

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,242 Member
    peru I've been struggling myself. Instead of trying to have a perfect day, shoot for one hour. Do that right then move on.

    jackie Have a good weekend

    cbabie I hope you feel better. Doesn't look like today was any better. So how about tomorrow? Think of a black dot on a white page. Concentrate on the white part. That's what I kept trying to tell myself today.

    healthguard So how was your Friday. Did you meet your goals?

    shelly Grown kids. small kids small problems, big kids big problems. Yaaay on staying in your calories.

    sonkissed Yaaaay for staying within your points Happy Birthday. Late as it is. Life has really thrown some curveballs at you it seems but here you are standing strong

    danka Have a good trip and get in lots of exercise

    cap3737 welcome to the group I've been using my spiralizer more and more

    tracked under cals and carbs
    90 min of gardening
  • dankas001
    dankas001 Posts: 209 Member
    hi all xx so true cbabie its amazing sometimes how much we focus on the negatives instead of taking a minute to appreciate all the good that we are & we have xx beautiful sunny dry day today so ive done some laundry which is drying in garden & im going to head out soon to local park for a bit of a stomp have a great day kate xx
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,242 Member
    danka Sunny dry days are the best.

    healthguard Look at the positives. You got out and did 8000 steps. Like you said you will do better. Never heard of a whiskey tasting festival. Interesting Now I'm curious to see what one looks like.

    I spent the day gardening and digging up aloe vera and repotting them. 4 gigantic and 6 smaller ones. I will have muscles hurting tomorrow. Lifting and dragging pots. Tomorrow I will continue and dig up my oleander.

    tracked over on cals and carbs
    gardening 3.5 hrs
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,589 Member
    edited October 2016
    Morning It's Monday :'(

    Well I went off the beaten path this weekend. My sleep is disrupted, my life, my normalcy....this week will not be normal either..

    You ever feel like you are getting it from all sides? What do you do and how do you handle it? Well sometimes I go to bed and cry my eyes out, sometimes, I get up in scream at my enemy, sometimes I go into my closet and I pray, sometimes I eat and want to run. So which of these do I choose today? I choose to fight for what is mine.

    Health, laughter, sound mind...those doubts that cause me to think I can't do this or anything else MUST FLEE.

    I have a friend on FB that suddenly lost one of her and her husbands best friend in an accident over the weekend. He left 3 children and a wife. So when looking at this...a doughnut is nothing to me..a bag of halloween candy is NOTHING to family and life is EVERYTHING to me. So which battle will you fight and have victory over today?

    I choose to move my body to keep it limber and filled with life, you see if I must go in this life I want it to be an accident that I did not cause not because I choose not to fight for my health. We all must go, but I want to choose that it not be due to my lack of good choices in life.

    So all you newbies out there...track, move, drink plenty of water...64 oz, journal, sing, dance, you choose how to best keep your body moving and your health. I would rather know I took 5 steps than no steps. Ate 1 doughnut but refused to eat the second.

    My goals this week are:

    Exercise, 30 minutes a day
    64ounces of water a day
    3 cups of veggies
    2 cups of fruit
    15minutes of reading/day.

    What are yours?

  • shellyld2016
    shellyld2016 Posts: 288 Member
    Those are great goals @cbabie !
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,242 Member
    "Better to do something imperfectly than to do nothing flawlessly." — Robert Schuller
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,242 Member
    It looks good healthguard. I am a balance type of person. Enjoy what I want in smaller portions. Now it will take me longer to get to goal this way but I think I will enjoy the journey just a bit more.

    tracked; within calories over carbs
    walked 50 min
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,589 Member
    Morning gals:

    I feel so much better not eating sugary foods. I am on a business trip for the next few days and I want to keep my promise to myself. It's hard when you are with a group. By myself I have no issues.

    I cut my finger yesterday, making a salad with a serrated knife..LOL it's fun typing.
    My goals this week are:

    Exercise, 30 minutes a day did it
    64ounces of water a day did it
    3 cups of veggies did it
    2 cups of fruit did it
    15minutes of reading/day. too tired, didn't do this.

