
    Forgive me if I'm going slightly off-topic, but if I understand correctly, you lost 2.5 pounds last week, and gained 2 pounds this week, for a net loss of .5 pound over the last 2 weeks. Congratulations on that! That would not be a bad loss for anyone, let alone a person who is already at a relatively low body weight. With only 11 pounds to lose (per your profile), you are doing totally fine! As an ex-anorexic, I know you probably are a little obsessive and a little bit of a perfectionist, so those are things to keep in mind, and in check. With that same thing in mind, I hope that you will remind yourself to set realistic and healthy goals for yourself, including both your goal weight, and your weekly loss. You haven't mentioned your stats right now, so I do hope that you are not pushing yourself beyond a good healthy weight. I have to say, in your picture you look totally light enough right now! Please don't push it! Your kid(s) are relying on you.
  • scoii
    scoii Posts: 160 Member
    Hi Nicole, just checking if your current height and weightis reasonable to target a loss, I skim read the post so apologies if you stated them already. Obviously with your history you may need to check if your goals are reasonable to keep you from heading down a bad path.