My Super Obese life at 500lbs - Taking my life back 1 day at a time!



  • LovelessFool
    LovelessFool Posts: 109 Member
    @painterm81've been so far really lucky...I started to feel like I would be lucky to see 45...but I still had the weight...and then one day I was like...I am not giving up...something just "clicked" and that was about 5 weeks ago this monday and I've felt so much better...I haven't eliminated the carbs but they are way down from where they were and now I almost feel like a new man...Can't wait to see what the 100lb drop will feel like...that's my first big goal.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    Wow, great intro post and I sincerely wish you all the best!
  • Mamawrain
    Mamawrain Posts: 9 Member
    @mamawrain Thanks! This will probably sound incredibly lame but hey since I've admitted to be a mountain of a person then I guess I can admit anything right...I learned my cooking from my Mom. I adore her in every way and I want to be the one thing she doesn't have to worry about. I'm sure she worries about burying her son. She's an itty bitty thing at 100lbs and barely 5ft tall but she's got the spirit of a Lion. I start with a hey you know sounds yummy! BBQ chicken then I look at about 100 recipes online from low carb, to low fat, to low everything and try to adapt something among them all that will fit my diet and then from there I try to see if I can burn it just enough to still be edible..and as for batteries...stock up on them because trial and error when cooking you may burn through a few..also stock up on Tylenol..those things can be pretty loud!

    That doesn't sound lame at all! Sweetie, I lost my son and the fact that it matters to you that your mom doesn't have to worry about you is AWESOME!! in my book. I'm so proud of you! You are my one of my biggest inspirations right now. THANK YOU! God Bless your your momma. She raised a good son. And yes, I stocked up on the batteries and bought myself a crock pot today :smiley: WOOHOO! Can't wait to dive into those recipes (seriously). I'm having fun with this. I never thought losing weight would be fun but I'm enjoying each day as it ends and I see the accomplishments. To someone else it may only be .3 of a lb. but to me *DOING THE HAPPY DANCE* lol
  • Mamawrain
    Mamawrain Posts: 9 Member
    The ones that don't seem to give in to that knock-kneed waddle where the lower legs are splayed out like a tripod.

    LOL I am always worried that I look like that. I'm thinking not so much and I'm on my way down so it's all good for now :wink:

  • MarkusDarwath
    MarkusDarwath Posts: 393 Member
    If you're worried about it, you're probably forcing yourself not to do it <thumbs up> I found myself in that mode with the pain in my knees, trying to force myself to walk normal instead of with that 'heading for knee replacement surgery' gait. I haven't always succeeded, but being now 30 pounds down from what I started at this time, I have noticed less pain of late.
  • LovelessFool
    LovelessFool Posts: 109 Member
    edited July 2016
    @Mamawrain You dance your butt off girl! At the end of the day it's all about how you are feeling and a crock-pot is a GREAT idea because you burn much less stuff and well it will save you $$$ on batteries...those suckers aren't cheap! I attribute a lot of who I am as a person to my Mom. I was the oldest of 3 kids and She didn't have an easy time raising us with the little help she got from my Step-Dad. He's been with mom around 40 years now and he's much better today that he was when we were growing up...but yeah there wasn't much love from him. I think I heard I love you from him for the first time when I was 19..and he was my Dad from the time I was 2. I'm sure we all have our stories so I won't bore anyone but she really did a great job being a full time mom, having a full time job, and being as strong as she was...She's my hero and who I look to for strength when I don't feel like I have any.

    I get sad I kind of let myself go like this and put all that worry on her...I never wanted or intended to...but I took a peek at the scale today...and Tomorrow should be AWESOME...I've lost weight before and roller coaster'd all over the place so I know at some point I am going to slow down but 5 weeks in tomorrow...I'm pretty proud of my number and although it doesn't really seem mathematically possible when you look at BMR, Calories burned, etc...etc..and what I thought was a dead metabolism...I just am not sure how the weight is coming off but really I don't care, it is and sooner or later it will slow so I'm not focusing on numbers..I'm focusing on how I feel each week. I weigh once a week (Mondays), in the morning after my shower, and before I weigh I write down how I'm feeling, a short note on how I thought I did during the week, and then I see the number...I like to write down how I'm feeling first so I can look back on that and tell the number to "take a hike" if it ever isn't as low as I wanted because it's not about numbers it's about feeling. I do the number I guess as a way to track things like MFP does and it adjusts the goal numbers etc..but really it's just that and I constantly tell myself that if I ever have that "Oh my that number sucked" I get to look at my pep talk before hand I wrote down about how I felt...So far of course those feelings have been great...can't imagine feeling crappy only to get a crappy number too..but I don't dwell on that..I try to stay positive and tell myself..You are going to be a better you. This is a life changing course you are on now and you can do this. All the support from everyone and people like you make me take pause and smile how many others can care about strangers. It makes the world feel a little smaller than it really is and makes me hope for a better tomorrow. Thanks again for your thoughts and good luck on the recipe hunt! I've also learned a lot about cooking from Mom, just tweaking some of those home cookin' meals to be home healthy meals is what I'm experimenting with now.
  • LovelessFool
    LovelessFool Posts: 109 Member
    Today...I really started digging into music...things that can keep your spirit up and get you moving...inspiration comes in all forms and I really love music...I've gone back to the times in the 80's where I'd sit listening to the radio to try and grab that song I just had to have to make my Mix Tape was I a dork!...But I think probably more than a few of us were...

    I hope everyone is having a great day and you put on your Kickin' Butt Armor today to battle back those cravings, and plus hey Armor is heavy can help you lose weight...thinking of I lose weight, I've already proven I can carry it so when it's right and healthy for me I think I'll put weights on and do the workouts...burn and keep that muscle I don't want to lose.

    See everyone tomorrow!
  • LovelessFool
    LovelessFool Posts: 109 Member
    I've not been updating this post much but now I've lost 72lbs and I'm at 445.lbs and am on track to lose most my weight in a year. Thanks for all the new friends and the ppl who have believed in me. You all are and have been amazing.
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    High five!!
  • perkymommy
    perkymommy Posts: 1,642 Member
    511 to 476 in 30 days is awesome! Feel free to friend me if you would like. I am married and don't usually add men but I would love to follow you in your journey.
  • Catawampous
    Catawampous Posts: 447 Member
    Every day is a new day. Good job on making the decision to get YOU back. You can do it!
  • lilltessiiie
    lilltessiiie Posts: 57 Member
    You are such an inspiration! A few weeks has past since you last posted, LovelessFool, how are you doing? What are your struggles and have you found any good strategies to overcome your struggles?
  • Laurie6578
    Laurie6578 Posts: 154 Member
    Keep doing what you have been doing for the last 30 days. That is fabulous progress. You will start feeling better and better and that's such a great motivator to keep going. Set mini goals because it feels great to reach them! Even though it may be uncomfortable to take pics now you will like to see how your body changes over the months. I've lost 48 with 80 more to go. Every once in a while I pick up two 20 lb weights and carry them through the house to remind myself how hard it was physically to carry that much extra weight and the toll it took on my energy every day. I too did research on how carbs affect weight - insulin levels is key for many of us. I love following some of the threads on this website to help keep me motivated too. Some of my favorites is the non-scale victories and what they didn't tell you about losing weight. There is also a low carb group on here that has members who have a wealth of knowledge. You can do this! Look forward to hearing about your progress!