    Going for day 2 with the above goals.

    @health_guard YUM, looks good. I too want balance and to eat normal food, but for a bit have to say no, until I can control and not binge. LOL
    @theslightedgeforever : great job on your goals. You remind me of a hippie mentality..LOL
    @shellyld2016: Morning, Thanks what are yours?
    @dankas001 Morning hope you enjoyed your stomp day. LOL

    Missing some of our friends....come back please.

  • shellyld2016
    shellyld2016 Posts: 288 Member
    I had set a goal yesterday to walk 6 miles this week. My tracker had me at just over 6 yesterday when I was working. So I have a very busy week this week and decided to see just how many miles I walk and try to at least match it next week.
    I am staying in my calorie goals all week and getting my scale back Wednesday so I can weigh in. My day is Sunday, but with our moving, it is still at the other house. I know I have lost, but don't know how much.
    Keeping on track with my water and veggies!
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,242 Member
    cbabie I will take your hippie comment as a compliment.sf3rrhyaw06y.jpg

    shellyid Sounds like you are working your goals and meeting them despite moving which can be stressful

    healthguard You have proven you can have your crisp and eat it too. Good job on all that exercise.

    tracked; under cals over carbs
    walked 57 min

  • bugmom92
    bugmom92 Posts: 74 Member
    Quick check in. The weekend did me in, and it took 'til this morning to set myself straight. But here I am. 2 lbs up at weigh in, but I thought it would be worse, so I'll take the small graces! Got good ideas at today's WW mtg, will share tomorrow (Thurs) afternoon. We have a few different challenges going on at WW...which is always fun for me.
    Goodnight! I should be in bed...I teach tomorrow.
    Karla :-)
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,242 Member
    karla time to get busy you have a 5% charm to collect at the end of the month. Tell us about your challenges.

    healthguard I have a friend that has a business for wine and paint. I think it's becoming very popular. Have you done this before?

    tracked food over cals and carbs
    30 min Leslie Sansone WATP
  • jackie_van_d
    jackie_van_d Posts: 75 Member
    Hey friends,
    Sorry I haven't been around much , stress has been my constant companion the last couple weeks
    Yah I was away for two weekends but neither was relaxing and Monday got bad news about my hubbys injuries (they are perminant)
    So food has become my comfort cause it's the only thing I can control
    BUT I know I need to get moving and eat better so here's to better weeks ahead and get rid of the 10 lbs I've gained in 2. weeks
    So here's to better weeks ahead
  • bugmom92
    bugmom92 Posts: 74 Member
    I bought a Kabocha squash yesterday because our WW leader has done several cooking demos of this squash in a pressure cooker, and I always miss it. So today I cooked it. She told me to sprinkle cinnamon in the pot. It turned out really good. I'm fussy about squash, but I think this one will definitely grow on me. It has a slight earthy honey-sweet flavor...the cinnamon infused in it makes it even better. So dinner tonight was about 6 points (or 250 calories). Grilled Basil, Black Pepper & Mozzarella Chicken Sausage - steamed fresh broccoli - grilled garlicky sliced baby bella mushrooms - along with the squash, and it was amazing. Not hard to do at all. I need more easy-to-cook meals lined up.
    So the newest challenge for our WW office (on top of our leader's 5% challenge...they go hand in hand) is for October, and it has 4 daily steps: Track Everything; Move; Shop/Plan/Prep; Optional: Replace a complaint with a solution. They gave us a calendar to check off. More detail:
    (1) Track it all, no matter what it is. (self explanatory)
    (2) Move, to your individual ability. (for this week we were given 2 challenges to do either/both/or none: Cardio: Set your alarm clock to wake you 15 min earlier just 1 day this week - Walk 1000 steps before you begin your regular routine. Strength: For an easier abs workout 3 days this week complete 10 reverse crunches - while you're still in bed, right from the comfort of your mattress!)
    (3) Set yourself up for success by shopping, prepping, and planning.
    (4) Replace negativity for anything that helps make it better. Choose to find a solution in one can be found. When there is no solution, choose positivity over a complaint.
    This is THE THING I like about WW. I track here, because it's become important to me to know what nutrients I'm getting, and to watch the sugars. But I stick with the meetings because the "lessons" are geared towards attitude and taking care of yourself, not the old "this is how you track" "this is how you should exercise" rhetoric.

    I'm super tired now, it's been a long day on not enough sleep, so I'm going to go chill now, lol. Real quick though:

    @jjansen39 I am sorry to hear about your hubby's injuries. It's easy to look to the one thing we can control in our life when it seems that there's nothing But think about what you said..."it's the only thing I can control"...that means that YOU make your food decisions, for bad or've got this! Stay focused, and it's not too late to join healthguard and I in our 5% challenge...doesn't have to be can just concentrate on what you gained this month, or any other number you choose. I know when I gain quickly, if I put my mind to it much of that (not all) will come off pretty fast. Our bodies like it when we nourish them. It would be great if you joined us. Think of a reasonable goal to get to from now toHalloween.

    @health_guard how are you doing towards 5%? I took a detour, but I'm back on track. We can do this!!! (Thanks for posting that apple cobbler - Now I want one..I have a recipe for a paleo one I want to try. I need apples)

    @theslightedgeforever thanks for the nudge - I'm going to say I am getting busy! Got my goal back in focus and I'm off and running!

    Until tomorrow!
    Karla :-)


  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,242 Member
    healthguard I forgot I changed my profile pic and kept looking for my last post lol Two hours to paint? I'd probably spend 45 min deciding which colors. Is it anything you want? Extra money is good.

    Jackie, sorry to hear about your husband. I do believe in miracles. I pray that you get one. when my mother was diagnosed with cancer I gained 15 lbs. It didn't change her situation one bit. Taking care of your husband, your health, energy, and longevity becomes even more important than ever. But having said that, I know sometimes nothing else matters but feeling good if only for a moment. So what are some other ways that make you feel good?

    karla, I looked up that squash. I have seen it in the store. I will have to try it. Nice lessons from WW.

    5% roll call Progress update:

    Where are you at as of right now? We have about 3 1/2 weeks left. So a good average would be 1.5-2% as of right now.

    I am at 2.7%

    tracked over cals by 24 over carbs by 48
    54 min walk
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,589 Member
    Morning gals: I have been away on business and had long days and nights. I was in LA, we were in a building in the penthouse. What a beautiful view. I ate better than my last trip, but not totally on track. I walked in my room every morning..LOL So back on track, I won't promise today, but at least getting back to normal. I shouldn't have any more traveling/training for a bit. Yea because it's exhausting.

    It was good to see all the post and comments about the WW meetings. Great ideas and I am glad we share in this board. We can all learn from each other. LOL at my training I just came from, it's different dealers coming together for training and sharing experiences..we call it networking. So we are networking here to help each other on our journey.

    I don't know if I will be able to catch on and respond to all the comments, but will start afresh today.

    @theslightedgeforever: I love your of the girls I work with and was with this weekend, didn't know about these and we had to set her up. It was fun. you're looking good for the 5%!

    @jjansen39 : I am sorry for the stress you are under. We will give you hugs!

    @bugmom92 : love the food, thanks for all the information. Sounds like a great meeting.

    @health_guard: Morning, sorry about the long shift. I think you are doing great. Keep the great attitude and it will take you far! I too have to go through my clothes. :(

    Okay gals I have to get ready for a webinar, I hope you guys all have a great day!

  • bugmom92
    bugmom92 Posts: 74 Member
    slightedge and health_guard - you don't need a pressure cooker to cook the kabocha...I just LOVE my pressure cooker. Google Kabocha recipes, and there's plenty of help out there. The awesome things about the pressure cooker are (1) fast cooking (2) cooks well, keeps moist (every doing meat in it) (3) makes the house smell sooooo good!

    5% challenge - I started at 209.6 and this week I was 209. I went down and up, but I got myself pulled back together now. I think I can still do it. I figured out what I have to lose each week from here on, and just changed my weekly goals. You know, if we can do 5% by Halloween (a 6 week challenge...I just realized that we can do it again and have 10% off a week before Christmas! We CAN do this! Getting to 189 before Christmas would be the best present to myself ever! I am glad it's fall, because I will make a lot more soups and chilis in the fall...easier to eat right.

    Today's planned dinner was chili, but I got a late start, so I made chicken alfredo (which made the boy who got his wisdom tooth out today's one of his favorites). Tomorrow is my "famous" Butternut Chili - it's a nice chunky beef and bean chili with a secret ingredient, butternut squash. It gives it an extra sweet and nutty flavor. I told my daughter when we were shopping and I didn't find frozen chunks of butternut at Aldi's that I can't make chili without my secret ingredient. She said since it's my Butternut Chili, it's not such a secret ingredient. I guess she has a point. lol.

    Well, long story but I only got 1 hour sleep last night, and I'm beat. Hubby's working late and at this point I'm going to fix his plate so he can reheat it and I'm going to bed. If I stay up I'll end up eating something I'll regret! I did get my 2 mile walk in with my friend (we walk 3 times a week, usually) and it was great. I can't use the excuse of "I only got 1 hours sleep last night" to get out of walking, because obviously I can walk even with that obstacle, lol.

    Goodnight all, Until tomorrow,
    Karla :-)
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,242 Member
    gemwolf Does your scale show bodyfat% Also do you take your measurements? When I gain muscle, these help me show I'm still making progress.

    cbabie Good for you for trying to stick to your plan while you were away.

    karla I'm scared of pressure cookers (childhood thing) so I won't ever be using one. lol Yes I know they have changed. A friend went on a campaign trying to sell me on them. Do you puree the butternut or just leave it in chunks?

    tracked still over on my carbs
    walked 57 min
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,242 Member
    where is everyone? hope you are following your plan

    tracked under calories over carbs by 18
    walked 53 min
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,589 Member
    Morning gals:

    I am sorry I have been missing, this trip took a lot out of me. I hit a bout of depression, binged, and took to self loathe. I deal with a dad that is well will say things like I think I am dying and then I say only you know when it's time to call a doctor...he says I was just there last week, it won't do any good...then it just goes from there. My nerves are shot, my depression hit hard, my self worth went into the toilet, my hand went to food yesterday and ate all the sugar and munchies we I am back to pulling myself up, getting back in the saddle and moving on with life. There are lots of things in my life I have no control over, but I do have control over my food, my attitude, my I am going back to the fight.

    I have to hit this hard and direct. I have to work on my anger again. I was in a good place a couple of months ago, but they let my manager go at work and have not found one to replace him and put someone that does not manage and is no support and I am very frustrated. So I am going to "deal" with that today as I don't want to go back to being angry over life. I had to look at myself and life while digging myself out of the hole and I didn't like what I saw.

    So my goals for today:

    stay OP/calories
    64 oz water
    3 cups veggies
    2 cups fruit
    Funny I almost said 1 protein...reminded me of OLD WW days..
    30 min exercies
    15- 30 min reading for my all over health

    what are your goals?

    @theslightedgeforever : I thought you were healthgaurd, I had to read your post again..(the treadmill)
    Great job on your walking, you are getting consistant. I hope to now that I am home again and my DH goes to work..oh no I just remembered he goes in 1/2 hour later now..messes with my day. Oh well stick to the plan.
    @bugmom92 I have a pressure cooker, it was my moms..I have one like the old ones, but hers is digital..I have never used it, but maybe I will with your recipe. hope you got some sleep.
    @gemwolf110: name change I need a name change. No I really just need some major changes in my life, but only those that are positive. I have gone through major LIFE changes in the last 3 years and didn't do so well, hence my 15 lbs I want to lose. LOL

    Okay gals sorry for the long post. needed to get back to my routine and you were the first stop.
